What's with the moving to Florida thing??


Full time employment: Posting here.
Sep 4, 2017
It seems the knee-jerk plan for retirees is to move to Fla.
Sure it is warmer, no snow, etc. but, what's so scary about cold weather?
Throw a sweater on. Hire someone else to do your driveway.

I've lived in Fla a bit and a lot of folks hide indoors in AC.
I don't get the attraction. It must be me.
Well there is cold weather, and then there is COLD WEATHER.
Coming from the Northern Plans/Great White North there is 10days every Jan-Feb where the high is below zero.
Every holiday in college was lets play "Out Run the Blizzard or spend it in the dorm".
4x4 + chains required to get to the grocery store
etc etc etc.
No thanks. Been there, done that, not doing it again.
Well there is cold weather, and then there is COLD WEATHER.
Coming from the Northern Plans/Great White North there is 10days every Jan-Feb where the high is below zero.
Every holiday in college was lets play "Out Run the Blizzard or spend it in the dorm".
4x4 + chains required to get to the grocery store
etc etc etc.
No thanks. Been there, done that, not doing it again.

Hmmm, grew up on the shores of Lake Superior. Had a paper route when I was 11. 20 below for weeks at a time. Can't remember one single individual who ever had chains on their cars. I went to college in the Twin Cities. Yup, blizzards every year. We looked forward to them. I spent some time in Florida too. People spend way more time inside in the A/C in Florida then people spend inside with the heat on in WI/MN in the cold winter's.

Your results may vary.
The way to do it is the snow bird thing. Winter in the keys and summer in Portland Maine. We spend couple weeks at end of Jan each year in the keys. My only worry about spending 4 months each year is that it would be living there not on vacation. Don’t know how that would change it but has me wondering.
Been retired in FLA for 2 years.
Bottom line is one must love the heat if here full time.
I will not stay inside on any given day just due to the weather.
Will play Pickleball with the heat index at 105 around 5 days a week.
Don't miss the cold one bit.
Hmmm, grew up on the shores of Lake Superior. Had a paper route when I was 11. 20 below for weeks at a time. Can't remember one single individual who ever had chains on their cars. I went to college in the Twin Cities. Yup, blizzards every year. We looked forward to them. I spent some time in Florida too. People spend way more time inside in the A/C in Florida then people spend inside with the heat on in WI/MN in the cold winter's.

Your results may vary.

Had the same reaction. No chains on our cars in the 70s. The VW Bug tho, did have oversized snowtires on the back. Had to put a bit of weight in the bonnet. That little beastie cut thro the snow like a hot knife in butter.

The other thing is that in the winter you can put on extra clothes to go outside in the snow.
You can only take off so many articles of clothing to go outside in the heat. Although sadly many take off more than they should.
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I live in northern Wisconsin. I absolutely have had my fill of freezing cold cold cold weather, shoveling snow, driving in the snow and ice....and now have arthritis in my fingers. I’m not moving to Florida as I am also not a fan of humidity. Arizona is in my plan. It’s hot in the summers, but at least I won’t have to shovel sunshine. Not sure the attraction to Florida for many retirees. I’m guessing they haven’t been to Arizona. lol. They have they fair share of snowbirds too.
Don't mind Fla, but boy the traffic at least along the Gulf Coast was a nightmare. Don't know although I doubt that it is any better. Arizona would be our warm weather option, although getting way too many people and what about water?

We look forward to the day that the Great State of Superior arises and stakes claim to all water in Lake Gitchegummee. The south and southwest will be at our mercy.
I like Florida, the fish is wonderful. Stone crabs. Grouper. Gulf shrimp. The water is warm and the livin is easy.

But not in the summer time.
It's not all weather. It's a total improvement in the standard of living for many retirees. Sure the seafood's great.

Many seem to prefer not to have any state income taxes too. Seems the farther north you go, the heavier state income and property taxes are.
I have spent all my adult life in the SW, so have not experienced snow country. But when in Valdez, I stopped by the Tourist Information office, and chatted with a young man at the desk. He was from Valdez, and went up to Fairbanks to attend college and was back to Valdez.

Now, Valdez calls itself the snow capital of the US. Average snowfall is 306 inches. The record snowfall is 561 inches (47 ft or 14 m). However, being a coastal town Valdez is not that cold.

On the other hand, being inland, Fairbanks holds the record of the coldest large city in the US, with a record low of -66F (-54C). For comparison, the coldest temperature in Iceland is only -40F (-40C), and in Norway it is -61F (-51C).

Yet, this young man told me that he would rather be in Fairbanks than Valdez. He said when it was cold but dry in Fairbanks, he could bundle up and go outside, but when snow piled up high in Valdez there was nothing to do but to stay cooped up inside.

I thought that was interesting.
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I can deal much better with cold than heat. So between Florida and Wisconsin I would choose Wisconsin. Thankfully we are in a mild 4 seasons on the West coast.
I can deal much better with cold than heat.
Me too. I lived 2 years in Eastern WA during the late 60s when we had some lows of -40F. I loved it, but I would not so much now. Lying down in the snow to fit chains back on, sliding into snowbanks, etc etc not really fun anymore. But thankfully there is a lot between that crap and bug heaven Florida. Florida is best the way the 1930s mobsters used it. Only right around Miami, only at the beach, and only in winter. That might suit me fine. But I couldn't afford it.

This is a good year in Seattle. No smoke, pretty sunny and also nice and cool. As long as BC doesn't catch fire this summer, I'll be in hog heaven.

I think Teacher Terry is in Northern Nevada. A magnificent place!

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It seems the knee-jerk plan for retirees is to move to Fla.
Sure it is warmer, no snow, etc. but, what's so scary about cold weather?
Throw a sweater on. Hire someone else to do your driveway.

I've lived in Fla a bit and a lot of folks hide indoors in AC.
I don't get the attraction. It must be me.
florida is too humid...we prefer AZ in the winter. glad you like the snow. we don't.
After 3 years working outdoors in Florida I have decided to keep my home in Michigan. Snowbirding is what works for us. The key factor is that we're no longer working and subject to dealing with the weather much at all. If it's too cold or wet stay inside or fly someplace else. To me that's what FIRE is about.
Too hot/humid in summer, and no hurricanes for me.
I have a bunch of friends and neighbors who have recently bought places in Florida. Some snowbirds, some are relocating there.

I haven't found anywhere in Florida where I'd like to move or snowbird. Too humid. Too much traffic. And back yards have to have bug tents. And I don't want to be anywhere near a hurricane zone.
Family has wintered in Florida since the 1940's. We come back to New England for the summers.

Weather, taxes and general lifestyle remain the draws for us; more people who know how to live IMO.

There's just something about reading how it's 9 degrees in Boston while planning a day at the beach or dinner at an outdoor restaurant; just being able to go for a walk--in shorts--without fear of slipping on ice is huge for my mom.

Coming from the Boston area, it always takes us a few days to get over the shock of running into genuinely friendly strangers without having wonder what their game is. (That guy really is...just complementing you on your car...he's just being nice...no agenda...take your hand off your wallet...let your guard down!)
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It seems the knee-jerk plan for retirees is to move to Fla.
Sure it is warmer, no snow, etc. but, what's so scary about cold weather?
Throw a sweater on. Hire someone else to do your driveway.

I've lived in Fla a bit and a lot of folks hide indoors in AC.
I don't get the attraction. It must be me.

You actually don't understand why some people might prefer heat to cold?

Personally, I love having four seasons. That said, my wife and I may be looking to shave some time off of the cold months and add going somewhere warmer.
I always went to Florida july/august. It was great to golf. Low season, cheap prices, and no one on the course in the afternoon!

We did however go to florida end of Dec into early Jan 2018/2019. Man, what a difference. It was amazing. Temp wise, 60s-70s, and that was in jacksonville. Ive only known florida for 90+ degrees and major humidity. I get why people snowbird there.

As for living there full time, im not sure. Living there for 3 months at a time, absolutely. We do like the 4 seasons, especially fall. We were in hawaii a couple years ago over halloween. It was odd for us seeing kids trick or treating in costumes when it was 80 degrees and we were in shorts/t shirt. We're not used to that coming from PA.
To each his/her own. We lived in FL for 3 years, didn’t like it. We lived near Chicago for 26 years, lovely city but got tired of winters. I’m sure the snowbird approach is great, but I’d wonder about maintaining friendships being gone 6 months out of the year, and the cost and logistics. We moved to N.C., hope it’s a happy medium.

Folks in FL may “hide indoors” in Summer. How is that different than folks up north hiding indoors in Winter?
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As I age, my tolerance for cold temperatures (Northern Ohio) has diminished greatly, and I spend far more time huddled near the woodstove than I do outside. Some days, the only time I am truly comfortable is my morning shower, or in my heated waterbed at night.

I relish my time in the sun during the Summer, and rarely wear shoes, always have shorts on, and can comfortably watch evening TV in a 82 degree non-air conditioned, house.

I fully understand the Florida thing, but don't understand hiding in the A/C, I would be out all morning doing things. It's so refreshing not to have to bundle up to go shopping, or to deal with ice/snow.
Grew up in the UK, smelling like a wet dog most of the time (Constant Rain). Spent early w*rk years in Canada, freezing for 6 months, then off to SoCAL (Weather Heaven) for 15 years (That was it, no more winters for us), but could not enjoy it that much as the traffic was diabolical, ocean cold and beaches always soo crowded. Retired in the Caribbean, weather hot yes, warm oceans, great people, great food, but those damn whirly winds put a damper on things in summer.

Then moved to NE FLA, not quite SoCAL weather heaven, but not too shabby, beautiful uncrowded beaches, MCOL, Average people, excellent healthcare, everything within easy reach including seclusion if one likes that king of thing. Yes summers are warm, but better than freezing winters any day, and one does get used to it. I cannot remember the last time I wore long trousers and closed shoes. :)

If property cost were not so high for a tiny home in Hawaii that is where we would be. But we cannot imagine living full time in a 1000sq older home or condo, and we are not about to spend $2m+ on a nice Hawaii paradise. So NE, FLA seems not so bad.
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Lived in Maine, Florida, Arizona, California, Minnesota, Michigan, Utah, etc., etc.

So, I guess I know the extremes of hot and cold climates.

Florida is great from about October-April ( IMHO ) - The rest of the year it is like walking out into a wet diaper that smells of rotting foliage and...OLD PEOPLE.

Not to mention that Florida (and it's weather) also attracts all sorts of critters...Meth Heads, Homeless, and general Skeezoids.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.... :)
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