What to post on LinkedIn for FIRE?


Recycles dryer sheets
Mar 25, 2019
If I want to keep the door open...?

Just end last employer and leave blank?
how open do you want the door to be?

Are you ready to interface with the recruiters that will hit you up?
I just put "retired" on mine, I still get emails for available jobs so I guess they don't
filter for that.
I kept my LinkedIn account for 10 years after I RE'd. Just six months ago, I deleted the account.

Not so much about closing the door to opportunities ( I wouldn't have been interested in any way, shape or form) but more about fully acknowledging that I had moved on from that part of my life.

Saying "Sabbatical" leaves a lot of room for negative speculation IMO; either leave it blank or maybe 'self employed'; easier to explain than "...I wasn't sure I wanted to work anymore..."

We had an applicant who took a year off....fully/best qualified but the year off just sunk him.
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I haven't touched mine. Last time i tried, I got a request to update my password, so figured...eh, i don't care enough to bother.
how open do you want the door to be?

Are you ready to interface with the recruiters that will hit you up?

Good point... don’t want to be inundated.... that’s what happened when I first investigated health care options...

Might just go blank.
Funny... tried to post a pic of that on my final “out of office message”... alas, could put pics in.
funny ....

I updated my picture to Jack Nicholson in the movie Shining, where he pokes his head through the broken door and says "Here's Johnny" .

Funny, I get emails every week that I appeared in searches, but no one has reached out to me for a job. :LOL:
At retirement, I donated my w*rk wardrobe to Goodwill. Then I deleted my LinkedIn account. Also took several other steps to divorce me from the world of the w*rking stiff.
After a few months I might be interested in a part-time gig with my previous employer or someone else, so I put "Testing the retirement waters." If that causes issues, such as bothersome queries about unwanted opportunities, or I realize that I never want to work again, I'll change it to something like, "Left work to explore other lifestyles."
If I want to keep the door open...?

Just end last employer and leave blank?

You can find the section in LinkedIn that sets your status. That is what potential employers search upon. Each time I go to find that status section I get lost...
I changed my profile to indicate that I’m retired and no longer participate in social media, but my contact information is correct if somebody would like to connect f2f for a beer or “some such”. I still get job offers, but do not respond.
I changed my title to "head bottle washer" but still got emails from headhunters, so I went in and changed every setting I could find.

Why I don't delete it puzzles even me. I never really cared about it when working but kept it just for a contacts list that stayed up to date just in case I needed a job. I think I might go delete it right now.

We talked about this not too long ago, I think.

Why I don't delete it puzzles even me. I never really cared about it when working but kept it just for a contacts list that stayed up to date just in case I needed a job. I think I might go delete it right now.

I'm keeping my LinkedIn account because I don't use FB or any other social media, so it gives people a way to contact me if they don't have my phone number or email.
During my 1 work day a week stint in 2011 or 2012, I changed my title to "Project Consultant". Which is what I was until 2014 when I fully retired. I just logged in to Linked in for the first time since 2012. Interesting. Lots of my former contacts are still working. Quite depressing reading all that work related stuff.
Mine was connected to my work email address so it really didn't matter, but I deleted the account.
I'm 6 months into FIRE and this is what I've done w/LinkedIn thus far:

*Found the feature so that no-one is alerted when I updated my profile
*Updated my new job to CONSULTANT (LOL...you never know....and a couple of headhunters have reached out.)

As mentioned above, I don't do other social media so it is a way for folks to find me. I think I will delete my profile in a year or so and I look forward to that. I never sign in and find the "folks are searching you" emails annoying and glad that era is behind me.
I did let my contacts know that I retired, and changed my status to "Independent Consultant" (ask me anything, I will be happy to give an answer. No guarantees if it is right :D).

An interesting number of my contacts still think I am working, I just tell "yep, working hard... on being retired".

I still get recruiting requests, I am interested in seeing what skills they are looking for. Of course as soon as I respond with my requirements, the recruiter usually (politely) stops. :)

It is the main social media account I keep active. Most of my contacts are also my saner friends, I find it has much less "noise" that other social media outlets, I like to monitor with various IT and business development and trends and it helps, and they only bug me about becoming a "premium" member once a quarter. :)
"Portfolio Manager" at "Home Office". I still get spam from LinkedIn with "Jobs you may Like" but I ignore them.
Like others said, I just added "Retired" at the end of my most recent job description. I still get plenty of job offers and most have been for well more than what I was making when I retired a year ago.
I just completely cancelled today. Don’t know why I was hanging on. 90% of my feeds were people from different Pharmaceutical companies patting themselves on the back with sickening statements like...”I am just so honored and humbled to have won Presidents Club again!” “I wish everyone could qualify like me...see you in Maui!”

Couldn’t take it anymore.

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