Intermittent Fasting, Yes it Works

Made it! Day 1 in the books. Just over 18 hours. The stomach got a little grumbly near the end, but not too bad. I really didn't think about it much and that seemed to be the trick.

Lunch time.
I didn't know there was a term for this. I thought it was just the normal way to eat. Have dinner then nothing until breakfast. Should be about 14hrs. Maybe skip breakfast occasionally and go 16-18hrs. That is how I always eat. Never thought it was any special diet.
It's great to see so much literature and research into this topic, explaining more specifically what's going on with intermittent fasting; the science to what I think I discovered by chance in my college days...

When I was stressed by a workload (studying for finals... or working a mentally demanding project) I would skip dinner, and get a lot more done those nights; I'd have a noticeable spike in productivity, focus and mental fortitude. When I became aware of this, I reduced the amount I ate for dinner on a regular basis and often found I had more energy, slept better and felt happier, or somewhat less 'brain fog' for lack of a better term. For a while I thought this was sugar or salt related, but then I realized it was 'snacking' related... that I'd often snack on carb heavy things while watching TV, usually at night, and this could have the opposite mental effect.

From what I've gathered, basically this boils down to our chemistry, in evolutionary driven processes. In the way back days when a group, or tribe was short on food (fasting not by choice), the members with heightened mental ability (brains that focus mental acuteness on solutions, and give the energy to follow them through) thrived and saved the group from starvation by innovation, ideas and plans that would produce, find and secure food for themselves and others... over time, those who could do this were rewarded so much that this ability to have a heightened mental state from fasting manifested in us all :)

Pretty neat stuff... I wish we taught this to our children in school. Would be helpful for life, to know our bodies better and how we react to not only what we eat, but when we eat it.
Follow up on this: daily practice, right? Or is this schedule 5, 6 days a week? Surely, you allow exceptions. I'm at approx. 14 hours. I sleep so much better on an empty stomach, so to speak. I'm always miserable after a social thing where we eat after 7 pm.
I do it every day. I have had to make a few exceptions but every few. If it was after 6 I did forfeit a dinner to live by my commitment to this program. Like today I went 17 hour with out eating and will not eat after 530pm tonight.
If you're a body builder and a cyclist, would this IF work or would you need more protein to build muscle?
I started the 16:8 IF on Jan 1st or 2nd. Generally, my 8 hours eating/fed is 11a-7p.

I'm fairly active in playing pickleball/PB 3 times per week but still overweight. I'm pretty tired after PB and generally don't play 2 days in a row. Want to hike and do other activities more in retirement (SO will retire in the spring and I'm retired).

I'm using an Android App to keep track of my start and end times. It is pretty popular but probably not necessary.
(Zero )

The attached PDF has some great overview of the theoretical 'hour-by-hour' breakdown of your 24 or longer hr fast. It was from the first Android App I tried but the times windows started not working. Possibly a user error but the one above is basic and works well ... and I can edit the start times for the fed or fast ... ie realize I ended my dinner 30 minutes ago I can click the 'start fasting' and adjust the time to 30 minutes agao.

Below images are from the Zero app above just now (12:59am)


  • Fasting App - Fasting Tracker & Intermittent Fast.pdf
    1.4 MB · Views: 41
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I started following a fasting regime (8/16) 4 weeks ago. Mostly I wanted to lose weight. In that sense it has been a resounding success: already lost 3 kg (6.6 lbs) and feel better, have more energy, seem to be more alert. I'm now a convert for life. It just feels so much better not to be always putting food into my mouth. I feel more in line with my evolutionary history. "Highly recommend."

Today is day 3. I find 16-18 hours without food is actually not that hard. I do look forward to the first meal however.
No other signs, good or bad to report. I want to push it maybe over the weekend to a 24 hour fast and see how I do with that.
I do not have any decrease in energy during workouts.
Question: Those practicing time restricted eating (Dr. Attia) or intermittent fasting posters, are you taking supplements or do you include the necessary food groups in your meals?
since i fired (1/3/2020) i stopped eating in the morning and have lost a few pounds - we have been eating from noon to 8pm
Question: Those practicing time restricted eating (Dr. Attia) or intermittent fasting posters, are you taking supplements or do you include the necessary food groups in your meals?

Excellent question. Along with eating within a 6-8 hour window I also try to keep my overall calorie count to about 1500-1700 calories. Even my doctor said that's not much food and doesn't know how I do it. But I am almost never hungry with any intensity.

I take 500-1000 mg of Vit "C" and 1000 iu of Vit "D" almost every day but only during the Winter. I take, literally a small piece of a Vit B-12 pill a few times per month. The bottle says it's 8000% of what you need. I figure I'm, getting plenty no matter how I break.

My overall intake is exclusively vegetables and nuts M-F. On Weekends I'll have some fish or meat. The past two years or so I've started treating myself to some higher carb meals on weekends also. Usually a small pasta dish of some kind. I keep a jar of that protein powder stuff athletes use but almost never use it.

It's all the stuff they "say" is good for you but it's also horribly "unbalanced" by the same accounting. It can't be both but I am not a fan of any dietary hand wringer's protocols. We're omnivores. A little more this, a little less that doesn't matter.

The only dietary "goods" I have found that really do apply to most people most of the time are A) Low carb is better than high carb and B) Don't eat too much.
Ok. I'm interested. Is there a book or a specific website I should be looking at? Does black coffee count?

Black coffee does not take you out of your fast.

I like to know why it works...I am doing 18/6 and it is working, and more than just weight loss. Lots of info on youtube. I found the book “the obesity code” by Dr Jason Fung to be very helpful. Appendix B has great Q&A.
Black coffee does not take you out of your fast.

I like to know why it works...I am doing 18/6 and it is working, and more than just weight loss. Lots of info on youtube. I found the book “the obesity code” by Dr Jason Fung to be very helpful. Appendix B has great Q&A.

OK, here is my simplistic take on "why" as gleaned from the few sources I have read or watched.
It takes your gut about 12 hours to process what's in it. After that your body turns to fat stores for energy, but that kicks in after 16 hours or so. There are way more things going on, but that is my elevator pitch on "how".
eroscott, very cool post! Now it seems maybe, one 24 hour fast every week or two would be great. It almost seems the longer you go without food, the better for your body. I think my Hungarian grandmother did a 24 hour fast every week, I was very young but I remember this.

I'm not reading anything about starvation. At what point do we actually start starving?
I fast from 9:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. every day. So far I haven't seen any weight loss.
I do IF. I eat from about 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. It will be interesting to see my blood work next month, but I really do feel better. As my doctor says, our bodies are designed to deal better with starvation than over feeding. The fasting sets off healing hormones, etc. A friend who goes to the same doctor has cut her metformin in half and has lost a lot of weight. In another year she may be off meds entirely. It's pretty painless too--regulating hours is easier than regulating calories or carbs.
I do IF. I eat from about 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. It will be interesting to see my blood work next month, but I really do feel better. As my doctor says, our bodies are designed to deal better with starvation than over feeding. The fasting sets off healing hormones, etc. A friend who goes to the same doctor has cut her metformin in half and has lost a lot of weight. In another year she may be off meds entirely. It's pretty painless too--regulating hours is easier than regulating calories or carbs.

That is very true in my case as well. Actually very easy and when busy I never even think about eating.
Ok. I'm interested. Is there a book or a specific website I should be looking at? Does black coffee count?

I have been intermittent fasting for over 2 years. I read the book Delay Don’t Deny by Gin Stephens. She has 3 Facebook groups and twice weekly podcast. She also has a website with lots of information.

I eat one meal a day with a snack. My eating window is normally 1 to 3 hours. It is very flexible way of eating. Secret is in a clean fast. You can have water, black coffee, black tea or green tea. Nothing with any flavors, no artificial sugars.

It is the easiest way of eating I have ever done. There are so many health benefits.
Attia is one sharp fellow, have been following him for a while, despite the frequency of medical jargon that flies over my head.

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