Coronavirus - Travel impact

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Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
May 15, 2008
Are you traveling soon? Are you planning to modify your travel plans (cancel? reschedule/postpone?) or modify your behaviors (wear a mask perhaps?) due to coronavirus?

We flew into Toronto about 10 days ago. Some of the people we know indicated that they did not want to see us for a few more days until we were "in the clear." I was rather surprised by this, as from my understanding, everyone who has been found positive so far in the US or elsewhere has visited Wuhan, and I've never even been to China, and I didn't go through airports that any of the people so far were found positive. It's possible that I sat on the same aircraft they might have sat on some other date, but I wouldn't know.

It feels like catching this is less likely than winning a big lotto jackpot but...
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We flew into Toronto about 10 days ago and some of the people we know indicated that they did not want to see us for a few more days until we're "in the clear."

"Message in a bottle....(sending out an SOS)." :LOL:
From my can take several weeks for the virus to show up even after a person is ill, so an already-afflicted person may be exposing others to the coronavirus unknowingly.

And airports are the "bus terminals" of the skies...with all sorts of traffic connecting from hither and thither, so you don't have to have been in China. Someone who has been in China and has been on your plane or sat next to you in the departure lounge or passed through TSA close enough for person-to-person contact is sufficient.

I'm glad I don't have any airplane travel scheduled. I do worry about those that do.

From what I've read, those cheapo face masks that you see Asian travelers wearing don't really help. You need one of the more expensive N-95 masks or better.

But the most critical thing, from what I've read, is to keep washing your hands.

(During the SARS outbreak, researchers noticed that few in Japan were being stricken. Further research indicated that Japanese kids are taught from an early age to always wash their hands when they arrive at home. This habit is now deeply ingrained throughout all ages in their culture. And it is credited with having a great impact on the lack of SARS cases in Japan.)

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Saw a few more masks than usual on our layover at O'Hare on Sunday. Made me consider that i should wear one.
From my can take several weeks for the virus to show up even after a person is ill,


A few articles I read said, up to 2 weeks, but that its symptoms will most likely appear much sooner. I didn't see anything that said, several weeks.
DW and I will be travelling next month. I'm a little nervous. We'll be slathering on the Purell and I'm now considering an N-95 mask that omni550 mentioned.
I'm flying on Friday. I'm not so concerned about the risk now, but I'll be flying home on 2/28. I'm going to take along my N95 masks just in case I want one on the return flight. I've had the masks for a few years because of the air quality in Eastern Washington when British Columbia is on fire. I haven't used them yet but figured it was nice to have them just in case -- they always sell out locally when the air gets really bad.
I'm flying next week, and was thinking about seeing if I can find a mask (unlikely, only packs of 100 on amazon lol), but then I did the same research - useless.

On our trips to Japan we learned that masks were used as a courtesy, used mainly by those with a cold or illness to cover themselves and help prevent the spread of their germs to others - not for their own protection.

I mean I'm not in any rush to fly to China right now anyway, but a domestic trip? No additional concern.
Outside of a healthcare setting, a mask may not be as helpful as you would think. Apparently, putting the masks on the sick people would be more effective. Wash your hands often.
The article is correct that surgical masks are mostly used to keep infected people from infecting others. N95+ masks, however, if fitted properly, can help reduce exposure to airborne particulates, including aerosolized pathogens. I will probably wear one when I fly domestically in 3 weeks unless there are no more US cases and the quarantine in China seems to be working. I mean, I usually don't need a seat belt, either, but I wear one because the risk isn't worth it.
By the way, N95 means it filters out 95% of airborne particles, so that or above is recommended. P95 means the same thing, but it is resistant to oil (??), so if your local hardware store only has a P99 mask, that would do at least as well as an N95 mask. Anything without an N or P rating is probably not worth it.

I already had one Amazon order cancelled, so I am glad I picked up 4 masks at the local hardware store before that happened, just in case.
Well, I figure, if nothing more, it'll act as a reminder to not touch our faces before washing our hands or rubbing on the Purell.
That's a great reason. The one public health professional to get sick after working in Wutan said he must have been infected due to his lack of goggles, as his mask seemed like it should have been effective. None of us should see the concentrated exposure that he did, but it is still a possible vector.
This is what the cool kids are wearing. Only $22.50 at American Science and Surplus.

Our next trip is a driving trip into the hinterlands of Utah. Then on to Las Vegas and Phoenix. Shouldn’t be too much of a medical risk on this type of trip. Maybe an issue in Las Vegas due to the amount of travelers there. But I don’t plan on changing our travel plans for this trip.
We’re planning a trip to Disneyland in March. I’m in wait and see mode. Not sure I want to congregate with the crowds in the park if this grows more in the US.

Chief Medical Officer Dr. David Williams said in a press conference this afternoon that the Ministry of Health has “never recommended” face masks. Williams acknowledged that while other cultures practice the use of face masks, it would not benefit Canadians to use them according to The Star.

He added that one is better off to avoid putting their hands near their face than the use of face masks. Williams also recommended taking standard fly protocols to protect yourself from the coronavirus.

Face masks quickly and easily become dirty from lack of washing stated Williams, making them even more habitable for germs inside the mask, rather than what could be on the other side.
Canceled 14 day cruise around British islands and Norway In June. Wednesday was the last day I could cancel with no lost money. Didn’t want to be sick on a big ship with a thousand sick people and one doctor.
Face masks quickly and easily become dirty from lack of washing stated Williams, making them even more habitable for germs inside the mask, rather than what could be on the other side.

Well that bureaucrat is pretty stupid, since they are disposable in nature.
Also I'd rather have my own germs, than catch the Crono virus from someone.
Canceled 14 day cruise around British islands and Norway In June. Wednesday was the last day I could cancel with no lost money. Didn’t want to be sick on a big ship with a thousand sick people and one doctor.

Hey, we might be on that ship.... now you have me thinking ... can you imagine if the ports would not allow the plague ship to dock. It would turn into a floating graveyard.
My kids got back from Vietnam and Thailand today and I will see them tomorrow. I wouldn’t be going to China but at this point I am not canceling our Europe trip in August.
Have 1 trip to the islands in April and a cruise in June. Not thinking of cancelling as of now.
Been lucky with airborne types of exposure to date, as never even had the flu.
Got off a cruise ship in Florida 2 weeks ago, traveled around the state a while and flew home. No problems. CDC says the risk in the US is very low at present and they are watching closely.
Leaving in two days for a month in Ho Chi Minh City (and side trip to Hanoi) for some pro bono consulting work at a nonprofit. Talked to my hosts and they indicated it's not seen as an emergency or worth undue worry at this point. Only two reported cases in all of VN so far. So, my wife and I are keeping our plans and taking "Sterillium" disinfectant with us for airplane tray tables, doorknobs, etc.

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