Coronavirus - Health aspects

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Now the new cases have jumped again, 130 cases on the princess cruise ship, 908 deaths, 40,171 infected on China mainland.

130 people getting infected on the cruise ship is quite shocking. This thing seems so easy to spread.
Agreed, the cruise ship number of infections is shocking.

AFAIK they are only testing folks who are showing signs of illness.
You are a little late. N95 masks are basically sold out globally. If you get lucky you may find some at a hardware store or similar, but if you buy online they are basically being scalped. Tyvek suits seem to be headed in that direction as well. Gloves still seem to be available, but I think I read that they are mostly made in China so I suspect we will not see them resupplied once stocks here are gone.

I ordered 30 N95 masks 2 weeks ago and the supplier waited 1 week to ship so I got worried. It arrived yesterday so I felt like the window shut behind me. $50 for 30 masks so I lucked out. I got everything else except the Tyvek suits. I will pack the supplies in a box and worry less about a possible outbreak. Reports are coming in about the virus mutating into something more deadly that the current 2% fatality rate which affects the elderly more. I am close to 70 so I am part of that elderly group.

Next step is to buy emergency food supply so I can hunker down in my home for a month or two. This may mean canned or packaged food with long expiration dates.
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Not so. South India is largely vegetarian altho they do not suffer the ill effects of vegetarianism and imbalanced diets because of poor sanitation standards. ie they eat lots of insects and bug excrement to get their protein. Unintended consequences.

Northern India eats meat and meat by products. (Think "Ghee") They are not vegetarian. Why aren't they a hot bed of diseases especially heart disease? As to why infectious diseases do not seem to originate from India is obviously a much more complicated situation than being vegetarian or believing these vegetarians are not consuming animal bodies. Because they are.
Right. It is the exotics being consumed. In Africa, that would include monkeys, which have lead to other famous disease issues.

Indian culture sticks with non-exotics for the most part. Goat, sheep, lamb and chicken. Although goat is a bit exotic for me, but culturally, it has a very long history of safety.
Goat, sheep, lamb and chicken. Although goat is a bit exotic for me, but culturally, it has a very long history of safety.

Perhaps a rule of thumb is to be cognizant of the dietary habits of the animal you're consuming....and what parasites they attract/are exposed to.
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... I will pack the supplies in a box and worry less about a possible outbreak. ...
I'm not sure how this is going to work. You have protective gear which will enable you to go out of the house during an outbreak. So the plan, if it comes to an outbreak in your area, is to stay in the house and eat long-expiration date food you purchased earlier (aka 'hunker down'), using the protective gear if there's no alternative to going out of the house. You'd presumably be going to places where the risk of acquiring the virus is high. I can think of two places you'd need or want to go: to get food or to get medical treatment (any others?). Would you be re-using the protective gear, and have some kind of decontamination process as you came and went from the virus-free zone of your house?
To paraphrase a quote attributed to Joe Louis - "You can run but you can't hide."
I'm not sure how this is going to work...... . Would you be re-using the protective gear, and have some kind of decontamination process as you came and went from the virus-free zone of your house?

I think he is going to need many gallons of bleach stockpiled.

Mix bleach solution about 9 parts water to 1 part bleach and use a spray bottle to get sprayed all over (outside house), wait 10 minutes, then take off the suit and go inside.

One food that lasts a long time, is rice, we are now just finishing off a 50lb bag I bought 2 years ago.... From now on I'll only buy 20lb bags.
It seems that when anyone reports on what is really going on in China they disappear. A reporter said that they have 50 crematoriums running 24 hours/day so it appears that the death rate is much higher. People over 60 aren’t faring well at all.
It seems that when anyone reports on what is really going on in China they disappear. A reporter said that they have 50 crematoriums running 24 hours/day so it appears that the death rate is much higher. People over 60 aren’t faring well at all.

Just curious what news outlet posted this tidbit.
Right. It is the exotics being consumed. In Africa, that would include monkeys, which have lead to other famous disease issues.

Indian culture sticks with non-exotics for the most part. Goat, sheep, lamb and chicken. Although goat is a bit exotic for me, but culturally, it has a very long history of safety.

I am in trouble, then. Dinner tonight is muskrat gumbo.
I'm not sure how this is going to work. You have protective gear which will enable you to go out of the house during an outbreak. So the plan, if it comes to an outbreak in your area, is to stay in the house and eat long-expiration date food you purchased earlier (aka 'hunker down'), using the protective gear if there's no alternative to going out of the house. You'd presumably be going to places where the risk of acquiring the virus is high. I can think of two places you'd need or want to go: to get food or to get medical treatment (any others?). Would you be re-using the protective gear, and have some kind of decontamination process as you came and went from the virus-free zone of your house?

I think vchan has the same idea I do. If things get bad, we have the ability not to leave the house for crowded places for a long time. If we absolutely must leave for one of these places (medical emergency, for example), I will be happy to have protective gear.
I think vchan has the same idea I do. If things get bad, we have the ability not to leave the house for crowded places for a long time.

And, when the people who operate the utilities, (electricity/gas/water & water treatment/sewers), stop showing up for work...extrapolation gone wild. ;)
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Agreed, the cruise ship number of infections is shocking.

AFAIK they are only testing folks who are showing signs of illness.

What I read said that there's a limit on how many tests they can run in a day. I think it said a test takes something like 6-8 hours to complete and I'm not sure how many machines they have available at different facilities. It also sounded like they didn't want to use up all the machines in case there's a group outbreak elsewhere that needs checking in the very near future.
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And, when the people who operate the utilities, (electricity/gas/water & water treatment/sewers), stop showing up for work...extrapolation gone wild. ;)
I'm thinking (hoping) that even if the virus spreads across the US, services are going to be ok because some people will get hit early, recover, and be ready to work again...just in time to cover for their cow-orkers, who are just coming down with the disease.
Your guarantee was right. Based on chart it would be over 300,000 cases, according to this site the number of reported cases is 28,355.

Of course, the reason I stated that is that eventually the virus would run out of potential bodies to infect.

We are over 40K confirmed cases as of this morning, and that number is likely low due to the inability to test. I can only hope that testing ability is being quickly ramped up here in the USA...because I believe we will likely need it.
Have to wonder if the drop in daily cases actually a drop in infections, or, is it more a case as an upper bound in how many cases can be tested and confirmed on a daily basis.

Of course the numbers are widely believed to be way under-reported, both intentional and not.

But with the daily rate going down from 2900/day to 400/day, I was hoping that they don't under-report more than previously, and the reduction was real, even if the true numbers were 29K/day going down to 4K/day.

On other news, a blogger named Chen Qiushi, who is a lawyer, has made many posts on Wechat about the condition inside Wuhan. He traveled to Wuhan right before the lockdown, and reported many dire conditions in hospitals. People may not know that Youtube and Facebook are not accessible to mainland Chinese. Chen's Wechat account has been deleted, and people reposting his videos also get their account deleted. Yet, some of his videos were sneaked out via VPN, and found its way on to Youtube. The videos were intended for the Chinese, and I do not understand what was said.

One of the videos had English caption, and on Jan 30, Chen talked of terrible conditions inside Wuhan. Medical staff had their phones confiscated, to make sure they could not send out photos. Yet, Chen was able to sneak a short clip of a man sitting dead on a wheelchair in a hospital corridor, while his wife was frantically calling for the morgue to come get him.

Chen also talked of people given IV bags and injection, but there were no hospital beds, so they were waiting outside the hospital with IV bags hanging on trees or makeshift poles. Some were laying inside their cars.

Chen went missing for a week, and his followers and family were worried. The authorities now admitted that he has been taken into quarantine.


The above CNN article has a link to the Chen's video with English subtitle that I talked about.
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I'm not sure how this is going to work. You have protective gear which will enable you to go out of the house during an outbreak. So the plan, if it comes to an outbreak in your area, is to stay in the house and eat long-expiration date food you purchased earlier (aka 'hunker down'), using the protective gear if there's no alternative to going out of the house. You'd presumably be going to places where the risk of acquiring the virus is high. I can think of two places you'd need or want to go: to get food or to get medical treatment (any others?). Would you be re-using the protective gear, and have some kind of decontamination process as you came and went from the virus-free zone of your house?

There is a third option: Put everything in my van and drive to a less populated area which is away from the infected populated areas. By having protective gear and extra food and my van that I use for camping, I should have more options.

Reminds me of the Cuban Missile crisis. If you were old enough to remember: A lot of people started buying food and driving to the less populated areas during that event. This is because it was believed that the big cities and military bases were targeted.

I believe that the cononavirus or any future deadly virus tend to spread faster in highly populated areas. Low density populated areas and campsites in the mountains should be safer. There is a risk of less medical care so I will have to be careful on where to go.

If I decide to hunker down, the masks and gloves are disposible. The tyrek suits will have to be hung out to dry where the tiny moisture particles with potential virus should dry out. I will have to be careful on re-using them using my disposible gloves. I was a nuclear engineer so I am familiar with handling procedures.
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The Chinese have refused to allow CDC personnel into the country.

I think they recently allowed a WHO delegation to come in.

They just have a culture of oppression and their instinct is to suppress info. when transparency is needed.

It is odd that the number of fatalities are much greater in China, specifically Hubei, than outside of China.

Someone tracking the numbers said the severe cases also have this big imbalance as well.
And, when the people who operate the utilities, (electricity/gas/water & water treatment/sewers), stop showing up for work...extrapolation gone wild. ;)

I presume that is pretty far out in the range of possibilities. That said, I have a generator, firewood, a bunch of propane tanks, etc.
The Chinese have refused to allow CDC personnel into the country.

I think they recently allowed a WHO delegation to come in.

They just have a culture of oppression and their instinct is to suppress info. when transparency is needed.

It is odd that the number of fatalities are much greater in China, specifically Hubei, than outside of China.

Someone tracking the numbers said the severe cases also have this big imbalance as well.

2% fatality rate. That's 2 out of a hundred cases. A lot of countries outside of China haven't had 100 cases yet.
I presume that is pretty far out in the range of possibilities. That said, I have a generator, firewood, a bunch of propane tanks, etc.

It was presented as part of a possible, (not necessarily 'probable'), continuum.....and, of course, high density population areas, where people do not have wood burning stoves, (some areas have local ordinances prohibiting them), and generators/propane tanks are not viable, would likely be more vulnerable than those in outlying areas.
2% fatality rate. That's 2 out of a hundred cases. A lot of countries outside of China haven't had 100 cases yet.

I think the mortality rate as reported is way too low. Even if we take China's bogus numbers at face value, the denominator is wrong. Pick whatever time you like between confirming a case and the patient dying. Let's say it is a week. In that case, you should take the cumulative number of diagnosed cases from a week against reported deaths today.
It was presented as part of a possible, (not necessarily 'probable'), continuum.....and, of course, high density population areas, where people do not have wood burning stoves, (some areas have local ordinances prohibiting them), and generators/propane tanks are not viable, would likely be more vulnerable than those in outlying areas.

Agreed. Speaking about myself only. The mass vulnerability is why the official message from our authorities is "just like the flu, bro" while they sweat and hope that is actually true.
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