Where are the Preppers?

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Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 7, 2008
Jalisco, Mexico
I figured that the Preppers were all in their Bug-out locations, hunkered down, feeling quite glad to be ready now that the sh*t has truly hit the proverbial fan. I went to visit several forums to see what was up.

Oddly enough, it seemed like very few were taking the COVID-19 pandemic seriously. Many were too busy passing around conspiracy theories to bother actually taking shelter. I understand how this happens, politically speaking, but I'm kinda flabbergasted that they've done all this work for just such an occasion, and when the occasion arises, they stay home arguing about it and making fun of people on the internet instead of actually taking advantage of all their prep work!

Good thing I don't have a nearby large city - unless you consider 50 miles to be nearby. We had riots in Baltimore a few years ago, not a whiff of it here.

Not my idea, so I deal with it.

I think if I successfully catch the bounce back up I will be looking for a piece of rural land. Shelter, underground storage, water source, and clear lines of fire.
I like to follow government recommendations on how much extra food and water to keep. I think that's more than most people do. I have a 15 gallon drum for emergency water for washing. I'm interested in the subject and want to up my game. I'm hunkering down more than most but I'm not into the weapons or conspiracy theories. I decided a few years ago that I can't really call myself a prepper because they tend to be too different.
I like to follow government recommendations on how much extra food and water to keep. I think that's more than most people do. I have a 15 gallon drum for emergency water for washing. I'm interested in the subject and want to up my game. I'm hunkering down more than most but I'm not into the weapons or conspiracy theories. I decided a few years ago that I can't really call myself a prepper because they tend to be too different.

I think living in Brooklyn (or DC or LA, etc.) would be a disqualifier too.
Yes. This is a perfect: I told you so! nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaaa! moment They appear to have be woefully unprepared and literally caught by surprised.
The dedicated preppers around here don t need to bug out. Here In Idaho they live prepped full time.
I think they all went to their bug out spots, and they're lying low.

They're probably not on the internet posting on public forums saying "I told you so" for fear of revealing their bug out locations.

I read too many books ....
I don't think they went anywhere. Only the wealthiest have enough funds to manage a complete disconnect from society. For the rest, they are on the same spectrum of connectedness to the wider world that we all are. How many have thought about the questions that come at one from these sudden, out-of-control situations? Should you retreat when there's a possibility that you yourself will need a hospital? Should you start eating into your stores of freeze-dried foods when supermarkets are still open (and delivering, for heaven's sake?) What about your bills - and your potential emergency check from the government? Is your retreat really necessary and stocked at this point? What about your scattered family?

The preparations and mindset needed for this crisis are not the ones that preppers have. Perhaps they will, but not so far. Mastery of the internet, cooking, and a well-stocked pantry are the most useful skill sets so far.
Are you sure they aren't actually posting from a secure, undisclosed location while pretending to still be in mom's basement? :)

I think they all went to their bug out spots, and they're lying low.

They're probably not on the internet posting on public forums saying "I told you so" for fear of revealing their bug out locations.

I read too many books ....

Yeah, I would expect some hiding.

The forums I read were full of posts being completely dismissive of COVID-19, even in the last week. I can't imagine any reason to 'pretend' this while actually bugging out.

A humorous take on prepping:

The Prepping Industry Wasn't Prepared (for the coronavirus)
+1, and we are not allowed to talk about true prepping on this site.
Everyone knows what happens when you mention the "G" word.

PM any of the moderators if you have questions about the community rules. (Hint: they are not what you imply)
I think living in Brooklyn (or DC or LA, etc.) would be a disqualifier too.

Yes. This is a perfect: I told you so! nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaaa! moment They appear to have be woefully unprepared and literally caught by surprised.

Way to cheer up your fellow citizens guys. I guess I could hope your rural locations don't take things seriously and the virus blows you up but I wish you well and hope you get back to work in time to send me food. Anyway, I think karma is BS .

Checking in from Capitol Hill, DC. ;)
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I deleted my original response since I don't this forum is ready for it.... But, IMO, we are aren't even close for "most" preppers to hunker down...
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What are you guys talking about? I got my 100 rolls of TP and two 1 quart bottles of hand sanitizer back in the early part of Feb.
Even if it were a fit subject for the forum, the vast majority who are prepared would not say a word publicly. Most expected the executive order of the last week authorizing the gubmint to seize any "hoarded" supplies it desires. Op sec, baby.
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