Things that make you feel good


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jan 8, 2007
Today I needed a few more tomatillos and a head of garlic. Didn't want to go all the way to a big store, so paid about twice as much at a local carniceria - a whole $2.66. On the way out I saw the door was stuck open a foot or so with the rubber entry mat rolled and jammed underneath it. Got the door open and straightened & flattened the mat so the door would work normally and headed for the car. A young couple was headed in and the young man said something through his mask that I realized while walking away was "not all heroes wear capes". For straightening a mat? It made my day. Making me smile just typing this.

Have you had something happen lately that gave you a case of the warm fuzzies?
I met some guys whom I used to work with - I retired this week. We had a few microbrews and good conversation. I had enough drinks that I am glad that I rode my bicycle to the event....Rare for me but you only retire once.
My six-year old granddaughter called me and asked if she could come over and play with me :smitten:
Took the pooch for a 3 mile walk at the park and explored some new trails. It felt great to get out and take in the fresh air and exercise. This new greyhound cracks me up, he loves riding in the car so much that he is like a cartoon figure.
My puppy's 11th birthday

Got to go out for lunch today for first time in a few months (sit down with service.) HI just opened up (slightly) so we thought we'd support our local restaurants. We got amazing service and I left a 35% tip. Felt good. YMMV
We went for a hike with our 3 grandchildren at the beach. The were joyous and loved gathering shells. I got my 2 miles in also.
Giving my shopping cart at Aldi's over to someone getting out of their car without collecting a quarter.

Small things often matter.
A little cooler weather the last few days, so had the top down and we felt like it was pre covid for just a few hours.
I have a woodlot across the road from our homestead, that lot is on mile deep and it has a jeep trail that goes down the center of it to the far end. I really enjoy walking to the far end of that property and back again. Not so much in the winter, as I hate hiking in snowshoes. and not in the Spring as much of that road is mud up to my knees. But in Summer and Fall it is very nice.

Most winters bear hibernate on that property, and sometimes I see a bear. On occasion I get a glimpse of coyote, bobcat, or lynx. For a few years my german shepherd would go with me on my walks, but one time a bobcat chased her and bit her rump. So now my dog is too afraid of going over there. So I go by myself.
A few times each week I have breakfast with a long-time friend, Harry, outdoors at a local diner. We usually sit and converse for about two hours at a time. He's a very active 92 year old, whose parents immigrated here from Croatia a few years before he was born, and until a year or two ago, he traveled back there to visit his many cousins. He worked at a local factory for a couple of years, but hated being coupled up indoors, so he walked home one day for lunch and never went back. Instead he became a self-employed steel fabricator and boat builder, and has spent most of his winters in Florida repairing boats at a friend's marina.

I love sitting listening to him tell of all of his travels, adventures, memories, and latest building projects. He grew up in the company houses where my grandparents and Dad lived, and he still remembers them now, 85+ years later and tells me of those memories too. And, like me, he never complains, but always looks for the best.
Pure Border?

She's mostly Bernese Mt. Dog with a little Akita mixed in.

Both breeds are not long lived... making it to 11 was not expected. She's had some health issues but is pretty healthy for her age.
Had a fun encounter at the gym this morning. I work out with my own music thru my earbuds,upbeat tunes, to which I tend to sync my movements to the beat whether I am working out or just walking to the next station. On the elliptical I was tapping my hands on the handle to the beat and turned to my left where a women on the next elliptical (yes they are socially distanced) was staring at me. We both had our masks on, so I just nodded a greeting and gave her a thumbs up, which she returned.

Later on in my workout I had just finished wiping down a machine when she approached me and asked what was I listening to, as to her I seemed to be "working out with such joy". I showed her my playlist, she was not familiar with it - probably because many songs where from the 70s and 80s and she was probably in her 20s or 30s, so I ended up playing portions of some of them for her. She liked them so much she took note of the songs and the artists. She then thanked me and said "I'm always glad to see someone in these times displaying happiness and optimism", which led to another good conversation.

As an old guy it always feels good when a younger person approaches me to talk and give me compliments. That can sustain one for a while. :)
Started chemo last week and so far very minor symptoms; hiccups, heart burn and a slight sore throat. TUMS and Benadryl fixed the last two, hiccups come and go. I'm ecstatic, but not gonna hold my breath. But, today, I FEEL GOOD!
Started chemo last week and so far very minor symptoms; hiccups, heart burn and a slight sore throat. TUMS and Benadryl fixed the last two, hiccups come and go. I'm ecstatic, but not gonna hold my breath. But, today, I FEEL GOOD!

if hiccups become bothersome, ask doctor if they would recommend baclofen.........used for muscle spasms which I guess fits hiccups?
Rx medicine but cheap as I recall.
She's mostly Bernese Mt. Dog with a little Akita mixed in.

Both breeds are not long lived... making it to 11 was not expected. She's had some health issues but is pretty healthy for her age.

Unfortunately none of the larger breeds appear to be - my 70lb male Border Collie, at 12 years old, was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma the day my late wife died and managed to last another 8 months. So sad.

Bernese: So gentle..lovely dogs.....still smile about the time that DW and I were walking in Timișoara, Romania, and encountered a 'younger' couple with one......asked if we could say "Hi"..... they said that most people appear to be intimidated because of the size....not us, we knew the breed. :)
Started chemo last week and so far very minor symptoms; hiccups, heart burn and a slight sore throat. TUMS and Benadryl fixed the last two, hiccups come and go. I'm ecstatic, but not gonna hold my breath. But, today, I FEEL GOOD!

skipro--glad to hear this.

The smell of my cinnamon pull parts baking in the oven this morning! Mmmm-mmm. Happy smells of Fall: cinnamon rolls , spiced apples, pumpkin pie!
Watching our HS grandson play baseball and breaking out of his hitting slump today with a bases loaded home run!

That’s good. It’s hard on these kids right now. I have/had two college baseball players. It’s is grind and even though they got back a year of eligibility due to the Rona they chose not to take it and go on. Good life lessons with baseball.
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