Am I crazy for wanting cosmetic surgery?

Everyone in my family is tall, I have a nephew 6' 9 and it is really hard for him to travel--riding on a plane is awful and beds in some hotels are too short. He wears huge shoes and has trouble finding any. We have enough tall people in my family for our own basketball team.
Everyone in my family is tall, I have a nephew 6' 9 and it is really hard for him to travel--riding on a plane is awful and beds in some hotels are too short. He wears huge shoes and has trouble finding any. We have enough tall people in my family for our own basketball team.

Yeah, being tall is no picnic. I'm 6'6" and I have a hard time with just about everything in life. Things like clothes will be the same but other things will get even worse. I dread getting down to the floor and back up in 20 years or even getting in and out of a car. I would gladly give 4 inches off my legs to anyone who wants them.
Yeah, being tall is no picnic. I'm 6'6" and I have a hard time with just about everything in life. Things like clothes will be the same but other things will get even worse. I dread getting down to the floor and back up in 20 years or even getting in and out of a car. I would gladly give 4 inches off my legs to anyone who wants them.

Fear not Aaron, when you get in your "later years", you will lose some of that height. :LOL::LOL:
Was OP a troll? Don't know, don't care. The thread has been fun. ... .

Agreed, OP may or may not be a troll (maybe just didn't like the responses?), we might as well have some fun with it, or use it for serious discussion.

edit/add: I missed post #39 - he did come back and reply seriously, so no, I don't think he's a troll at all.

I don't want to be dismissive of the OP if he was serious, this is obviously bothering him. But like many, I just don't see where 2" is going to make a real difference to how he is perceived, especially considering the risks. I'm sure it's not easy to just "get over it", but he really should try to find a way. As someone else said, no one who matters really cares about his height.

My story isn't too different from some others here, but it does have a kinda funny twist I hadn't thought about.

I was young for my grade (could have been held back, right on the edge), and small stature. So I was always among the smallest in my class. And at that age, I was self conscious about it, always wished I was taller and bigger.

But as I got older, I gained confidence, and while my height was still below average, but not so much, so I had plenty of company, I didn't feel out of place at all. And you'd read those things about the average CEO being 3" taller on average, etc. But I also knew some high-up management at our mega-corp that were really (almost dwarfish) short. So I figured, heck, he can do it, so no one should let anything like that hold them back.

And then later in life, I actually was kinda glad I wasn't tall - I'd see the tall guys cramped into an airline seat, or talk about how they can't buy this or that car they want, because they don't fit in it. It's nice not to have those problems. So it's all good.

Now the kinda funny twist: I mentioned this thread to DW, and she told me (I had forgotten this) that she was older for her grade, and very tall in grade school and she was self conscious about it (the reason is 180 degrees from me!). And also grew to be average height, and I'm maybe 3 inches taller than her (something like that, never really thought about it), she doesn't like wearing high heels anyhow, but reasonable heels wouldn't cause her to be taller than me.

Anyhow, I thought it was kinda funny that our stories were opposite, and by the time we met, it didn't matter anyhow.

If OP was serious, I hope he finds an answer.

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Everyone in my family is tall, I have a nephew 6' 9 and it is really hard for him to travel--riding on a plane is awful and beds in some hotels are too short. He wears huge shoes and has trouble finding any.

Can I call that a big carbon footprint?

edit/add: I missed post #39 - he did come back and reply seriously, so no, I don't think he's a troll at all….

I don't want to be dismissive of the OP if he was serious, this is obviously bothering him. …

If OP was serious, I hope he finds an answer.


Sorry to OP as well, completely missed post 39. Good luck with your decision.
When does that happen? I am age 70 and still just as tall as ever.

For me, one inch went away between ages 74 and 78. (5' 11" down to 5" 10")

For DW, who has COPD, and was fed good size doses of Prednisone for a long time (steroid to help keep lung passages open), and ended up with severe osteoporosis, she lost roughly 3+" in height between ages 72 to 76.
Good thread mix between serious and joking responses.
For me, one inch went away between ages 74 and 78. (5' 11" down to 5" 10").

Glad you added that last part in parentheses. I was getting concerned just exactly where this one inch disappeared.

As for OP, among other reasons, I just wouldn’t want to give up a year of my life (maybe longer) to this surgery and recovery. Surprises like Covid have taught me just how precious every year of retirement is, and that you can’t take it for granted. Best wishes.
But only in his spine. His legs will stay long. My husband started out 6 feet 2.5" (with the best legs I ever saw) and although age has bent his spine, his legs are as long as ever and it's still hard for him to get into the back of a car.

Fear not Aaron, when you get in your "later years", you will lose some of that height. :LOL::LOL:
While working at the Pentagon, I found it interesting how many of the military senior brass, including my principal, were below average height.

Senior grade civilian men tended to be tall, though.

And you'd read those things about the average CEO being 3" taller on average, etc. But I also knew some high-up management at our mega-corp that were really (almost dwarfish) short. So I figured, heck, he can do it, so no one should let anything like that hold them back.
While working at the Pentagon, I found it interesting how many of the military senior brass, including my principal, were below average height.


I'll never forget an address by a "guest lecturer" many years ago to our almost all male class at Squadron Officer School. I don't recall his name but his introduction was memorable.

We were all seated in a large auditorium and at the appropriate time the curtain slowly opened to reveal a podium at center stage. After a few seconds of silence the podium slowly lowered to reveal a very short two-star general standing behind it. His opening comment was something along the lines of, "I know what you are thinking and I'll have you know I can dance with the same women as you. Of course I can't look around much when I do, but I can damn sure dance with them!"
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Well, my principal was a Navy 2-star, so it might have been helpful on submarines :LOL:

Maybe it's self selection, I know if I was in a foxhole I'd prefer to be short. :LOL:
We were all seated in a large auditorium and at the appropriate time the curtain slowly opened to reveal a podium at center stage. After a few seconds of silence the podium slowly lowered to reveal a very short two-star general standing behind it. His opening comment was something along the lines of, "I know what you are thinking and I'll have you know I can dance with the same women as you. Of course I can't look around much when I do, but I can damn sure dance with them!"

The little devil on my shoulder caused a scene from the Huey Lewis and the News "Heart and Soul" video to pop into my head. I apologize... :blush:
For me, one inch went away between ages 74 and 78. (5' 11" down to 5" 10")

For DW, who has COPD, and was fed good size doses of Prednisone for a long time (steroid to help keep lung passages open), and ended up with severe osteoporosis, she lost roughly 3+" in height between ages 72 to 76.

I’ve also lost an inch, down to 5’11” from 6’0”. I have osteopenia (bordering on osteoporosis), so that could be the cause. Hoping I don’t shrink too much more. My tallish DW always joked that she’s taller than me (she’s not). But, if this keeps up, who knows?
For me, one inch went away between ages 74 and 78. (5' 11" down to 5" 10")

I expect that to be around the age that I loss around 12ft. I'll go from over 6ft tall to 6ft under. Any height that is above the ground is good at that age and beyond.
I expect that to be around the age that I loss around 12ft. I'll go from over 6ft tall to 6ft under. Any height that is above the ground is good at that age and beyond.

Have a positive outlook!

(I'm still dodging bullets and keeping my head down) :LOL:
Crazy ? Yes. They break your legs and put rods in.

Older I get the less I care about appearance, what others think, and materialistic crap
(and I never cared much to begin with).
Most guys want to get taller for one reason only. To score with a woman from what I’ve read.

In shape with a flat belly works, too.

I'm only 5'7" but I worked out a lot in my younger years and looked pretty good with my shirt off. I still look good at 59 although my best years are behind me.
In shape with a flat belly works, too.

I'm only 5'7" but I worked out a lot in my younger years and looked pretty good with my shirt off. I still look good at 59 although my best years are behind me.

You height is minimum acceptable. You made the cut. Because 5’6” is considered short. Even then you can wear soles in your shoes and they are super comfortable. Yeah, being fit helps.
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