Am I crazy for wanting cosmetic surgery?

That goes both ways. DW was originally "full-figured" and they eventually became a nuisance. She got breast reduction surgery about ten years ago and has been absolutely delighted with the result.

Sorry brau. Just kidding! :)
Don't do it. It is a major surgery and it could go wrong! I am 5 ft 7 in and husband is 5ft 6 in. My sister is 5 ft 2 in and wishes she is taller like me but being a little shorter than me has not stopped her from being able to accomplish what she wants in life - work and personal.
I'm a 5'3" woman, and always wore 4" heels for the workplace and fashion (pre-retirement). And I can understand why a woman might prefer a man taller than her. I do. If that makes me shallow, so be it. Some prefer blonds vs. brunettes, curvy vs. skinny. Brawny vs. lean. I'm sure there are plenty of shorter men who would never date a particularly tall woman. Or one with wider hips or a flat chest.

I'm know there are many men who would not look twice my way, and rule me out based on any one of my stats. Shallow is a harsh way of saying we all have preferences, but not all preferences are character flaws.

Very true. I once heard a rather chubby lady criticizing men for "only being interested in skinny women". Less than thirty minutes later she loudly proclaimed she would never be interested in any man who was bald or balding. Go figure.

In regards to the OP, I wonder if he has considered upping his wardrobe game. It's cheaper and doesn't involve medical procedures. A good dresser still attracts the female eye, IMHO. The ladies can chime in on this if they like.

And guys, pay special attention the fit. If you must spend extra, spend it on getting your clothes to fit properly. And don't forget your shoes. Women seem to have this thing about shoes that I don't quite understand. :)

Nice clothes that fit properly are attractive - male or female. Only good can come when a guy is among the best dressed at an event. Just don't overdress. And, of course, the right way to dress depends on where you are. The cowboy bar is different from a formal dinner which is different from hanging out at the dog park.

Just a side note, I was a bit surprised a few months ago when my lady friend commented she liked the one day beard growth look. But, two days and it was uncomfortably scratchy. One must pay attention the details. Yes?
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"Fit" is more important under the clothes. Of course, it takes more work than just going to the tailor for alterations. :LOL:

And guys, pay special attention the fit. If you must spend extra, spend it on getting your clothes to fit properly....
Nice clothes that fit properly are attractive - male or female.
In life it seems everyone is always finding a "flaw" in themselves, and are seeking a way to fix it.

I'm guilty of it just like the rest.

I wish we all could just learn to accept ourselves as we are and learn to let go of those who can't appreciate us for our souls instead of our physical attributes.

It's not so easy to do, but, it does get easier as you age and realize there are more important things in life. OP, I feel for you and your struggle to love yourself as you are.

When I lost both of my breasts to cancer I struggled dearly with this issue. I endured many, many painful reconstruction surgeries. I hope you can look deep inside and avoid all the pain and risk associated with surgery.

Peace be with you.
What a beautiful post.

In life it seems everyone is always finding a "flaw" in themselves, and are seeking a way to fix it.

I'm guilty of it just like the rest.

I wish we all could just learn to accept ourselves as we are and learn to let go of those who can't appreciate us for our souls instead of our physical attributes.

It's not so easy to do, but, it does get easier as you age and realize there are more important things in life. OP, I feel for you and your struggle to love yourself as you are.

When I lost both of my breasts to cancer I struggled dearly with this issue. I endured many, many painful reconstruction surgeries. I hope you can look deep inside and avoid all the pain and risk associated with surgery.

Peace be with you.
I have female acquaintance who is 5'10". Her first criteria for a date is he has to be at least 6' tall. I find this very shallow. Maybe her perfect soulmate is 5'8". She'll never know! She is single at age 45.

I'm 6'6", 42, single. Is she willing to travel to Wisconsin to meet someone. ;)
From what I understand, after a certain age they are no longer even on the chest, having dragged the chest skin down farther on the torso. That would have to be very uncomfortable.

Gravity is evil.

My big-breasted friends tell me those things they carry on their chest are quite heavy and cause shoulder pains, etc.
I had cosmetic surgery when I was in my 20s (had my crooked nose straightened) and it was great for me--really helped my self confidence. But it was day surgery and I was fully recovered in a few days. To me this height augmentation sounds much more like major surgery.

OP--do you already wear shoes that increase your height? I wear Hoka Bondi athletic shoes to help my foot arthritis and they add at least an inch or two to my height.
I find it interesting when women who are not very tall themselves (under 5'8") want guys who are 6 feet or more. Do they not realize that they are eliminating about 80% of the male population based upon height alone? That seems foolish to me.
I have always found it interesting how often one sees a very tall man married to a quite short woman. Just seems physically limiting, although I'm certain they manage to make it work :D

I find it interesting when women who are not very tall themselves (under 5'8") want guys who are 6 feet or more. Do they not realize that they are eliminating about 80% of the male population based upon height alone? That seems foolish to me.
I did not see the OP mention the actual height that has caused this concern. While I do not consider the OP "crazy" for considering this, I would not recommend it, in line for what others have stated. If the OP has friends that make fun of the height, perhaps it is time to get a different set of friends. I am 5' 10", and I played a lot of sports where most people are taller than me. I was relatively shorter than most guys until a growth spurt late in high school. I have never felt bad about it, it is what it is.

I have no issue with people having preferences for physical characteristics when dating. If one does not want to date someone shorter or taller than a particular height, that is their business. When it comes to considering getting that intimate with someone, preferences should be a factor. The only concern arises if if they judge that person purely on something inherently wrong with that person beyond the dating element, and stereotyping people based on height.

If one does have dating preferences like height, one also has to be realistic in that (as with any preference) they are limiting their "pool". If one accepts that, that is fine. The problem arises when one chooses to limit the pool, and then complains about the pool being limited. You cannot have it both ways :).

Personally I never had a height preference regarding dating. DW is 5' 3", and it has never bother me. She had plenty of, shall I sat, "attractive characteristics" that caught my attention :). At one point in college when we broke up, one of her friends who was 6' 1" (and a great volleyball player), even asked her if she was serious about breaking up with me, because she was "interested" in me. She was a friend, but I would not have had an issue dating her (she too had "attractive characteristics" :)). Interestingly, when we were in college DW could not understand why have so few preferences. My basic attitude was "if a woman is friendly, smiles at me, and wants to have a conversation with me, that addresses 90% of my preference. Beyond that there are "attractive characteristics" that may be "bonuses" :LOL:
When I saw this thread I thought, botox, face lift, boob job, lipo, nose?

No. Add 2 inches to height. Bone stretching?

Nah, I wouldn't do it. Wear platforms.
I have always found it interesting how often one sees a very tall man married to a quite short woman. Just seems physically limiting, although I'm certain they manage to make it work :D
I'm 6 feet tall and back when I was doing ballroom dancing, I found it excruciating to dance with very short women.
As a few others have mentioned, this isn't typical cosmetic surgery... it sounds quite involved. I agree with your idea of waiting a year or two, think it over... that will give you time to weigh the risk/reward.
Just checked and this is the first post by astronet7. Methinks we’ve been had.
Just checked and this is the first post by astronet7. Methinks we’ve been had.
Drat and just when I was going to suggest a beehive hair style.
Just checked and this is the first post by astronet7. Methinks we’ve been had.

I think it was a tall tale myself. :D. From what I can tell, this is almost never done at age 50.
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Just checked and this is the first post by astronet7. Methinks we’ve been had.
Not the first post, but close. 3 in the joke thread, 2 in the futuristic city, and then this, mixed in with one on the lazy thread. It's either bogus or it should be bogus.
Drat and just when I was going to suggest a beehive hair style.
Pompadour might be more fashionable for a guy. OP is a guy, right? Heck, for all we know, it may be a dog.
DH and I love to dance and we are perfect partners--each of us are about 6 feet tall. But I have danced with many men shorter than me and have no problem--I can lead anyone around a dance floor! Suffice it to say I do not wear high heels.

I do remember being 5'10 in the sixth grade and coming home crying to my mother that I was the tallest person in middle school including all the teachers and the principal. But then the basketball coach called me and asked me to try out for junior high basketball and all was OK.
Was OP a troll? Don't know, don't care. The thread has been fun.

A 6 foot 8 inch friend took me out for my birthday back in the day. I wore the highest heels I owned, 3 inches, making me almost 5' 11", and still he had to bend waaay down to kiss me good night. We were only pals, anything else would've been a stretch, lol.
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