Scheduled meeting with manager to announce....


Recycles dryer sheets
Dec 29, 2021
So I just scheduled a meeting for tomorrow morning (asked if I could get some time to chat) with my manager to inform her I plan to retire at the end of May. Three full months notice. She wrote that she sent me an invite and "sounds ominous".. With a smiley. I'm having an anxiety attack. Obviously I can't respond with a reassuring "all good".

I feel like I'm having a nervous breakdown and I want to cry and vomit, at the same time. So just getting it all out her bc my husband can't listen to me anymore. I didn't think actually doing it would be this hard. I feel like I'm blindsiding her bc I've had to be normal during my review and comp discussion etc. It is what it is.

Thanks for viewing my collapse :yuk:
3 months is not blindsiding. 3 months is extremely generous and may even be painful for you.
Congrats. I've never done it but I can totally understand how stressful that must be. I was stressed just giving notice to drop from full time to part time. Good luck with everything.
Your going to be fine, of course as women we're more emotional than men at this kind of thing. You could just hand her your resignation letter and let her read it, she's probably already figured it out anyway.
3 months notice is pretty decent and I'm sure they will be grateful for it.
Come back tomorrow and let us know how it went.
3 months isn't blindsiding at all. You could respond with "all good"... all good for you that is!

Think of it this way... when they lay people off do they give them 3 months notice? I didn't think so.
I'll actually be able to report back sooner as I got asked to take on another big client who is unhappy with the person they have now. Via an instant message. I asked if an answer is needed today and that sped up the meeting, it's in 20 minutes...
Three months is more than generous notice. I had a weird skill set and gave them 2 weeks. They gave my peers 0 days notice when they were let go. Couldn't get their personal stuff either, HR boxed it for them. Something missing? Shouldn't have brought it in.

I understand the feeling as my anxiety was very high. Careful cause they might let you go for leaving.
3 months isn't blindsiding at all. You could respond with "all good"... all good for you that is!

Think of it this way... when they lay people off do they give them 3 months notice? I didn't think so.

Nope. Even though I volunteered for the layoff, I was led out the following morning at 8am after it was finalized the day before.
Heh, heh, notice to last day for me was Tuesday to Friday (actual dates were 3 more weeks of saved vacation.) SO, 3 months should be adequate though YMMV.
Two points to remember whenever you start thinking 3 months is too short:

If you were head hunted and got to go elsewhere, they'd replace you and take your 2 weeks notice and congratulate you.

If you were going to a competitor, you'd be asked to pack up today.

No matter how long you give them, they will take more time to even start looking for a replacement candidate.

Conversation done. She could not have been more gracious. Congratulated me. Appreciated the notice. Huge relief. Wow this is happening!!!

Thanks for the support everyone!!!!!

Conversation done. She could not have been more gracious. Congratulated me. Appreciated the notice. Huge relief. Wow this is happening!!!

Thanks for the support everyone!!!!!

Well done!
You got the hard part done and I wish you well.
.... No matter how long you give them, they will take more time to even start looking for a replacement candidate.

This is truth.

Not quite. DD gave her employer 6 weeks notice and then they bribed her into staying another 6 weeks... in her last week they brought in a replacement.. but the replacement was a temp.. so fuggedaboutit. :D

Conversation done. She could not have been more gracious. Congratulated me. Appreciated the notice. Huge relief. Wow this is happening!!!

Thanks for the support everyone!!!!!
That's awesome! :flowers:

When I told my boss I was retiring, he went into a 'potty mouth' fit and I'm sure the words are still floating around in the universe. I told him 'I love you too'. :LOL:

I agreed to stay six weeks instead of the two I was contemplating.
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Conversation done. She could not have been more gracious. Congratulated me. Appreciated the notice. Huge relief. Wow this is happening!!!

Thanks for the support everyone!!!!!

Happy to hear that this hurdle is hurdled. And that she appreciated your thoughtfulness.
I thought it was super fun to schedule that meeting. My employer did not really look for a replacement, just took all my work and staff and assigned it to my peer group, right as I was leaving. I did hear they had to hire someone later.
I'm glad it went well, but I hope your 3 months is not as excruciating as mine was. I got a package with hundreds of other folks so it was not up to us to decide the end date, but everyone knew about 3 months out, so we "leavers" quickly turned invisible. What helped was coming in late, taking long lunches and leaving early.

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