Property tax transfer (CA Prop 19) anyone?


Full time employment: Posting here.
Apr 20, 2010
I am considering doing a property tax transfer, but would love to hear from somebody who has done it personally and wants to share experience and advice.

Unless things have changed recently, the prop 19 took affect Feb 19 2021. So you would have had to transfered title prior to that date to avoid a real estate tax increase to your heirs, unless they became one of the prop 19 exemptions.
Unless things have changed recently, the prop 19 took affect Feb 19 2021. So you would have had to transfered title prior to that date to avoid a real estate tax increase to your heirs, unless they became one of the prop 19 exemptions.

I am interested in the after the prop 19 took affect
Are you asking about transferring your exemption to a new property?


I am asking if anybody bought a new house after Prop 19 took effect and made the property tax transfer (or maybe you are right and that's called "exemption")
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