What did you do today? - 2023/2024 version

Spent the morning at the ranch planted some aspens and harvested and clean up the old coral garden. I got 230 buttercup squash and about 15 pumpkins. I only watered the garden 2 times and planted on heavy black fabric. It was very simple to take care of with no weeds and very little watering. The black fabric held in moisture and made it easy. The hardest part was the harvest. I left 25 in the coral and told a rancher neighbor to come get them and give to others down there he will keep what he wants. 25 or so I left for the wildlife they were not mature enough to keep. I will give a lot away in town and the rest will go to food bank tomorrow.

I checked minnow traps been getting some bait for son he will be in a fishing tourney in two weeks.

A nice bike ride and will take another very soon. I will go bow hunting in the morning and then back for some yard work.


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Big day today... we "closed" the sale of our travel trailer and the truck that we used to tow it so the taxable account is looking flush at this moment. We enjoyed traveling in the tavel trailer but with DGS now around, DW's attention is diverted from traveling.
I used up virtually all of the remaining tomatillos, cubanelles, poblanos and jalapenos from my garden to make 4 quarts of the base for chile verde sauce, and then canned it in 8 pint jars. All I have to do is get some pork butt, some onion and some cilantro, and chile verde is a just few hours away. My favorite part is charring the peppers over the gas stove top. I turn the exhaust hood fan up high, light up all four burners and just lay the peppers right on them, turning them with tongs as necessary to char them all over.
Replaced the muffler / silencer pipe on my bike. Stock item was about 10 pounds, new item about 4 pounds. Smaller, looks better. Sounds better but not too loud on a 5 second test today. Italian tune up testing to follow. :D
Worked on my cedar strip kayak build, then took the old kayak out on the lake and sat there for a while admiring the day. Quiet with no people in sight.
Worked on my cedar strip kayak build, then took the old kayak out on the lake and sat there for a while admiring the day. Quiet with no people in sight.

I been thinking about that kayak build of yours. I have been checking the thread What We Making. Nothing better than to be in the outdoors admiring the day, alone.
Spent the morning at the ranch planted some aspens and harvested and clean up the old coral garden. I got 230 buttercup squash and about 15 pumpkins. I only watered the garden 2 times and planted on heavy black fabric. It was very simple to take care of with no weeds and very little watering. The black fabric held in moisture and made it easy. The hardest part was the harvest. I left 25 in the coral and told a rancher neighbor to come get them and give to others down there he will keep what he wants. 25 or so I left for the wildlife they were not mature enough to keep. I will give a lot away in town and the rest will go to food bank tomorrow.

I checked minnow traps been getting some bait for son he will be in a fishing tourney in two weeks.

A nice bike ride and will take another very soon. I will go bow hunting in the morning and then back for some yard work.

That's quite a haul!!
Super busy day yesterday and it was our 36th anniversary. My lovely bride and I still act like the young kids we were on our honeymoon. It’s truly awesome!

Took care of banking for Mom … and got a little pushback from a teller at the bank. Teller was suspicious that I might be scamming my dear Mom. Mom now has plenty of $ in checking account to pay property tax, a few medical bills and q’tly state and federal taxes.

Gave brother two very old report cards that I found in my files, including one where he got a D- in 7th grade typing class! We both got a little nostalgic and had a good laugh.

Wrapped up my day with serious business. Requalified for my concealed weapons permit last night. Sent lots of rounds down range to show proficiency with the weapons on my permit. Good to go for another two years!
A home day this AM for bike ride and made a squash for lunch. I will go bowing later and drop off squash to some friends that want them.

Tomorrow I will be volunteering at a drive through flu shot event. I expect it to be busy, many elderly come for it and can stay right in their car which makes it easy for them.
165 miles and 5 hour ride wearing my favorite MC leathers. Rode through some mountain areas I have not seen before. Kennedy Meadows for one. Probably should have stopped for lunch, but otherwise it does not get any better. :dance:
Took DW to her pilates appointment. Last week, a worker from a neighboring business gave me a very hard time over parking lot access. DW mentioned it to the owner to be met with denials of who the person was. Today, that person was parked in the same place, and the owner saw their identity.

We came home and saw this guy.158505434.jpg
Volunteered for a drive through flu shot event the county has. Seen many friends I have know for years. It was from 830 to 600pm so was a long day on my feet and being outside but enjoyed it very much.
Went to Chicago for a delightful dinner with DW, by brother and his DW. We were early so we parked and walked around. This is a great time of year, the weather is just right, and downtown Chicago is a wonderful area to walk.
heading over to DD home this evening for a late celebration of DGS 4th birthday. Sometimes it's hard to find a day when everyone is available.

Seems like yesterday that he was born, man time flies fast!
Well, got sidelined earlier in the day before the birthday party --
We got a new puppy! A mini golden doodle, redish gold fur, hence the name "Rusty".
Have not had a puppy in over 20 years, last couple of dogs were adult rescues, and our last guy has been gone about 16 months.
He is so far, a delight! Slept all night in his crate, no potty accidents yet!
Forgot all the stuff that goes along with it ( crate, bed, food, toys, etc. ) Should post this in the BTD thread :)
Congratulations! We've been dogless for about 3 months now, although we are babysitting DD's 2 for the time being. We've been thinking of a new pup, but the timing just doesn't seem right. I'm also concerned that in our late 60s a puppy might be a lot to deal with. We've always adopted, but haven't seen the right dog yet. Puppies are hard to find these days around here, and especially small breeds (chihuahuas, pugs, etc).

I wish you well with Rusty. Lots of clean rugs and good night's sleep! And of course, laughter and joy.
Doing the same thing today as I have been doing the past 5 or 6 days. The DW hasn't been feeling well so I'm taking care of her. And with that, I've never watched so much TV and spent so much time on line.

Hope I'm not getting whatever she has/had. I was up at 4am this morning with similar symptoms. :(
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Our 8-month old granddaughter spent the weekend with us, as her dad was enjoying “bachelor weekend” for a friend and mom had night shifts at the hospital. The little princess gave us lots of smiles and giggles and we thoroughly enjoyed having her.

Unfortunately I think she also gave me her germs. The poor baby has a bit of a cold, and this morning my throat started feeling a little scratchy.
Unfortunately I think she also gave me her germs. The poor baby has a bit of a cold, and this morning my throat started feeling a little scratchy.

One SIL, a retired nurse, sometimes referred to grandkids as "cute little vectors" for that reason.
Went to church in the morning. Then continued breaking down my garden for the year. I have a few watermelon that I am letting grow, a bunch of various peppers, beets, carrots, kale and sweet potatoes. Everything else is done.
Spent the last 3 days at a big local car show, a little over 2400 cars total. Drove my 68 GTO to the show each day. It's looking a little rough with the vinyl top in bad shape, plus the paint is old lacquer that is all micro cracked. So it doesn't shine up. But I've had the car 44 years now, always puts a smile on my face driving it. Fun hanging out with friends and seeing all the other cars at the show. 20230930_162735.jpg
Very cool...Let me guess, 400/w4speed?
Spent the last 3 days at a big local car show, a little over 2400 cars total. Drove my 68 GTO to the show each day. It's looking a little rough with the vinyl top in bad shape, plus the paint is old lacquer that is all micro cracked. So it doesn't shine up. But I've had the car 44 years now, always puts a smile on my face driving it. Fun hanging out with friends and seeing all the other cars at the show. View attachment 47292

Looks real good from here, as long as I don't zoom in too much. At 44 years, it's a keeper. Maybe time to refresh the top and paint, and while you're at it.... :angel:
Has the 400/350 hp base GTO engine, not a Ram Air. Also automatic with the Hurst shifter. It was bought new by my father, I got it when 16. P/S, P/B, A/C car with the hideaway headlights. So not set up for drag racing; it was our family car when I was a kid! Repainted and engine rebuilt 44 years ago, when I first got it, but only about 36k miles since. So mechanically no issues. Just needs a little cosmetic attention. It will eventually get that, just down on priority from other car projects.
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Keeping it in the family. Very nice...
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