What is your pet peeve of the day? -- 2021

At the risk of being critical to this board and it's fine members, I really hate the DW, DH, DS, DD nonsense.

Wife, husband, son, daughter.

It's not that hard.

/puts on flame proof jacket/

Actually, I'm with you, and I do use them just because they are common and I fall into the 'trap'.

What I really dislike (and have probably mentioned it before) is DS/DSIL - is that Dear Son/Son-in-law, or Dear Sister/Sister-in-Law? And DF - Dear Father, Dear Friend? Sometimes, even the context isn't enough to distinguish, and why should I have to work to try to figure it out?

I do not use those abbreviations, nor do I use emoji's, because I don't like them. But if others want to use them, I don't mind. After all, one of the great things about retirement is that we can all row our own boat.

I'm going to follow this, and stop using the silly abbreviations myself. It's just (a bad) habit. I'm OK with some emojis, they can (sometimes) help convey meaning with fewer words.

Gulf of Mexico? :duh::peace::blink:

Guess it's the GOM Oceanographer in this retiree, trying to translate that one. :angel:

As for the DW, DH, DS, DD stuff, how come nobody talks about DLOML (Dear Love of my Life)? Oh, I know, it's easier to just type "Frank" and be done with it.... :LOL:

So DF could mean "Dear Frank", see, it's just too vague. Just [-]spit[/-] spell it out!

Talk about your first world problems!:cool:

Well, a forum is a first world thing, so what do you expect? :)

You think this is bad? Try to comprehend some of the conversations on nextdoor, facebook, etc.
And if you ask what they're trying to say you're called out as a spelling or grammar nazi. People just don't care anymore.

"I like synonym rolls, just like grammar used to make."
..... I'm OK with some emojis, they can (sometimes) help convey meaning with fewer words....

If my written words are insufficient to convey my meaning in a clear, complete and concise manner, then I should improve my writing. There have been many times when I have re-read something I posted here and been disappointed, thinking about how I could have done better.
If my written words are insufficient to convey my meaning in a clear, complete and concise manner, then I should improve my writing. There have been many times when I have re-read something I posted here and been disappointed, thinking about how I could have done better.

Nobody writes more clearly than Gumby. :D
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If my written words are insufficient to convey my meaning in a clear, complete and concise manner, then I should improve my writing. There have been many times when I have re-read something I posted here and been disappointed, thinking about how I could have done better.

OK, maybe I should have just said an emoji can be thought of as 'shorthand'?

Often my posts here are just quick replies, w/o too much consideration to how well phrased they are. Other times, I do put in considerable effort to make a point, do a fair bit of editing before I submit, use bold and italics and underline to try to make it read more like spoken word.

And sometimes, I look back and can barely believe the gaps and mistakes I made (hopefully, before the edit window has closed!).

And a few times, while checking, I'll do a search and find my same comment from several years back, almost word for word, and actually feel I did at least a decent job at the time, and almost duplicated the reply.

And sometimes, I look back and can barely believe the gaps and mistakes I made (hopefully, before the edit window has closed!).

BTW, when that happens and you want to make an edit, PM any moderator with a link to the post and the "edit" window can easily be reopened. To get the link to a specific post, right-click on the post number and one of the options is "copy link".
BTW, when that happens and you want to make an edit, PM any moderator with a link to the post and the "edit" window can easily be reopened. To get the link to a specific post, right-click on the post number and one of the options is "copy link".

Thanks, I think I have done that once or twice, when it seemed important to me.

But these are generally minor grammar/spelling errors, so no big deal. But still a little surprising to see what I miss sometimes.

After a lifetime of GM vehicles these will be the last ones. If need replacemets they will be anything but GM or Ford.
WIll Vote with my checkbook. Life goes on.:LOL:
BTW Cadillac's instructions for using USB sticks are as informative as Alan Greenspan's explanations were of the state of the economy.

Heh, heh, I came to the conclusion about Ford/GM long ago. Eventually it was either Toyota or Honda. Now, it's Toyota or nothing.

I do still have my old (used) Buick which (with all it's little problems - like electric windows) is costing me way less than renting a car when I go to the mainland. Plus, BFF's widow gets to use it while I'm gone. And for all its faults, it's the most comfortable vehicle I've ever owned though YMMV.
Actually, Washington’s birthday is Feb 22. It is celebrated on the 3rd Monday of February.

Right, that's why I included "(observed)" in ""Washington’s Birthday" (observed)", which is the Federal Holiday.

My pet peeve of the day? Why do we even have to DO taxes? The government knows what THEY think we should pay. They aren't going to change their minds (trust me, it just won't happen).

So why don't they just tell us, collect the money, and be done with it. Why do we also have to spend our time and effort (not to mention even more money for turbo-tax or a CPA for some of us) in order to exactly duplicate their computations?

If I weren't such a sweet natured person, I'd scream shrilly at the top of my lungs that it's all a total sham, designed to enrich those who are making money off the tax preparation industry, and take precious hours from everyone's lives every single year just because they can.

:rant: :rant: :rant:
My pet peeve of the day? Why do we even have to DO taxes? The government knows what THEY think we should pay. They aren't going to change their minds (trust me, it just won't happen).

So why don't they just tell us, collect the money, and be done with it. Why do we also have to spend our time and effort (not to mention even more money for turbo-tax or a CPA for some of us) in order to exactly duplicate their computations?

It's really very simple. Intuit has better lobbyists than you do.
It's really very simple. Intuit has better lobbyists than you do.

Well in that case I can't think of any better target for a mob hit, not that I can arrange such a thing. But they'd better watch their behinds, that's all. Grrrrr. :mad: :mad: :mad:
In the realm of taxes, as in anything else in life, simpler is always better. The more you complicate your investments, asset ownership, financial transfers, estate plans, income streams or anything else, the more likely your are to have problems. If it is simple and standard, financial services firms and government agencies are more likely going to get things right, and as a bonus, it won't cost you as much for legal and accounting services. You will also experience less stress.

I have valued simplicity my whole life and have set up my financial affairs accordingly. So I can do my taxes on a sheet of note paper. And I'm working to make it simpler still. My goal is to get down to one taxable IRA and one Roth account for each of us, one joint taxable brokerage account and one joint bank account at our local bank.
Tax complexity may result from an overly complicated personal financial structure, but it is also caused by an overly complicated set of tax laws and financial regulations.
Tax complexity may result from an overly complicated personal financial structure, but it is also caused by an overly complicated set of tax laws and financial regulations.

But I can't change that part. I can only change my own affairs to avoid the complications.
Well in that case I can't think of any better target for a mob hit, not that I can arrange such a thing. But they'd better watch their behinds, that's all. Grrrrr. :mad: :mad: :mad:

There was an article on this subject recently, but I forget where. But it’s true that taxes could be done for you by the taxman, at least partially, and many countries already do this. Look at how hard it was for IRS to even start this year’s pilot program called Direct File in a limited number of states. My state used to have something called Fillable Forms which resembled fillable pdf files and were filed electronically, but they ended it. Now they at least have actual PDFs but they have to be snail mailed and don’t do any math.
It's really very simple. Intuit has better lobbyists than you do.

It is a lot more than just Intuit.

The fundamental problem is politician's use of the tax code to control behavior and reward favored constituencies. This makes an extremely complex tax code inevitable. Getting the tax code back to the sole purpose of raising revenue is the solution, but that diminishes Washington's control so is unlikely to happen.
Actually, Washington’s birthday is Feb 22. It is celebrated on the 3rd Monday of February.

I've been waiting for someone to come along and point out that Washington was born on Feb 11th, 1731 according to the Julian calendar then in use.

In 1752, Britain and all its colonies adopted the Gregorian calendar and the change required his birthday to be moved forward over a year to Feb 22, 1732.

So the more recent change to the nebulous "3rd Monday" isn't nearly as big a deal as the earlier change.
Life would be so much simpler if every 4th Monday was just a holiday, for no particular reason. We'd get 13 long weekends a year (14 once every 7 years) and wouldn't have to remember when they are. I wouldn't name them after any particular person or event, so no one is offended or left out.
My pet peeve of the day? Why do we even have to DO taxes? The government knows what THEY think we should pay. They aren't going to change their minds (trust me, it just won't happen).

So why don't they just tell us, collect the money, and be done with it. Why do we also have to spend our time and effort (not to mention even more money for turbo-tax or a CPA for some of us) in order to exactly duplicate their computations?

If I weren't such a sweet natured person, I'd scream shrilly at the top of my lungs that it's all a total sham, designed to enrich those who are making money off the tax preparation industry, and take precious hours from everyone's lives every single year just because they can.

:rant: :rant: :rant:
Because if one's self confessed amounts don't match what IRS's computers already assembled as a record, the IRS can dacide to look further into affairs, invite the poor sucker in for an "interview", and collect some penalties to boot. The IRS has practically infinite $$$ and time if they decide to mess with, ahem, further examine said taxpayer.
There are also very generous taxpayers willing to loan the IRS interest free $$$ during the year, in the hopes of getting some $ back at the end of filing season.
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