The Photographers' Corner - 2021 to ?

The moon (The Sphere) crashing to earth in Las Vegas


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I captured three hours of the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex a couple of nights ago. This is a huge star formation area about 460 light years away. The image would fit about 30 moons across. It was captured through a Samyang 135mm lens on an Astro camera (and a good tracking mount, of course) in a dark sky location in Namibia. By contrast, the Sombrero Galaxy that I posted a week ago, would look like a star in this field of view. But it is 31 million light years away, or something like that.

Edit: I forgot to mention, these are real colors. This was caught with a color camera. no artistic Hubble Palette choices here.


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Nothing special but I always enjoy the ritual and beauty of these big birds in the wild. Spring has sprung and next will be the wild asparagus.
A couple from the last few days.


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Finished editing from the last trip.
Sunrise at Bryce
Oxbow Bend - Tetons
Montana Statehouse Dome


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All of these photos are so beautiful.
thanks for posting.
Finished editing from the last trip.
Sunrise at Bryce
Oxbow Bend - Tetons
Montana Statehouse Dome


So the sunrise and dome pictures were tripod or handheld?

Is the Bryce location car accessible or you have to hike a long ways to get to it?
This a premature post but I am so pleased with the data I have on this one that I felt compelled to share. The only "good" comet in the sky these days is 12/P Pons-Brooks, captured here. Unfortunately, it sets early in the evening in the northwest sky so it is difficult to image. The telescopes I rent time on require that the target must be 20 degrees or higher above the horizon so Pons-Brooks doesn't make the cut. Fortunately, the guy who's telescopes I most frequently use graciously offered to move a scope to the northwest corner of the observatory where it would have a better view of the horizon and might be able to catch a little time on the comet just after twighlight. Last night he chased it down to the horizon and got about 1 hours of decent RGB data. The picture below has nicely aligned stars but a slightly blurry comet due to the comet's proper motion against the starfield. To do the comet justice, I need to separate it from the stars in each of the 30 2-minute exposures, align and stack the comet, and then recombine with the stars. That will be a bit of work.

In the meantime, here is Pons-Brooks sans comet alignment. It will be interesting to see if comet alignment sharpens it significantly.


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I hate to diss my own image, but the guy who took it was so surprised at how good the data turned out that he asked if he could make a video on the comet alignment process using my data (he captured it, but I own it). At any rate, this is the same data, comet aligned and staying close to the actual color. I pumped up the blue a bit on my blurry test image. What I want to achieve are the details you see here.


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Just WOW, I'm sure you have stated maybe in here about setting up for the Solar E. So are you going to be in the 1000000000% total area? Can't wait to see those. I'm in ~84% area in Maryland.... If you have any tips for a Sony RX10IV let me know please.
I have a question for the photographers here. I have an old 35MM camera I bought as a gift for me when I graduated from college. I used it taking wildlife pictures years ago but haven't used it in 25 years now. Is it have any value do people even use film cameras any more?

Just need to start to part with things and want to know I need to do with it.
Thank You.


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I had that same camera. I donated mine to a local college photography department after trying to sell it.
You might try to sell it on or other forums.
I had that same camera. I donated mine to a local college photography department after trying to sell it.
You might try to sell it on or other forums.

Great information. I just hate to throw it in the garage so maybe I could fine someone that could use it.

Thank You.

So, they are pretty much obsolete than? Would the zoom lens be able to be used for someone and not the camera itself?
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I think there are adapters for Nikon and Canon, not sure about Minolta.

Is the Bryce location car accessible or you have to hike a long ways to get to it?

I think Bryce Canyon is one of the prettiest Parks.

You can drive to Bryce canyon , and they have campgrounds inside too.

They have many paths you can walk, and many parking spots to overlook or get on a trail for a walk. The trails are pretty easy and vary in length.

If you take the shuttle, Beware of the timezone change for Bryce Canyon (compared to Las Vegas). We didn't know and missed the last shuttle.

Had to walk back in the dark, hitch-hike to the shuttle parking lot which is miles from the canyon, and then break out of the parking lot.

Our car was the only car in the parking lot, and nobody looked for lost/dead hikers! And the emergency phone number and video cameras at the shuttle parking don't work/summon help.
I think Bryce Canyon is one of the prettiest Parks.

You can drive to Bryce canyon , and they have campgrounds inside too.

They have many paths you can walk, and many parking spots to overlook or get on a trail for a walk. The trails are pretty easy and vary in length.

If you take the shuttle, Beware of the timezone change for Bryce Canyon (compared to Las Vegas). We didn't know and missed the last shuttle.

Had to walk back in the dark, hitch-hike to the shuttle parking lot which is miles from the canyon, and then break out of the parking lot.

Our car was the only car in the parking lot, and nobody looked for lost/dead hikers! And the emergency phone number and video cameras at the shuttle parking don't work/summon help.

Poor cell signals too, I take it?
Nothing special but I always enjoy the ritual and beauty of these big birds in the wild. Spring has sprung and next will be the wild asparagus.
A couple from the last few days.

Nice! I've never seen turkeys in the wild, they don't seem common in the Midwest. We used to see a lot of pheasants, but it seems something has changed in the habitat, I haven't seen one in decades. BTW, pheasants (the ring neck ones at least) were an import from China.

I passed some semi-rural areas on the way to work, and one morning I saw two peacocks crossing the road, Woah! I wasn't expecting that! Obviously pets. I'd see them from time to time after that.


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