Well, Looks Like a Choice of Three Dems for the White House........

Being a conservative for most of the last 100+ years has meant spending wisely, reducing taxes, supporting business, staying out of external conflicts unless there was no feasible option to do so, lean government, etc.

I like and can support that. But its not really what the republican party is all about.

BTW, I predict McCain takes Huckabee as his running mate.

I greatly dislike what the label "conservative" has become. William Buckley's definition -- a smaller, unobtrusive government, less spending, a balanced budget, lower taxes (after the budget is balanced), etc. -- have become unwanted guests on the Republican ticket.

What has moved in to replace William Buckley's conservatism is a new form of "conservatism" that's not conservative at all. It is, instead, an activist agenda dictated by a select group of Extreme Christian Conservatives wishing to establish a new standard of appropriate behavior inside the United States and beyond.

An ad by the Federal Health and Human Services department demonstrates my point. In that ad it told parents to talk with their kids about the importance of not having sex -- and I could be mostly OK with that message, except it went further -- and to talk with them about the importance of waiting until they're married to have sex!!!!:confused:

Mostly people get married well after they become adults. Since when is it our government should ever have a role in telling us about how to conduct ourselves in the bedroom once we become adults? This isn't smaller, more obtrusive government, it's Soviet-style social engineering, and I hate it.

As for the cornerstone of traditional conservatism, fiscal restraint, the current administration has totally ignored it, increasing our national debt faster than at any time in our history -- wartime or not. George W. didn't veto even one spending bill while the Republicans were in charge in Congress.

I'd be happy to vote for a Conservative as I grew up to know them. It's real pity there don't seem to be a whole lot of them left in the Republican Party, but John McCain has more than a passing resemblance to the old-style conservatives. And I trust him a whole lot more not to poke the Federal Government's long nose into my rights or private life than I do the current crop of "Conservatives."

I also like the idea of balancing a now primarily Democratic Congress with a Republican President (or vice-versa). I think it leads to better oversight of Presidential authority and better lawmaking. I think this balance of power for six of the eight years Bill Clinton was in office has a lot to do with how the budget was balanced and American progress late in the last century.

And I think you're right about a McCain/Huckabee ticket. Huckabee brings something to the Republican platform that McCain needs: a Christian Conservative bent and street 'cred in the Old South and Plains States. I'd be uneasy about Huckabee on the ticket; I don't think he's my first or even third choice as our leader, and given McCain's age I think it's quite possible that a McCain VP might ascend into the Oval Office, but I do think that having him on-board will draw votes McCain needs to win.

As for me, if I set the issue of balancing a Democratic Congress with a Republican President aside, I think Obama will better represents the people of this country than any of his opponents.

I also think that electing Obama, a Christian man who's name and father have Islamic roots, might be a good International Policy move, one that would give people of Muslim faith a reason to stop and re-think their fear that America is a country of Islamaphobes set on wiping them from the face of the earth.

It may sound like a small and simple thing, but there's great International interest in this American campaign abroad, and strong International support for Obama, including in the Muslim world. Placing a man who has an innate understanding of what it means to live in a Muslim country, what Muslim faith is all about, could go a very great distance against Al Quaida 's anti-USA propoganda.
I greatly dislike what the label "conservative" has become. William Buckley's definition -- a smaller, unobtrusive government, less spending, a balanced budget, lower taxes (after the budget is balanced), etc. -- have become unwanted guests on the Republican ticket.

I agree

What has moved in to replace William Buckley's conservatism is a new form of "conservatism" that's not conservative at all. It is, instead, an activist agenda dictated by a select group of Extreme Christian Conservatives wishing to establish a new standard of appropriate behavior inside the United States and beyond.

I don't think you can blame them for ALL the ills in society, Dems have a hand too...........

I also think that electing Obama, a Christian man who's name and father have Islamic roots, might be a good International Policy move, one that would give people of Muslim faith a reason to stop and re-think their fear that America is a country of Islamaphobes set on wiping them from the face of the earth.

Obama's father was Kenyan, and he although his name sounds Muslim, it is actually Luo, which means he descended from a clan in Kenya some 500 years ago........so no Muslim other than how it sounds.........
I would not Characterize McCain as a Democrat. Just because he does not follow the party on all issues does not mean he is a liberal. Fortunately he thinks for himself and has the courage to stand up for what he believes. That is more than can be said for 99.9% of the political leaders in both parties. I do not agree with him on all his positions, but at least he has some principles and a willingness to stick with them.
I think Obama or Clinton could do a lot worse than to pick Bill Richardson for VP. Not a far out left leaning democrat, picks up the Hispanic vote, but still not off-putting to Anglos, track record of competence. If not,I imagine he would end up in the cabinet if a democrat wins the race.
Ain't that the truth. It is so humilating that after 80 years of screaming about deficit spending, it was Bill Clinton that managed to balance the budget for the first time since Ike. I know there has been grumbling about the lack of fiscal discipline in the last 8 years, but no where near the level of screaming as we see in issues like immigration.

Yes... it is funny that being at the right place at the right time is 'smart'...

First, Clinton actually did not 'balance' the budget if you take out the SS surplus... never....

Second, Clinton reduced the amount spent on military.. the famous 'cold war dividend'.... the people before and after had to pay more for other reasons...

Third, and this is the main cause... he did not have a democratic congress that would approve what he wanted to spend... how much do you think the 'universal health coverage' would have cost if passed? So, the repubs would not LET him spend...

NOW.. I agree that it was a GOOD thing... but I do not see that it was his 'goal' and all his doing... but I will give it to you that he was part of the solution that did 'balance' the budget....

To bad 9/11 came a screwed it all up...
I think Obama or Clinton could do a lot worse than to pick Bill Richardson for VP. Not a far out left leaning democrat, picks up the Hispanic vote, but still not off-putting to Anglos, track record of competence. If not,I imagine he would end up in the cabinet if a democrat wins the race.

Brewer... reading some of your posts lately... it seems you have a liberal slant... I won't hold it against you :D if you don't hold my conservative against me....

And... I AGREE with you that Richardson would be a great pick for a VP if Obama wins... I don't think that Hillary would pick him though...

NOW... I heard this about Hillary (must be some tin hat people)... but...

She picks her husband to be VP... when she gets into office she 'resigns' and Bill becomes prez again!!! And then they make HER VP so she would be the front runner for the next election.. (wow, like she would not want the power herself!!!)...
What is it about serving in the Senate that qualifies you to run for president:

1. You've never managed a budget any bigger than your checkbook.
2. You've never managed a workforce larger than your staff.
3. You've spent your "career" making laws for the little people then promptly exempt yourself from the same laws (SS, Medicare, ...).

What qualifications do any of these people REALLY have?
...NOW... I heard this about Hillary (must be some tin hat people)... but...

She picks her husband to be VP... when she gets into office she 'resigns' and Bill becomes prez again!!! And then they make HER VP so she would be the front runner for the next election.. (wow, like she would not want the power herself!!!)...

Since Bill Clinton can't serve as as president again, in this case wouldn't the next person in line after Hillary be the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi? Just think, it could be like the Carter years all over again.
What is it about serving in the Senate that qualifies you to run for president:

1. You've never managed a budget any bigger than your checkbook.
2. You've never managed a workforce larger than your staff.
3. You've spent your "career" making laws for the little people then promptly exempt yourself from the same laws (SS, Medicare, ...).

What qualifications do any of these people REALLY have?

You gotta start somewhere.
She picks her husband to be VP... when she gets into office she 'resigns' and Bill becomes prez again!!! And then they make HER VP so she would be the front runner for the next election.. (wow, like she would not want the power herself!!!)...

Complete tinfoil hattery, IMO. Although, FWIW, I find him far more palatable than her.
Apparently Monica found him palatable also...

I frankly could care less who the president is screwing (interns, foreign leaders, Joint Chief of Staff, big orgy with all the senators ofthe other party, etc.) so long as they perform competently at their job and everyone else is a consenting adult. As William S. Burroughs (bless his smutty, heroin addict soul) said: "The measure of competence is performance."
I frankly could care less who the president is screwing (interns, foreign leaders, Joint Chief of Staff, big orgy with all the senators ofthe other party, etc.) so long as they perform competently at their job and everyone else is a consenting adult. As William S. Burroughs (bless his smutty, heroin addict soul) said: "The measure of competence is performance."

That was a joke, but, yeah, me too...
Since Bill Clinton can't serve as as president again, in this case wouldn't the next person in line after Hillary be the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi? Just think, it could be like the Carter years all over again.

I thought the same thing.... but looked it up and you and me were wrong...

Amendment XXII:
Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.

READ... the word that is IMPORTANT is 'elected' to the office of the President... since he would not have been 'elected' to that office, there is nothing in the amendment that would prevent him from serving another 4 years if he became president through the office of the vice president...

But still... tin hat thinking...
Brewer... reading some of your posts lately... it seems you have a liberal slant... I won't hold it against you :D if you don't hold my conservative against me....

And... I AGREE with you that Richardson would be a great pick for a VP if Obama wins... I don't think that Hillary would pick him though...

NOW... I heard this about Hillary (must be some tin hat people)... but...

She picks her husband to be VP... when she gets into office she 'resigns' and Bill becomes prez again!!! And then they make HER VP so she would be the front runner for the next election.. (wow, like she would not want the power herself!!!)...

Who sits around making up this ****?

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Bill and Hillary for President
Hillary picks her husband to be VP... when she gets into office she 'resigns' and Bill becomes prez again!!!

I don't know who thought this one up, but no way this is going to happen. If Hillary gets elected President, then SHE has the power. She's never stepping aside to usher in four more years of Bill. More likely, she's appointing him ambassador to Nauru or Tuvalu (or Antarctica if anyone lived there).
It's more likely that if she gets into office she'll have Bill executed. Maybe that was her plan all along.
I don't think it's all that far-fetched. I agree, not likely that Bill would be her choice for VP, but in the event that did part happen, then of course the VP is legally the next person in line should anything happen to the Prez. Not probable, but technically I think it could happen.

My biggest concern is that Hillary's name could actually be on my federal retirement certificate! :'(
I don't know who thought this one up, but no way this is going to happen. If Hillary gets elected President, then SHE has the power. She's never stepping aside to usher in four more years of Bill. More likely, she's appointing him ambassador to Nauru or Tuvalu (or Antarctica if anyone lived there).

I agree it is so far fetched... and if she DID pick him.... I would bet big time that they lost... the repubs would not want HIM back for anything...

And SHE wants the power now... Bill is in the back for good IMO...
What is it about serving in the Senate that qualifies you to run for president:

3. You've spent your "career" making laws for the little people then promptly exempt yourself from the same laws (SS, Medicare, ...).

Add the 'Do Not Call' list to that.

Amazing how fast that got passed, once the legislature realized how bad everybody wanted it. But they also figured it couldn't apply to them now, could it?

What is it about serving in the Senate that qualifies you to run for president:

1. You've never managed a budget any bigger than your checkbook.
2. You've never managed a workforce larger than your staff.
3. You've spent your "career" making laws for the little people then promptly exempt yourself from the same laws (SS, Medicare, ...).

What qualifications do any of these people REALLY have?

Senators (and reps) are not exempt from SS.
I also think that electing Obama, a Christian man who's name and father have Islamic roots, might be a good International Policy move, one that would give people of Muslim faith a reason to stop and re-think their fear that America is a country of Islamaphobes set on wiping them from the face of the earth.

Obama's father was Kenyan, and he although his name sounds Muslim, it is actually Luo, which means he descended from a clan in Kenya some 500 years ago........so no Muslim other than how it sounds.........

I think I should clarify a bit. Barak Obama's father, who left the family when he was two, was a Kenyan Athiest, but his stepfather was a Muslim, so we're both right. (Sourced from a Washinton Post article.) The Republican Scandal-and-Rumor-Mill suggestion that Senator Obama himself is Muslim or that he attended an extremist Muslim madrasa are fictions assembled by Obama's social conservative, win at all costs, opponents.

I'm neither Republican nor Democrat, by the way. I'm quite independent, and have reasons to like and dislike both party platforms. My overriding concerns this election, however, are a working national health care system, a less hawkish attitude toward foreign affairs, and political reform. think I get at least some movement in the right direction on all these issues from Obama, less so with McCain or Clinton (in order of preference).
The Republican Scandal-and-Rumor-Mill suggestion that Senator Obama himself is Muslim or that he attended an extremist Muslim madrasa are fictions assembled by Obama's social conservative, win at all costs, opponents.

Obama's about as Muslim as I am (6th generation in the USA German Catholic)...........;)

My overriding concerns this election, however, are a working national health care system, a less hawkish attitude toward foreign affairs, and political reform. think I get at least some movement in the right direction on all these issues from Obama, less so with McCain or Clinton (in order of preference).

Someone needs to show me how e can provide nationalized health care without bankrupting the economy before I am willing to give it a chance........you guys must love taxes, because an increase in taxes has traditionally been the only way to fund social programs of magnitude.........;)
Someone needs to show me how e can provide nationalized health care without bankrupting the economy before I am willing to give it a chance........you guys must love taxes, because an increase in taxes has traditionally been the only way to fund social programs of magnitude.........;)

We spend $2 trillion a year on health care. About $600 billion of that is on new treatments with little or no benefit over existing procedures.

We spend ~$625 billion a year on defense while the #2 country (China) spends $65 billion.

I'm just saying, if we wanted to find the money, we probably could.

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