Um, really?

So, I've been thinking about this while making dinner...

democrat president has affair with intern; wife gets senate seat and shot at white house

democrat governor pays for hooker. I'm thinking we're looking at the next congresswoman from new york.
Oh, and I have a confession to make. The first time I heard this story, the first thought I had was "I wonder if he paid her with a variable annuity".
Bill Clinton and Monica I don't get it.


That explain it?
a hint - there is not enough blood in the body to operate two major organs at the same time. we'll coin a new phrase -the "Spitzer Effect"

Would this guy be Elliot?


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Just this lean, green lovin' machine. Others are probably more.
Being a LBYM type of guy (as well as a non-adultering kind of guy), I'll never know..... [copious tears]
Well its all theoretical anyway -- Pokey is the jealous type.
Adultery = ridiculous standard? I have to say you lost me there.

adultery simply means that you have sex with someone besides your marriage partner. i imagine there are numerous couples who would think it ridiculous to be limited to one person, even while enjoying all the other benefits of state sanctioned marriage. i wouldn't know, personally, as i'm not permitted to marry. but i assume therefore, by what i take as the tone of your response to mine, that you connote cheating in using the word "adultery" which might not have been the case here and so to which neither of us have the facts to judge.

so i stand by my flip comment even while being surprised it received such serious reflection.

While I agree with you that prositiution should be legal, he did wrong (1) committing adultery, and (2) committing a crime which as Attorney General he had prosecuted others for.

1) see above 2) that was just a little--i'll give it the benefit of the doubt--convenient of you, don't you think, to cut my quote short as i already said, put apparently you force me into defense so that i guess i have to say it again: "your point, perhaps, which i understand." there, satisfied?
What he did wrong was fail to live up to his own publicly announced standard. Where I come from that's called hypocrisy.

Amen, Walt.. guess that's why the Republicans gave Vitter a STANDING O.

..ovation.. not the other o.

at least not in public, anyway.
First, two one-liners... not original and I'm sure they've already been done, but it came to me while I was washing the dishes...


You can't be too tough on Spitzer. After all, one of his promises was that he was going to get hard on crime.


The prostitute came forward today and made a plea for Spitzer. She said to be lenient with him because he's already done lots of hard time

i knew i could count on you! LMAO

wow, TWO limericks AND a senryu. you da man!

allow me...A hard Governor is good to find. or is it...A good Governor is hard to find?
i get so confused...
If I may, I'd like to use this story to exemplify why Southern men are hilarious (apologies as I've been doing a Florence King reading marathon of late).

I read that Spitzer's wife is originally from Concord, NC, my DHs (very small) hometown. I felt vaguely sorry for her having to stand up there next to the idiot, so I looked into her history a bit and asked DH if he knew her family--he is a good bit younger than Silda so unlikely he knew her, plus he left a long time ago.

So I say, her dad was a hospital administrator in Concord, does that ring a bell? No, not so much...okay, well there is only one then I find his name...oh, yeah, that is my friend from high school's know, the one who designs engines for Nascar (this guy is a hero to DH & his friends). Well, that must be his sister, huh? I say, you mean this woman leaves Concord, goes to Harvard, becomes first lady of New York, and you don't even have a passing awareness of her? His answer: you know, her brother designs engines for Nascar! What else could compare to that?
sigh. I love the South!

On a positive note, she owns that jerk's @$$ now. I read the complaint on the Smoking Gun, and they got him dead to rights. Imagine prosecuting prostitution rings while you are also a patron of one! Politics

Spitzer is out.

I have a confession to make... see, Spitzer and I were on vacation and I found this secret cell phone...

You do have to wonder, what's out there that made him come forward. Who has him blackmailed? Politics

Spitzer is out.

I have a confession to make... see, Spitzer and I were on vacation and I found this secret cell phone...

You do have to wonder, what's out there that made him come forward. Who has him blackmailed?
he made a lot of enemies with the big $ boyz on wall street while NY AG.

to his credit, he flushed out a lot of corruption in the finance and investment industry. saved ALL of us little investors a lot of money. you can never take that away from him.

but he had a dark little secret. it's too bad, he was very good at what he did as a public servant.

what a dumb s**t!
I assume when powerful guys see hookers it doesn't have to do with how hot the wives are or the hookers are or whether the guys could get it for free.

It has to do with not owing anything but money. No obligations, no need to be nice and loving, no need to call again if you don't feel like it. Just sex the way you want it.

Now Bill? He just loves women.
what ever happened to good old fashion nsa sex? i suspect for most, paying for it is a fetish like any other.

i'm not convinced that it is much different then, say, a man who doesn't want his wife to work but feels like he should be able to provide for her (or visa versa, of course).
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