Young Dreamers are Big Dreamers


Recycles dryer sheets
Apr 18, 2008
Here's the scenario:

Your long lost aunt Matilda has generously given you a huge inheritance which enables you to FIRE tomorrow. You're in perfect health, no criminal record and able to travel basically anywhere.

Money is no object - what are the 3 really BIG things you would do in your first year being FIREd?

Here's my top 3:

- Box seats to the Hockey Stanley Cup Finals, in a Canadian city (Calgary would be my pic if I could control the universe, but any city would do.)

- Become a 'Fighter Pilot for a day' and participate in a dogfight.

- Helitour at night of some of the top cities in the world - Shanghai, New York, Tokyo, London


I'd probably go on one of those luxury world tour cruises that last 1 year or so. I haven't been out of north america yet, and would love to see Europe and even China or Egypt if safe.
Go buy my farm land now instead of in the fall.

Splurge on the farmhouse design and get the greywater recycling system (instead of just using cisterns outside to store rainwater). Heck, I'll probably do that anyway.

Get two windmills instead of just one.
Here's the scenario:
Your long lost aunt Matilda has generously given you a huge inheritance which enables you to FIRE tomorrow. You're in perfect health, no criminal record and able to travel basically anywhere.
Money is no object - what are the 3 really BIG things you would do in your first year being FIREd?
I don't even have a good plan for our own green waste, let alone having to shovel Aunt Matilda's.

But three things? OK then, I suspect it'd involve philanthropy programs like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, & Chuck Feeney.
Take a nap.
Stop drinking coffee.
Rocket pants?

I would go with stop drinking coffee for sure. Four cups a day is a bit much. It a quantity that's just enough to make me shamble through the day like a zombie but too much for me get a restful night of sleep.
1. Take a few motorcycle racing schools, buy a motorcycle to race, and do a track day every weekend for a month or two.

2. Buy a sailboat, sail down through Mexico for a while.

3. Refit a Grumman Albatross and fly it through the Carribbean.
1. Get season seats to the local NHL team.
2. Purchase a sports sedan.
3. Remodel/redecorate the house.

The order of my list is roughly in line with my personal priorities. :)
Geez, money no object, eh?

1. Hire a Personal Assistant -- someone to organize everything that I don't want to do, from grocery shopping to travel arrangements to arranging for landscapers to come over...

2. Move into a much nicer house.

3. Buy an aircraft and hire a full-time staff. Travel the world as the whim hits.
1.) Get a criminal record...

Just kidding, but in all seriousness:

1.) (2 and 3 if I can lump them together) Season tickets to the Boston Red Sox.

2.) Home in Beacon Hill or some other very nice property.

3.) Maserati?
1. Ditto Kronk's idea of the aircraft and on-demand pilot.
2. Buy a cool cabin with a lot of land and a breathtaking view in or near Homer, Alaska.
3. Buy another cabin someplace warm and beachy, perhaps a private island in the Caribbean.
Enough to be retired, securely, even if the market is down forever?

I'd probably drop to part time at my job, and spend the first year in the woods geocaching.

Eventually I'd become a part time geocacher and find a new hobby. :D

Here's the scenario:

Your long lost aunt Matilda has generously given you a huge inheritance which enables you to FIRE tomorrow. You're in perfect health, no criminal record and able to travel basically anywhere.

I'd go to North Korea and Syria, so that I could add the stamps in my passport to the ones I've already got from Iran, Cuba and Lebanon. In fact, a friend and I are thinking of going to North Korea in Spring 09. Any one want to form a tour group?
no criminal record? whats with that?

Hey, maybe some felon Young Dreamers dream of owning an enormous arsenal of assault rifles. He was just covering all the bases. :D

I would buy about forty acres on the Santa Fe River in High Springs, Florida and build our totally off-the-grid Cracker House.

Travel all across Europe with DW and DD for as long as we wanted.

Rent or buy an RV and travel the US for as long as we wanted.
Ditto on the airplane and someone to fly it. That would be the most wonderful thing I could imagine having, is the ability to fly where you wanted to go, while avoiding the airports and seatmates now on offer commercial.
Hell no, I want to DRINK on the plane! :D
Seriously, of the things I think I want to learn how to do, flying a plane never made the list. Too much stress and I'm no adrenaline junkie.
1. Become a space tourist like Sergey Brin. It is tempting to say start the next Google but that seems like to much work.
2. Win the "lunch with Warren Buffett" auction.
3. Rent the Playboy mansion, complete with Playboy models off course, for a long weekend and invite my nerdy friends.
(1) After some careful thought, I know what I would want to do: I would hire a BUTLER. Not the traditional "Jeeves", answering the door and underfoot. Nope, not that kind of butler.

Here's how it would work. For a fee (electronically transferred from my account to his), my butler would contract to have all the mowing and landscaping taken care of for my house and see to it that it was done properly. He would also have my house cleaned, my pool maintained, and he would deal with repairmen and a handiman as needed and wait for deliveries.

Most of the regular work that needs to be done every week would be done on, say, Tuesday afternoons. He would take care of any snags; lawn guy sick? House cleaner ran off with the milkman? He'd have qualified replacements in there so fast I would never know the difference. He would check references and so on, and pay and oversee everyone. I wouldn't have to oversee anybody, not even him. He would find a substitute for himself if he was sick or on vacation and everything would progress seamlessly.

Since he would be a GOOD butler, I wouldn't have him or others underfoot ever except on Tuesday afternoons (when I would make a point of being gone), or when I specifically requested that he wait for a delivery or repairman. Otherwise, I would have complete and total privacy.

(2) Of course, I would move. The estate I would live on (that this butler would care for) would be at least 10 acres of stunning rose gardens, walking paths, statuary, and pools, surrounded by a ten foot wall, so that it would be very private. There would be an armed guard at the gate (hired and supervised by my butler, of course!).

I think that would about cover it. Can't think of a third desire.

Do I think big, or what? :2funny:
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(1) After some careful thought, I know what I would want: a BUTLER. Not the traditional "Jeeves", answering the door and underfoot. Nope, not that kind of butler.

Here's how it would work. For a fee (electronically transferred from my account to his), my butler would contract to have all the mowing and landscaping taken care of for my house and see to it that it was done properly. He would also have my house cleaned, my pool maintained, and he would deal with repairmen and a handiman as needed and wait for deliveries.

Most of the regular work that needs to be done every week would be done on, say, Tuesday afternoons. He would take care of any snags; lawn guy sick? House cleaner ran off with the milkman? He'd have qualified replacements in there so fast I would never know the difference. He would check references and so on, and pay and oversee everyone. I wouldn't have to oversee anybody, not even him. He would find a substitute for himself if he was sick or on vacation and everything would progress seamlessly.

Since he would be a GOOD butler, I wouldn't have him or others underfoot ever except on Tuesday afternoons (when I would make a point of being gone), or when I specifically requested that he wait for a delivery or repairman. Otherwise, I would have complete and total privacy.

(2) The estate I would live on (that this butler would care for) would be at least 10 acres of stunning rose gardens, walking paths, statuary, and pools, surrounded by a ten foot wall, so that it would be very private. There would be an armed guard at the gate (hired and supervised by my butler, of course!).

I think that would about cover it. Can't think of a third desire.

Do I think big, or what? :2funny:

Sounds good to me.:cool:
Sounds good to me.:cool:

Not bad, huh? :D Since my budget will actually be more limited than that, I think I'll compromise by hiring a landscaping company to take care of a half acre yard when I ER if I can afford it.

I'll do my own housework, do without a pool, and go to a park or something for the ten acres of stunning rose gardens, paths, pools, and statuary. ;)
I'd take my whole family cousins ,aunts ,uncles ,sisters ,bil's ,daughter & son in law ,mother ,My So and his family and a few friends on a cruise to Alaska in suites and with everything paid for !

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