Are You Kinda Famous Or Know Someone Who Is

Nords said:
Yeah, but only if you're carrying coffee, doughnuts, & beer...
That goes without saying. Actually, you can skip the coffee and doughnuts. :LOL: :LOL:
I was told that I am famous in the oil sands industry. (Maybe because I show up for work every day?)

NM also means "No message", as everything was said in the subject line, or perhaps the author or the moderator ("hiss! boo!") deleted the offensive material in entirety.
Ed_The_Gypsy said:
NM also means "No message", as everything was said in the subject line, or perhaps the author or the moderator ("hiss! boo!") deleted the offensive material in entirety.

The forum software leaves a tell-tale message at the bottom of any post that has been modified, even if by done by a ("hiss! boo!") moderator. ;)
Late to this thread, but here goes:

DW's coworker is the cousin of the "Flying Tomato" -- the red-haired US Olympic snowboarder
DW's cousin is a congressman
Our friend got picked up on by Vince Vaughn
My Mom met and worked with the President of Zambia for a short time
I was on a flight, and talked to, the big orderly dude with a goatee from ER
I ran into Brad Garrett and the "little person" from Seinfeld (Kramer's friend) at a club

That's about it.
somehow i came across this thread and thought i'd revive it

I've met: Michael Jordan's mom, Walter Chronkite, Tiger woods, Blues Traveller guy, David Bowie, Juvenile and the Cash Money crew,Brand Nubian, all while working as a bellhop. I met the rappers and they asked me to serve hennessey at an afterparty and they got this lil' white boy WASTED (15 yrs old), gave me some was crazy

I met Bizzy Bone of Bone Thugs n Harmony at a concert the crowd actually. My girlfriend somehow got the microphone at the concert...very wierd

I see Lebron James all the time driving around Akron....ran into him at red lobster recently

john mellencamp's drummer's wife was my teacher

my uncle won an emmy.....

met chris collinsworth, nick bonacante (sp?), Len Dawson , Dan Marino on set of Inside the NFL...oh and Brett Favre stopped by too

I have an account for a very popular news anchor locally

Met Alonzo mourning

i'm sure theres more....but im drawing a blank
Let's see...I knocked Linwood Holton (Gov. VA - '70-'74) down the steps in the Mosque when I was in 9th grade. Luckily the bodyguard didn't shoot me.

Other than that, Alan Keyes daughter and mine are good friends, so I've been over to their house. If he'd beaten Obama in the 2004 Senate race our discussions would be very different now. >:D

Bonnie Hanssen was my daughter's religion teacher until the little legal issue with her husband Robert came up. Met him a few times. Very unremarkable.

My grandfather's 1st cousin was Harland Sanders. The closest I got to the family fortune was working in a KFC for minimum wage back in '78.

Saw Doug Flutie on the boardwalk in Ocean City MD back when he was QB for the Buffalo Bills. No idea what he was doing there.

That's about it. Not too impressive, except for the Col. Sanders part. :D
I grew up in L.A. where everybody knew somebody. :rolleyes:

One of my first jobs was delivering cell phones to movie sets. Back then a cell phone was a big deal, and they often got thrown in as a goodie or bennie with movie deals. I delivered phones to such masterpieces as "Volcano". But I never got to "meet" Tommy Lee Jones or Demi Moore or any of the other famous people themselves. The studio would give me a 30 minute pass to drive on the lot, and the "Assistant to the assistant personal manager for...." would act haughty as they took the phone from me. Meanwhile I would peer over their shoulder and say, "Hey, is that the back of the head of....?"

I did teach several kids of the cast of "Star Trek, the Next Generation" how to paint figurines at an art store I worked at, as well as Christian Slater's little brother. He's actually a really down to earth guy. His mom is a total stage mom freak, though. Really scary.
I went to get my occasional hair cut/financial consult but the lady who cuts my hair wasn't interested in the the market. She just wanted to talk about the customer who came in yesterday, Eddie Fisher. She must be in her 20s, from China, and didn't know who he was but learned very quickly. She kept saying, "he's so old! He's been married five times...." He just turned 80. I asked if he lives in one of those two million dollar condos, she thought, no, he owns the building. I get my hair cut at the same place as Eddie Fisher; he must be LBYMing.
music: an uncle (deceased before my time) whose body of work will forever be ingrained as recognizable americana.

film: a 2nd cousin (living) with an oscar (met him once, chatted a few times).

tv & film: a 2nd cousin (living) with an emmy (never met him).

publishing: a 1st cousin-once removed who i enjoy very much is a well-known buddhist (i think famous buddhist would be too much of a oxymoron.)

tv: my best friend (deceased) with four emmy nominations.

fashion: (lolol) my greatgrandfather (lived with my father's parents later in life but died before my time) "designed" (i think they were called tailors back then) president garfield's jackets. the family story is that when greatgrandpa heard about the assassination he exclaimed "shoot him in the pants; the jacket's mine." everyone's a comic.

i'm not famous at all. but i do enjoy anonymous sex from time to time.
Went to breakfast with Bush 1 (with about 200 other people) when he was VP
Dw met Terry Bradshaw in a bar
My former coworker's mom dated Robert Plant
Saw William H. Macy checking in/out of hotel while I was at a conference
My friend's dog peed on Denis Savard's foot (ex Chi blackhawk)
I was alone with Celine Deion waiting for a limo and I didnt know who she was
Jack Sikma's (ex nba center) sister was my high school teacher
The only person I know who is even remotely famous on a national level is Eric Hinske. He was the 2002 MLB Rookie of the Year with the Toronto Bluejays. He's currently playing for the Red Sox. I went to high school with him. In addition to being the best baseball player in the area he was also the star of the basketball team and the best running back around. At 6'2" 235lbs I thought he'd end up in the NFL but I guess he made the right choice. He signed a 5yr $15MM contract.
Several galactically famous classic rock groups playing Milwaukee's Summerfest, I being the local doctor du jour. Megastar #1 develops incapacitating diarrhea hours before show time. Went to see him in the rock star bus, and word gets out there's a doctor in the house. 17 others lined up to be seen, of whom most wanted a B12 shot (I don't carry that around in my little black bag). As a financial aside, they paid me in cash with the manager peeling off hundred dollar bills like it was deck of cards. BTW, the show did go on.

Wish I could share the names of these groups, but noblesse oblige. ;)

Mickey Mantle and I shared a cup of coffee at a medical convention.

I once stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.
I used to do security at a NASCAR track. I've met more drivers than I can recall. I gave Steve Parks a ride and I irritated Jack Roush. Steve Parks was cool. Jack took it in stride, but you could tell he was irritated. I stood outside the track and BS'd with Jeff Green for about 30 minutes before he told me he was a driver. He was wearing street clothes and nobody recognized him. He was very down to earth.

I met wrestlers Randy Macho Man Savage, Hulk Hogan in a store in Florida. I had lunch with the wrestlers of the Rock and Roll express. I was back up on a traffic stop on the wrestler Median (I can't recall his real name). Neither me nor my partner were fans of wrestling, and the guy only told us when we pried it out of him.

Other than those it's all locally famous people, who are irrelevant outside the areas, I lived.
I've met a few:

Lou Brock (at an airport)
Lance Armstrong
Tiger Woods (1st tournament as a pro)
Senator Herb Kohl
John Daly (at a bar!)
Pat Benetar (met her backstage when I was 16)
Adam Ant (what a weird dude)
I was Strom Thurmond's nurse. I swear that he wasn't going to pass away on my watch. He didn't - and survived for several years afterwards. (I may have broke a HIPPA rule, but who cares?)
Drew Carey, Mick Foley (WWE Wrestler), Warrick Dunn (Buc's RB), and that Dave Attell (Comedy Channel) visited my ward in Afghanistan. I was in charge so I talked a lot to each of them and showed them around. Was kind of nervous w/ Drew Carey, for some reason.
I've played a round of golf w/ Jerry Seaman (former NFL ref and head of refs for quite awhile) - I took $1 from him on a bet. Also played w/ Beasley Reece, ex-DB for the Bucs, and other NFL teams. Also in our group was a NBC broadcaster for boxing. Its funny when I see him on the TV 15 yrs later and think - "Hey, I played golf w/ that dude!"
I went to get my occasional hair cut/financial consult but the lady who cuts my hair wasn't interested in the the market. She just wanted to talk about the customer who came in yesterday, Eddie Fisher. She must be in her 20s, from China, and didn't know who he was but learned very quickly. She kept saying, "he's so old! He's been married five times...." He just turned 80. I asked if he lives in one of those two million dollar condos, she thought, no, he owns the building. I get my hair cut at the same place as Eddie Fisher; he must be LBYMing.

Oh Mein Papa, to me he was so wonderful...

Boy, that must have been the last time any American voiced that sentiment, especially in song.

Former ABC Evening News Elizabeth Vargas went to my high school and was a classmate for one course. She was a hottie back then - and in a way still is.

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