My Name is Hank and I Like Scotch


Recycles dryer sheets
Nov 18, 2008
Hello people, I have been reading your board for a long time and decided to take the plunge.

My spouse calls this forum the "stingy millionaires club" but I don't think anyone is stingy just frugal....

Anyway, here's my story in a nut shell. I retired in 2006 with no pension and live off my portfolio. I moved to Canada from the USA so the USD is helping me at the moment. But will not hold up in a year or two in my opinion. I get free healthcare but it is not nearly as good as what I was used to in the States but at least I have access and so does everyone else.

Everything was going great until the worldwide economic collapse and now I am very anxious and looking for work. But I can't go back to being an IT exec at Mega Corp so I am looking at different options. Mostly I just want to find something that I am passionate about doing. You all know the story. Just because you retire early you still have to wake up in the morning and do something....
Welcome, Hank, glad you finally posted with us and shared your story!
Have you read the Work Less Live More book? I think that has a good bit of info on working the way you want to work. And of course there are plenty of folks doing just what you describe--enough work to give the portfolio a rest during the downturn.

We're not stingy--we're imaginative! ;)
My name is Dawg54 and I like banging my head.....

against a wall.
Stock market is killing me. But welcome to the forum!
Welcome Hank. I, for one, am very happy that I woke up this morning.
My name is Freebird and i like raisin h*ll

i liked your intro...welcome to the board.

we're not stingy, we' stingy.;)

look here for ideas i have no idea if it covers Canada, so you can be the guinea pig. :D
use keywords "part time" and "full time". you will get all sorts of answers. and remember to save your search. if it gets too much, turn off the email notification.

BTW, raisin h*ll is where they send all the bad grapes. :rolleyes:
against a wall.
Stock market is killing me. But welcome to the forum!

Dawg sweetie, I have a headache from all that pounding. :)

Welcome Hank. I like scotch too. Especially in the last couple of months.
Welcome to the board. You like Scotch? Care to tell which one/ones?
Heck, some of us think waking up in the morning is doing something. :)


Add a bath to that and it's a full day.;)

Saw the word, "Scotch" and figured the usual suspects would already be here. Welcome and tell us more about the scotch.
OK - I'll go first..
I like especially like Balvenie but most usually have Dalmore - my ode to penny pinching.
As you know, here in WA we have high prices and limited choice. But I have enjoyed Tomatin, a 12 year Highland that for me tastes vg, and is cheap enough that I am willing to buy it occasionally.

I'll only drink the BEST Scotch in the world......that which someone else paid for!!! :D

Oh yeah, and welcome to the forum, Hank! :)
Welcome to the forum. You accomplished as much as many of us today, just posting here...please don't try to raise the bar too high, the mods grade on a curve.;)

I see the usual suspects had their search filters set for "scotch". You could have used the word $%#@) or even %`*#(* in your introduction with complete impunity, but "scotch" stopped 'em in their tracks.
"Just because you retire early you still have to wake up in the morning and do something...."
I thought it was "because you retire early you DO NOT have to wake up in the morning" .....

afternoon -- evening -- ur choice :D
Diversify and Drink Expensive Scotch

I guess these are the two important lessons I learned so far during these trying economic times.

I used to try and save money on Scotch and buy the 12 year old single malts instead of the 18 year olds and it probably netted me a few hundred bucks a year. Now I am buying what I want and enjoying myself. But it is hard because I am a frugal person but it is my one indulgence. I don't even have a car right now. I like the Macallans single malts but I interested in tasting others so send me some tips. Or better yet just send me a bottle. Or I can trade you for some wine that I am making but it won't be ready until March.
Dear Freebird5825 thanks for the link. It is really good. It works so well that my confidence is so high now that I have decided not to look for a job any more today. I feel better now that that is over. Seriously, I will go through the postings later. What a great board. Lots of options to consider.
Dear Freebird5825 thanks for the link. It is really good. It works so well that my confidence is so high now that I have decided not to look for a job any more today. I feel better now that that is over. Seriously, I will go through the postings later. What a great board. Lots of options to consider.
so does cover Canada?
I just read the j*b postings for the heck of it. i sometimes apply, but i don't chase after it. i'm window shopping so to speak. :D
i could use some more mad money, but i am easily meeting my bills.
Yes, Covers Canada

Yes, it covers Canada. Seems to scrap the other job boards and newspapers from the area.
Welcome to the board

Yes, health care in Canada is "free", they use the hurry up and wait strategy, it's very Darwinian, survival of the fittest, if you don't drop waiting in line
I believe in universal healthcare so I won't bash the Canadian system. I am happy to have it and the US system has many faults and problems. However, I would say for a middle class person that can afford insurance in the US that the care and access is actually better than in Canada. My wife waited months to get an MRI. Family doctors are hard to find etc. 30% of asthma patients have been misdiagnosed according to a recent report I read. However, I know people that have had heart surgery or other serious situations taken care of and I am amazed that they never get a bill. It ain't free though. Taxes pay for it.
Hank, I thought Canada didn't allow too much immigration---and wouldn't give health care to non-Canadian citizens. Can you explain?

I'm finding it too cold here in Georgia already, but hey, if I can save $1,000 in health insurance a month and all the out of pocket expenses, I can just stock up on sweaters and learn to say "eh?"

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