Change in at-home cash reserve?

We have a safe, bolted into the slab. Even without that it's probably 200+ lbs. Locksmith said it takes them hours to open one by force. Plus it's fire resistant.

It would take some serious time to open the safe, or rip if from the slab and lug it to their getaway truck. I think it would be obvious that it's there but frustrating if not impossible for them to get in it. Big obstacle, slows them down, lots of noise, maybe they'll go fishing somewhere else.

Well yeahbut. You probably have a drug stash that has some legal requirements for home storage. i'm just dealing with paper. There's hidey spots all over the place - mock electric outlets, in light fixtures or appliances, wall mouldings, under sinks, in toe kicks under cabinets, AC ducts, frozen foods - i don't want a thief messing up a safe so i can't get into it! That said, we have had some losses over the years, but more from lost wallets than removal from a hidey-hole.
My cash reserves at the moment:

3 cents (US)
20 colones (Costa Rica)
45 pfennig (West Germany)
2 newpence (UK)
5 lira (Italy)
50 rubles (Russia)

and 2 Chuck E Cheese tokens. Total value less than $1.

Yes, I keep cash around.. But for Garage/House sales..Bargins Galore these past 2 yrs.. Ave. $2,000, I have very little in my Bank Savings and Chking accounts, most COH is in M.Funds from MMkt to VFSTX and FFRHX ( short Term Funds) ..

6 mo old 42" TV only $200, 1 yr old $3,000 Hot Tub for only $500 , 2 yr old-$2k Bar B Q Grill for $200, 2 yr old John Deer Riding Lawnmower only $500... Opportunities don't fade away, they go to someone else..

I have a safe too. but only for Important Papers and Some keepsakes..for fire reasons.. Duplicates at my Daughters Place..
and for My Candybar Stash.. :)
My poker stash is kept in my little Brinks lockbox. Depending on how the poker gods are treating me this is between 2,000- 8,000. (Sadly down to $3,000).

One moderately interesting change with the decrease in interest rates, I no longer go through the hassle of depositing. Since, all my banking is done with Schwab, I have no easy way of depositing cash. So I use to a couple of times a year go to Walmart, with several thousand dollars, and get a $.49 money order and then deposit those with Schwab. It made sense with money market rate of near 5%, but now the cost of the stamp plus the money order, and gas, it doesn't make economic sense to make deposits.

I was also careful to report all deposit as taxable income.
It's common in these parts to keep some greenbacks on hand in case of an evacuation. We do that during hurricane season. Once the power is down, the credit card gizmos are down, the internet is down, etc. Cash talks

We keep $500 in a safe place, and it's on our grab-and-run list along with sentimentals and our hurricane-box of food, water, batteries, etc.
As a hurricane evacuee, I have to write that we didn't need any cash whatsoever. First, you need to be prepared which means using your credit cards before the power goes out to make sure you have things and can drive out of a powerless region. Second, you just drive out until you find where the power is still on. It's relatively simple. I've come to the opinion that only unprepared folks need cash.
I don't think I have used any cash in the last three or four years but I have about $150 in my wallet (just in case). I pretty much use a credit card for everything (for the rebate) or very rarely a check -- guess I just don't buy things that require cash. It has been at least five years since I have used an ATM. I just don't anticipate the need for cash these days.
I keep a PPK handy.

OAG, with your signature line I figured you for a 1911 fan. PPK is too small for my big hands.

I used to keep some cash in the safe but have been on a debt paydown spree lately so used it up.
You know, I was in New York on 9/11 and I've kept about $800 bucks in my strong box since then and really haven't needed it at all. I could be making 1% on that money in a money market!
In the words of the great Bernadette Peters: it's not the money, it's the stuuuuuff.
My late husband used to hide money around the house . After he died I was donating his clothes to Goodwill and found $600 tucked in some t shirts . My friend cleaned out her FIL's freezer and he had cash wrapped in aluminum foil that got thrown away . So please tell someone where you hid the money . As for me I only keep $100 to $200 cash around unless I'm traveling and then I carry more .
Generally about $100 in my wallet, plus a couple hundred dollars in storage.

I usually have 100-200 lbs of dog food, so in the event of a bad earthquake I
would have something to eat.
Checking accounts and debit cards are not common here...this is still a cash based society, although in the 7-11s and AM/PMs you can swipe your cell phone to pay. We typically get about $3000-4000 from the bank each month depending on expected expenses that month. About $1000 goes into an account to pay utilities, cell phones, gym fees, etc, that are automatically withdrawn. About $1000, goes into an envelope marked "costco" for the once a month trek, and the rest is for everyday expenses. We each keep a $100 bill and its local equivalent as emergency money, tucked between the photos in our wallets. We also have a piggy bank into which all $5 equivalent coins go (about $600 in there right now) for special purposes. I also have several hundred Euros, several hundred swiss francs, 20 or 30 british pounds, some Singapore dollars, Hong Kong Dollars, etc, hanging around because I travel alot. I also "time the market" to buy dollars for our trips. I have about $3200 tucked away from January or so when the exchange rate was 90 yen to the dollar (it was 98 yesterday, so it was good timing).

When we move back to the states, I intend to have several thousand in various hiding places around the house that I will make sure DW and at least one of the kids knows and knows not to touch except for in emergencies. I am also beginning to prepare an "in case of death" file, which will be kept in a safe or safe deposit box at a bank, that will have the locations and amounts recorded. The bills will be small, $20 and less. Another poster said that only the un-prepared needed cash (during the hurricane or whatever). I have made a bit of a hobby studying emergency preparedness and I would counter that if you do not have any cash, you ARE NOT prepared. If you only have large bills, you are only prepared to pay big bucks when a lot less would be sufficient.

Just my two cents.

If you keep large amounts of cash in your home, you need to check your insurance policy. Most companies will insure cash only up to $500 or $1k.
Maybe $50 - $60 in what we call "house money" in an envelope. In case we get an urge to buy a pizza or rent a movie on a day when wallets are empty.
I am also in the minority here. We do not use ATMs or debit cards. In our young and foolish days, 25 years ago, we used ATM cards to a fault. We had little money to begin with and those fees added up. They say "once bitten, twice shy" and that is true with us. I handle the finances and always have and for some reason only cash seems like real money that hurts to part with. I also feel safer with a quantity of cash in the house. Lots of thought=provoking comments here.
Maybe I have an over-active imagination, but if our current economy should go to a possible conclusion of collapse, won't my bank account, money markets, and ATM machines be worthless. I wonder if it wouldn't be prudent to have maybe $10,000 in cash for buying neccesities when the system is totally gone.

Could be I've been reading too much of "Alas, Babylon"!!!!

BTW, what do the stars mean under my name?
Maybe I have an over-active imagination, but if our current economy should go to a possible conclusion of collapse, won't my bank account, money markets, and ATM machines be worthless. I wonder if it wouldn't be prudent to have maybe $10,000 in cash for buying neccesities when the system is totally gone.
Unless you keep it dry and use it to start a fire, I doubt cash would have any real value under the circumstances you outlined.

Could be I've been reading too much of "Alas, Babylon"!!!!

That gets my vote. :)

BTW, what do the stars mean under my name?

Related to the number of posts you have. More posts = more stars.
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