Just had my wisdom teeth out....


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 29, 2005
And I'm still buzzing from the Versed! Everyone is treating me like I'm out of my mind, but they forget that I was an experienced drug user for years. To prove them wrong, I decided to make this post and read it later to check my cognitive skills.

Would you look at that? thefed is using punctuation and capitalization instead of ellipses.....
Consciousness, check. Motor skills, check. Creative writing, -next post.:greetings10:
I paid for my own back in '78 'cause I didn't have dental insurance. My doctor told me to take aspirin for pain. My best advice is don't eat ANYTHING until the gaps where your teeth used to be heal over.

Mike D.
luckily they gave me some vicodin, which i used to eat like candy...it doesnt help much but at least its better than aspirin!

about 1 hr after my first post, the novicaine wore off and i was writhing in pain. i had a few percocets laying around that really helped

the roots were so deep the doc refused to do them all at once....so i have one good side to chew with....although all i've 'chewed"' over there is some raman noodles. aside from that ive eaten 4 bowls of oatmeal and a popsicle.

still bleeding...and the gauze is annoying as hell. hope it stops soon!
luckily they gave me some vicodin, which i used to eat like candy...it doesnt help much but at least its better than aspirin!

about 1 hr after my first post, the novicaine wore off and i was writhing in pain. i had a few percocets laying around that really helped

the roots were so deep the doc refused to do them all at once....so i have one good side to chew with....although all i've 'chewed"' over there is some raman noodles. aside from that ive eaten 4 bowls of oatmeal and a popsicle.

still bleeding...and the gauze is annoying as hell. hope it stops soon!

I had mine out right before going off to college. All four of my wisdom teeth were lying completely horizontal, and if they had started to come in would have ruined two years and many many dollars worth of orthodontic work, so they had to go!

I no longer remember the name of the painkiller they gave me, but it used to knock me out completely for several hours at a time. After a few days of that I decided the teeth couldn't be any worse than the drugs, and by that time, they no longer were. It's probably a good thing I had all four out at once—I'd have been very reluctant to go back for the other two once I knew what I was in for. As I recall these many years later, it was about a week before I could comfortably eat solid food, and even longer before I could eat things the size of rice without regretting it afterwards.
Hope by now the pain is minimal. Keep up with the salt water rinses.

I hope you're feeling better soon. I had all four of mine removed at once, about 2 years ago. I did it just before I left megacorp because I wanted to take advantage of my rather generous dental insurance while I could.

I was really surprised by how much bleeding there was and how long it was before I could eat. I don't think I ate anything for a couple of days, and then after that I survived on soup and plain yogurt for several more days. Make sure you have some nice soft foods in the house and just go with whatever is comfortable.

BTW, the dental office told me that the intermittent use of ice packs (30 minutes on, 30 minutes off) was really important to the healing.

It seemed like a loooong time before those big "craters" at the back of my mouth closed up but other than that things were pretty much back to normal for me after a week. I hope the healing goes well.
ahh - reminds me of the Navy dentist experience - he had me brace my fist under my jaw so he could split the wisdom teeth for extraction. Always good to involve the patient in his/her care. Don't remember having to go right back on duty after - I'm sure they gave me some tylenol or sumpin after.
I've had 2 wisdom teeth pulled over the years. The first one was about 30 years ago by an OLD dentist.....he'd been my family's dentist for several decades! He gave a shot of Novocaine or whatever, gathered up his vise-grips and pry-bar, and commenced to yank that sucker out! I swear he was trying to get his entire arm into my mouth. It only took a couple of minutes, but I sure wish he would have let the shot take effect BEFORE he started yanking!!!

It was a good 24 hours before it quit bleeding, and my jaw hurt for days!

I had a second wisdom tooth pulled in May of last year. I went to an oral surgeon, because my dentist doesn't pull teeth.....only money from my wallet! Anyway, he had to give me 4 shots before I finally got numb, then he reached in, grabbed that sucker, and popped it out! Took him about 15 seconds! He shoved a piece of gauze back there, gave me a zip-lock bag with more gauze in it with some sort of elixir on it to use until the bleeding quit, and gave a script for industrial-strength ibuprofen.

My toofer was yanked at about 10:30am, and the bleeding quit by 2pm....that day!!! And I didn't have to take anything for pain either...not so much as an aspirin! I was eating normally by the next day...just being careful not to shove anything back into the vacant lot!
Goonie, it seems to depend on the dentist and your roots.

In my family it isn't unusual for 2 of the 4 to have roots that end somewhere around the collarbone! I swear!

To bring up another thread - the DNA one - I wish I knew who to blame this on! Humph!! :D

I'm just glad that the 2 remaining wisdom teeth are in good shape....they grew in straight and are solid and healthy! :)
How many times do I have to tell the lot of you not to post anything gruesome about dentists, at least till I have my 6 lower teeth pulled out:blush:?
My first visit to the dentist is on Friday 13...:(
How many times do I have to tell the lot of you not to post anything gruesome about dentists, at least till I have my 6 lower teeth pulled out:blush:?
My first visit to the dentist is on Friday 13...:(

Gee, as much as I like dentists, I wish I could go in your place.....but alas, I just looked at my calendar, and I'm busy that day! Sorry! :LOL:
yeah, im still struggling here. bleeding off and on...pain off and on....but more often ON. still relying on the vicodin and some percocets i have laying around....tried to eat some baked potato soup and its been downhill ever since...even tho the potato chunks were the size of peas...
Hope they feel better soon. :flowers:
I had all 4 out at once under local anesthesia via IV in an oral surgeon's office. Hey, who turned out the lights? :LOL:
Force yourself to do the salt water gargling. I did minimal gargling and developed something nasty called "dry socket". Ooooohhhh that hurt. :(

Eating? Forget that for a little while until the jaw pain subsides.
Got some bananas or strawberries or chocolate syrup and yogurt or milk or vanilla ice cream? Throw it in the blender and enjoy a nice filling fruit smoothie. Bananas, ice cream and a smidge of chocolate syrup is my fave.
Tomato soup is another good filling food right now.
Freebird, when I developed the "dry socket" (talk about pain.....), the dentist said it was because I rinsed too vigorously with that salt water. Of course that was 30 years ago, but I think the thing is you don't want to rinse that blood clot out (gross, I know) that keeps the area moist as the healing starts. So rinse, but watch yourself. If it starts to hurt so badly you must sleep sitting up, you might have a dry socket so go back to the dentist and let them pack it with this magical stuff that stops the pain instantly (for a few minutes anyway).
I must have been lucky. When I was 25 I had two on the left side pulled in the morning and my sister came over to my apartment with a big pot of homemade chicken soup expecting me to be suffering. Instead, she found me and a friend eating pizza, drinking beer, and watching The Battle of Britain on TV.

I remember that I wasn't up for running any marathons, but it wasn't that bad.
Don't take aspirin...it encourages bleeding.
Sat. I had a quarter of a molar chip off. Off to the dentist this morning for the first of what will be several visits, can you say crown. Hey, where is my national dental insurance! I'll bet there are more than 43,000,000 with out dental insurance! :)... :(
well, after bleeding all weekend, i called to see if it was normal. the nurse said to come by and theyd check it out

to my dismay, the doc was a total douchebag... the nurse looked and said 'ohh...that doesnt look right' but when he came in he said 'ahhh...ur fine....ur alive arent you' dont come in here whining until your bleeding real good'

i about lost it! i told him that THEY asked me to come in after i phoned in with questions. he said 'have you been rinsing with salt water? ' i said 'yes, like you told me' him 'well, that's why youre bleeding. knock it off!' me' i thought it was to prevent infection' him 'well, pick one...get infected or bleed'

at this point, i was actually ready to slap this old man upside his head. i told them about the pain...and he said '' aaahh, i knew it was coming. im giving you one more script and beyond that you can tough it out. dont think youre coming back here for more vicodin'

i was soooo pissed i didnt know what to do. i DO know im not getting the other 2 out there. the guy is downright rude and treated me like im some druggie trying to get a fix. the vicodin doesnt even work! he can see im still bleeding and swolen, but I'M in the wrong? come on...
I fail to see the funny side of this thread...
Like when DW was very pregnant and we were out shopping. Every lady in the store had to (eventually) launch into a story about her awful labor experience--the pain, the duration, the blood.
I don't know what these people were thinking. I would have assumed that DW's appearance would make it very clear that she was "committed" to this course of action. None of these horror stories were going to make things easier for her. Every human on the planet is evidence that the whole "being born" thing works, after all.
Wow, that is quite a dentist you've got there.

I had my 2 upper wisdom teeth removed a couple of months back. Lower ones never came in, guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I got there, filled out forms, they took a 360 panorama X-Ray, got me in the chair, pre-numbed and then novocained, and then got to work. The first side was painless, just a pulling type of sensation. The other side they had to numb it again since I had some sensation there. Once that took effect, it was another painless extraction.

They gave me some Percocet (or was it Vicodin?) and sent me on my way with gauze in my mouth. Elapsed time from when I walked in: less than one hour.

Bleeding stopped a couple of hours later. I had a meal replacement shake for dinner and some pudding. Took the next day off work, then I was back to work the following day. My experience was just fine.
Wow, that is quite a dentist you've got there.

I had my 2 upper wisdom teeth removed a couple of months back. Lower ones never came in, guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I got there, filled out forms, they took a 360 panorama X-Ray, got me in the chair, pre-numbed and then novocained, and then got to work. The first side was painless, just a pulling type of sensation. The other side they had to numb it again since I had some sensation there. Once that took effect, it was another painless extraction.

They gave me some Percocet (or was it Vicodin?) and sent me on my way with gauze in my mouth. Elapsed time from when I walked in: less than one hour.

Bleeding stopped a couple of hours later. I had a meal replacement shake for dinner and some pudding. Took the next day off work, then I was back to work the following day. My experience was just fine.

yeah this is the type of story i was hoping for. no luck.

i think ive been talking too much which irritates that side of my mouth, so i popped a few pills and went to sleep from 5pm til now...3am...unfirtunately i cant get back to sleep. to my dismay, im still bleeding.

i dont know what to do now...when should i call my a$$hole dentist back if the bleeding persists? surely it shouldnt last more than a few days....im nearing 96 hours....

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