what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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All it needs is BACON!
Next one for sure WILL have BACON :D.

I am looking on eBay :blink: (see below) for some steel perforated pizza pans to get the crust crispier. My fave Bostonian used to own a pizza place way back when. He is my expert advisor. :cool:

Yes, folks, I FINALLY joined eBay as a buyer only. I am looking for "Anchor Hocking Ruby Red glassware" to complete a 4 person table setting. I have lots of salad plates and berry bowls, but no dinner plates or soup bowls. I have a bid in for 4 plates at a much better price (even with shipping) than I have seen them at local antique stores. I also have bids on a 4 tumblers and a ball vase.

I put a few more Ruby Red items (leaf candy dish and small bowls) on my watchlist for future reference.
it looks very good. It seems pretty much like the wonderful thin crust pizza in New England, which IMO is as good as pizza can get. I think is is the only thing that could make me cheat on my low carb eating plan.

TY :flowers:
I load it up with cheese because a girl needs her RDA of calcium. ;)
I make my own sauce from unsalted plain tomato paste. I make a big batch and freeze it in small containers for pizza making.

I need to get the right pizza pan to get the crust crispness (say that fast 3x) better. A delivered large pizza, plain with extra cheese, runs me $16. My ROI for purchasing a proper commercial pizza pan will occur with 1.5 pizzas made at home, less the ingredients. :cool:
Does he recommend against a Pizza Stone? See, for instance: Pizza Stones | How To Use A Pizza Stone
Yes. He was making pizza to sell so using a stone was a cleaning issue.
Stones work well but not as well as steel pans.
The crust needs to have air circulation underneath it to get the bottom really crispy. He used seasoned steel pans but says aluminum will work ok also. He would put the dough right on the super perforated pan, placed directly on the oven rack (no solid pan beneath). The oven temperature is critical also. I believe he said 500 F was best.
I have a gas powered oven so I can achieve pretty close to that.
I put my pizza stone away for awhile since we went low carb but now all this pizza talk has got me hungry .
When buying on ebay make sure to check the seller's feedback . The best seller's are top rated and that is what you want. Also check out the shipping . Some sellers inflate the shipping to make more profit .
We spent yesterday down at Frank's family's huge fishing camp on Lake Borgne, down south in St. Bernard Parish. Most of his large extended family is staying down there for the long weekend.

We had a crab boil, and I have never seen such large, fresh, succulent crabs in my life. Wow! And then there were also softshell crabs though I never got to those. It was pandemonium as there were lots of happy children chasing about and giggling while the adults pigged out on the huge, steamy pot of crabs.

His brothers-in-law, who fish all over the region down there constantly, said that the fishing is great and they have yet to see any oil at all anywhere. The weather was perfect, with lots of sunshine and a light breeze blowing off the lake.
This thread is always full of busy-ness, so someone has to say it once in a while:

I don't think I'm going to do anything today. Maybe run Scooby-doo over the kitchen floor, and maybe look up a good host for "The Military Guide" blog/website. And maybe start a new thread or two. But that's it. Nothin' else.

Spouse returns tomorrow. I've enjoyed this time to myself but we're going to enjoy her homecoming even more.

... so we are back to being a trio. A big drop in the average talent level of the group, but also a big drop in the hassle factor. She was OK for a 20-year-old, but she was still a 20-year-old.
Jazz without drama? Is that possible?!?

We had a crab boil, and I have never seen such large, fresh, succulent crabs in my life. Wow!
I was a crab carnivore from way back until I started hanging out among Navy divers with search & rescue experience. I'd be a mite concerned about what's accelerating the crab's growth rate...
It was a gloomy day here so after running an errand I did a few things I've been procrastinating on . One was writing a letter that tells my SO & my daughter what to do and who to notify if something happens to me . The other was write a list of who gets what personal items and attach it to my will . It kind of creeps me to do it but I know it will make life so much easier for them.
Coffee/breakfast at Tim Hortons.
Trying to figure out how to cook one steak rare and one medium (I always do warm in the middle).
We have acquired a skunk guest under our deck. It's really stinky in our house from time to time now and DW especially hates it. I tried putting stones around the deck since there are plenty in our area (live near an ancient volcanic mountain). The skunk (with possible racoon help) moved the stones and crawled back under the deck. So I have set up a system to monitor this (see picture). It's some of those long ties you get in the supermarket. When they point inward the skunk is in residence which is the current condition in the photo. When they point outword the skunk has left for awhile.


Tonight we are going to process the eviction notice since it's past the breeding season and any little ones should be able to move out. Will be doing the following (1) put light source under deck area, (2) sprinkle around some liquid he or she is reputed not to like, (3) turn on deck lighting, (4) place noise source used to deter moles and gophers near the hole. If he moves out I'll put in some heavy rocks that you can see to lower right of the photo in his entrance. Also might put down some moth balls placed in old panty hose as a temporary further defense.

It will be interesting to see what happens :).
So far this "holiday weekend" we have built a 40" diameter outdoor firepit, fabricated & loaded four 2'x4' planter boxes, mowed the yard, moved all the rocks to the front of the house, weeded and swept the patio,built several Ikea furniture pieces (5x5, 2x2, 5x1, Expedit wall units, plus desk), trimmed the bushes along fences, weeded garden, manicure at salon, grocery shopped, had some friends over for BBQ last night, picked up furniture at my old place an hour away, breakfast with friends at diner, visited Grandma, and hunted (shopped) for materials for firepit screen (no luck yet)...whew - busy weekend! Watching Star Wars marathon now...we are hoping tomorrow is a lazy day - organizing the inside of the house & laundry!
We'd planned to head out in the RV on Tuesday, taking the trip to the mountains of New Mexico we canceled when our A/C croaked last month. The weather has been great the past couple of days but now rain is predicted for Tuesday - and I don't like driving the bus in the rain.

So... we decided to leave tomorrow. Nice thing about being retired and having your own accommodations - lots of scheduling flexibility.
September 1st, I turned 60. Not sure what is the protocol.
I did get driver's license renewed.
September 1st, I turned 60. Not sure what is the protocol.
I did get driver's license renewed.

A HA! Two Virgos running amok on the forum. :D

:flowers::flowers::flowers: 1 flower for each 10 years.

I would like to start a "mutual admiration society" for September babies. We Virgos were conceived during Christmas or New Years' Eve parties. :cool:

I duly nominate Khan as President, having the Sept 1st slot.
All in favor say "Aye" :greetings10:
Khan, I hope you had a Happy Birthday on Wednesday. :flowers:

And Freebird5825, Happy Birthday tomorrow!! :flowers:

For both of you September babies, :clap: :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap: :dance:
Wow, what a day! DW and I went to an air show in Martinsburg, WV.

We got to the airport about 9:30 to walk around, look at the static displays, and find out where the tent/chairs were that we had tickets for. The air show started about 10:30 with parachute jumps by the U.S. Army's Golden Knights parachute team, followed by a well-done acrobatic show by a Bucker Jungmiester biplane, another by a WWII Navy SNJ, and a Pitts acrobatic biplane. Then there was an acrobatic show by a sailplane, doing things I didn't know sailplanes could do, all in silence. Unfortunately the Golden Knights had to curtail the main portion of their show due to a change in the winds aloft - they were jumping from 13,000 feet.

Following that was a demo by an A-10 ground support aircraft, and the highlight of it all was the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds. Those guys are very impressive and have honed their skills to an unbelievable level. The aircraft move so fast that getting pictures is very difficult. In the first photo note the shadow of the lead aircraft on the one below/behind. That shows how close they are.

The weather was perfect. High temp was 80 F, low humidity, light winds at ground level. Even DW enjoyed it


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Walt34, I know what you mean after viewing the Chicago air show a few weekends ago. In Chicago I was really surprised how close the planes were flying to those skyscrapers, as they circled back over the water. The screaming, booming, loudness that was produced by some of the aircraft was unbelievable. Quite a show... The first air show that I ever attended....so much fun.

By the way, your pictures are much better than mine. As you said, hard to get good pictures with all that speed.
Last night DW and I worked the beer tent at an arts and music festival for our favorite nonprofit.

It made me realize that I almost never rub elbows with the great unwashed masses any more, living an upscale suburban town on a cul-de-sac and shopping at off hours.

I poured 12 oz. beers from a constantly-on tap for 4 hours, which sold for $5.50 each. There were three of us on the taps. This, in a town with 13% unemployment. Other people's spending amazes me.

I never, ever want to attend a rock concert. Thankfully, we had ear plugs.

There are some really beeeeutiful young women out there, strutting their stuff. Gazing that made the monotony worthwhile. :ROFLMAO:
Yesterday we went to Home Depot to inquire about recarpeting my entire house in preparation for selling.

The cost to put in a nice, neutral carpet throughout the house is much less than I had thought it would be, especially if my remaining things are all moved off of the carpet somehow so that it can be done in one day.

The woman working in carpeting is also a realtor and we chatted for a while. She reported that houses are not selling here even with drastically lowered prices, that recent foreclosures are choking the market, and that just this past week there were 50 additional HUD foreclosures just in my local area. Aargh.

Oh well. :rolleyes: Full steam ahead.
Took the mutt on a hiking/swimming trip this morning. Nothing unusual other than the number of people out there on a Monday. But, I hear it's a holiday. Below are a couple of pics. Gonna take a nap in a minute.:)



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