Rocky and Bullwinkle creator dies........


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Mar 26, 2005
Rocky and Bullwinkle Creator Alex Anderson Dies - TIME

Animation has had plenty of unknown geniuses — from the directors, artists and storymen of Walt Disney's early features to the sly hands behind the silent pornographic cartoon Buried Treasure — but few were more obscure, or more important, than Alexander Anderson, who died Friday at 90 in Carmel, Calif. Anderson created the characters Rocky the flying squirrel, Bullwinkle Moose and Dudley Do-Right, and the vaudeville-style format, for the 1959 animated program Rocky and His Friends and its 1961 spin-off The Bullwinkle Show, known collectively as The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show.
Read more:,8599,2027264,00.html#ixzz13QjpCEn1

So sad for us FIRE'd types...... Rocky represented the entrepreneurial early retiree, Bullwinkle the lucky DB pension recipient. It'll be tough to march forward without them guiding our lives.
Wow! Amazing that a man who was so influential in developing my (admittedly weird) personality lived his whole life without me ever knowing about him. RIP, Alex.
Coincidentally, I was watching some old shows, including Rocky and Bullwinkle recently. They are still funny, and the astonishingly fast paced humor has stood up well to the passage of time. Impressive even after all these years.
I remember Crusader Rabbit and Rags. And Clyde and Dibney (scrooched again!). When Disney released a number of R&B video tapes, I bought them all. Cultural heritage for my kids.
Coincidentally, I was watching some old shows, including Rocky and Bullwinkle recently. They are still funny, and the astonishingly fast paced humor has stood up well to the passage of time. Impressive even after all these years.
I saw Rocky's "Ruby Yacht" episode during the '60s (probably a repeat). My dad happened to be passing by and explained the concept of a pun to me, a lapse which my family heartily regretted for years...
The Ruby Yacht - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm gonna have to go back and watch the old shows. I recall watching as a kid and also when I was a bit older and getting a kick out of all the "over the kid's heads" humor. Really funny stuff. But I can't remember hardly any details, I just remember it was funny.

I remember this:

"Fan mail from a flounder? "

Which I don't think is funny at all, but I guess it was repeated a lot as the intro (outro?) to commercial breaks. Maybe I remembered it cause it wasn't funny - maybe I kept trying to figure it out and it stuck?

Oh, and "Rocky" was voiced by a woman, right? Hmmm, way ahead of it's time with this trans-gender stuff. And on a kid's show!

I love Rocky and Bullwinkle. One of the best cartoons ever. Like Harley, this cartoon had an influence on me - particularly my sometimes offbeat sense of humor.


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