Recent content by 5971

  1. 5

    Hoping to retire by 45

    End of year update. The market has been down slightly over the last 6 months since I last posted.:( Our net worth is just over 2.5 Mil at this point. 529/UTMAs are about 75% funded at this point. Nothing really groundbreaking over the last 6 months. In the spring we will need to find a new...
  2. 5

    Hoping to retire by 45

    Quarterly update I just realized that I missed last quarters update??? Anyways, we continue to truck along without any major hiccups. has us rapidly approaching a net worth of 2.5 M (2.0 M without the equity in our primary home). We should be on pace to surpass 3.0 M by our FIRE...
  3. 5

    Can I retire on $3.1MM? Anybody here done it?

    I would take that severance and a heartbeat. You are essentially getting a free 1.5 years of your life paid for while not working. Worst case scenario, you get another job or a part time gig, but I imagine you'll find someway to live on a sub 4% withdrawal rate -- kudos for being a...
  4. 5

    Hoping to retire by 45

    Nothing too interesting this last quarter, which i guess is good. Mint has us with a net worth around 2.2 million. I'm hoping to hit our next milestone, 2.5 million, by mid 2016. The 2.5 mil number has always been the FI number I've traditionally kept in my head (4% WR = 100k). Now I know...
  5. 5

    Hoping to retire by 45

    Thanks for the responses Darly and NorCal. This last quarter was somewhat blah. We had filed a tax extension in April for various reasons and I was expecting a return, but we actually ending up owing some instead. In addition, we lost a renter for a few months and spent that time and some...
  6. 5

    Hoping to retire by 45

    Quick quarterly update. We had some unexpected medical expenses and a big expensive vacation this quarter so we saved less than usual. The markets, however, have been very kind to the retirement accounts (now >$520k). Our mortgages are down to under $250k. We are moving along as expected...
  7. 5

    30 , married with two children in South Louisiana

    Your expenses seem pretty reasonable and well below your means. Congrats on getting such a great early start! You are light years ahead of most 30 year olds I know.
  8. 5

    30 , married with two children in South Louisiana

    I think you are beyond the AGI limits for a Roth IRA, unless you are referring to a backdoor roth
  9. 5

    30 , married with two children in South Louisiana

    Has anyone discussed what your yearly expenses are? That's probably the most important number. That being said would agree with paying off the student loan debt ASAP
  10. 5

    Hoping to retire by 45

    Quarterly update. According to MINT we are teetering at $2M net worth depending on where the market is at. Retirement accounts - 475k Cash and non RA - 600k Rental properties - 450k I missed out on the PenFed 3% cd offer unfortunately, but I was able to purchase extra shares of VTI when it...
  11. 5

    New Year, New Milestone

    Congrats. You are well on your way.
  12. 5

    42 - I'd like your opinion - Can I RE?

    Over $5 mil in assets and a wife who still works. Sounds pretty sweet! If it were me I wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger.
  13. 5

    Hoping to retire by 45

    Thanks for the replies. After thinking about this for some time, I've decided that if we get to around $125k in the 529 plan then that will be sufficient to keep our son out of substantial debt and I will likely stop contributions. If his schooling costs significantly more than that, then the...
  14. 5

    Hoping to retire by 45

    Quick update. We did finally obtain a PenFed 5 yr HEL for one of our rentals. There was some snag for our primary home and I have decided just to pay that mortgage down over the next few years (we owe less than 150k at this point). RA - 425k Non RA and cash 575k Tallying up our expenses for...
  15. 5

    Newbie here - need suggestions on my retirement plan please.

    Agreed. Zillow is just what uses.
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