Recent content by Lodell

  1. Lodell

    Indicators of Wealth?

    For me it's just being able to enjoy the conveniences in life. Sent from my iPad using Early Retirement Forum
  2. Lodell

    Help with Vanguard fund choices

    My Wellesley fund is in a Roth IRA. I don't have to worry about taxes, right.
  3. Lodell

    Smart phone/ House phone

    i can retire in less than 5 years and i am tracking my monthly expenses. I have to make some decisions regarding the Cable, internet, smart phone, and house phone expenses. i have been thinking for some time now of getting rid of my house phone because I have the smart phone. When at home I'd...
  4. Lodell

    Microsoft 2007 or 2010

    Hello, I currently have MS 2003 on my home computer. Can I upgrade directly to MS 2010? I'm asking because this week, my employer chose to upgrade from 2003 to 2007. I wondering why they chose not to get MS 2010.
  5. Lodell

    Should I get a HELOC?

    Coach, This may work. I thouhgt the HELOC was only for home improvements. Do you get the tax deduction for personal use as well?
  6. Lodell

    Should I get a HELOC?

    I need advice on how to pay for some home improvements. Should I get a HELOC, stop funding my Roth IRA, or use my emergency fund? I am single and I will be eligible to retire in just under 7 years. I live in the Chicago area, and I have not decided if I am going to sell the house and relocate...
  7. Lodell

    Time for a new cellphone Smartphone maybe?

    It took me over a year to decide to get one because I just didn't want to spend the money for the data plan. Once I decided to get a smart phone, it took some time for me to decide on which phone to purchase. I got the iPhone with AT&T, and to my surprise I love it. The iPhone does...
  8. Lodell

    Dance Lessons

    Piano lessons are on the bucket list too. With the cost of lessons for fun stuff, looks like I will not be able to afford to retire. Thanks
  9. Lodell

    Dance Lessons

    I want to take private dance lessons, and the best rate I've seen is $65 an hour. This seems a bit much to me; am I being unreasonable?
  10. Lodell

    First Trip to London

    I hope to travel to London next year. I sure could use any advice on where to stay, shop, etc. I plan to be there for about 5 days. I hope that a friend will be able to travel with me, but if not, I will be a woman traveling alone. Thanks
  11. Lodell

    Target Funds....are they a good idea?

    I think that they are okay while working. However, some retirees who have the Target Income fund were not too happy with the target fund back in 2008/09. Some of them lost more than they though they should have.
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