Recent content by redduck

  1. redduck

    Facebook Acting Wonky Today, 7/3/19

    It probably is due to a problem at your end, feel around and tell us what you discover. Ronstar sig. line: The wilderness is calling and I must go. ________________ TMI:) When the wilderness calls, it's no time to be sluggish (from the original Cub Scout handbook).
  2. redduck

    Recent Photo

    Yeah, that's one way to tell that you're still alive. Just a guess here, but maybe one of the construction workers is/are/be standing on your man bits. Take a look and get back to me on this. It's a challenge to try to discover the a cause of a tingle. I just gotta' find a more worthwhile area...
  3. redduck

    Netflix movie or show suggestion

    "Drive to Survive" (Spoiler Alert: it's on Netflix streaming). I like sports, but not motor sports so much. So, surprisingly to me, I binged-watched the last three episodes. While the racing scenes were great, the backstories of the drivers and the teams were remarkable. New respect for people...
  4. redduck

    2019 YTD Investment Performance Thread

    I don't keep YTD on my other portfolios. I own pretty much whatever everyone else owns. So, I guess I'm sort of in the same ballpark as most of us. Unfortunately, it's too difficult for me to follow my other portfolios(too many moving parts) until the brokerage tells me how I did at the end of...
  5. redduck

    What's the oldest item of (adult) clothing you own?

    I still own and occasionally wear a pair of granny glasses (sunglasses). Late '60's; early 70's? Also have a collection of vintage ties (40's 50's). Love the art deco look.
  6. redduck

    2019 YTD Investment Performance Thread

    Using moneychimp (hopefully correctly), the Dividend Portfolio section of my entire portfolio, consisting of stocks and one ETF is up YTD 12.61%, which compares favorably to some other people's results (you know who you are). The portfolio is 24% cash and CD's).
  7. redduck

    Poll: Push or pull?

    I voted bacon. Apparently, I don't think in terms of "push or pull,' but I think about bacon much of the time.
  8. redduck

    How Your Kids Can Ruin Your Retirement

    The disability system (given my meager understanding of it) is to help people in your son's situation. So, a rational option (given my meager understanding of this concept) would be to use this resource. And some confusion (a concept right in my wheelhouse), you say you "hated to see him...
  9. redduck

    Are your neighbors insane?

    As their servants didn't you have to sign a non-disclosure contract (or whatever it's called)?
  10. redduck

    Are your neighbors insane?

    Yes, I see this as completely harmless, but a curious and a funny story which is what you (Marko) made it. Terry Teacher: what is the need to set the friends straight? I don't get it.
  11. redduck

    Are your neighbors insane?

    What would the comment be?
  12. redduck

    Honey, I Bleached the Asphalt

    That would be the intrepid city-dwelling redduck, right? note: bold by the intrepid city-dwelling redduck
  13. redduck

    Honey, I Bleached the Asphalt

  14. redduck

    Honey, I Bleached the Asphalt

    OK, time to catch up here: I haven't done any actual work on the stain since I bleached it. But, I did go back to Home Depot a few days ago and bought two brushes, a brass stripping brush and a steel wire brush. I also bought a can of Rust-Oleum Inverted Striping Paint and a container of...
  15. redduck

    Honey, I Bleached the Asphalt

    Yeah, I noticed that. Kind of a neat thing to happen.
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