Search results

  1. Maenad

    7 and 10 Year olds attend Funeral?

    Another vote for let them go if they want to. When I was 5 my grandpa died suddenly of a heart attack, and while I remember being afraid of going up to the casket (and wasn't forced to), it wasn't traumatic, just really sad. My 10 y.o. brother had a harder time, but he had been there when...
  2. Maenad

    Explaining ER to people and looked down

    I usually respond with a variation of MYOB, followed up with "we're done talking about this" and a topic change, followed if necessary by leaving/hanging up the phone/shooing them out of my house. They'll keep giving you grief as long as you let them. Disengage and remove yourself from their...
  3. Maenad

    Windows 10 Lost and doesn't see my Printers

    Our computers lost our printer as well. The first thing we did was to go into our router, actually, and change the wireless protocol - Xfinity had updated it and we needed to "downgrade" it so the printer could talk to the router. Second, we went through the printer setup process on our...
  4. Maenad

    Considering a remodel? You might want to wait.

    Ooh, thanks for the warning! We were going to expand our garage this year, but decided to put it off. I'm glad we did! I do have some contractor referrals for here in the Twin Cities from other people if you want to try a different contractor, just drop me a PM. Good luck getting this project done!
  5. Maenad

    How much help for young adult children?

    It very much depends on the personalities of the kids, but I can definitely advise not endangering your own financial goals in order to give your kids Economic Outpatient Care. DH and I had almost polar opposite experiences - my parents paid for my college education, gave DH (before we were...
  6. Maenad

    Have you ever been fired (lower case)

    Ugh, yes. I got fired once and put on PIPs twice before my doctor finally proposed that the cause of my issues may be depression. Started medication and turned my career around. I just wish I'd figured it out sooner (I was 32, so not too bad, but still). I still feel like **** about it, and have...
  7. Maenad

    CNN "Fear & Greed Index"

    I think it's just a rebranding of the VIX, but I could be wrong.
  8. Maenad

    Venmo Scam warning

    Just to be clear, I don't blame Venmo for the scam - it's definitely not their fault. I do blame them for a FAQ that blithely tells you that if you receive money in error you should just send money to that person in return. It shows a disturbing naivete about the fake-check scam, which has been...
  9. Maenad

    Venmo Scam warning

    Yesterday my phone pinged to let me know that "Sarah Beth" paid me $10. Thing is, I don't know anyone of that name. So, off I trundle to Venmo Customer Service, whose FAQ tells me that if someone sends me money in error, I should just send the same amount back to them! :rofl: How naive are...
  10. Maenad

    How do you organize your calendar in FIRE?!

    I have a bullet-journal-style planner in a discbound notebook with three types of two-page "spreads": One is for the whole year, broken down by month (and the back of the second page is left blank for anything in 2022 that I already know about). One is for the current month Four or five are...
  11. Maenad

    Snakebit Friend (Rant)

    I think that may have been the original post from 2014. Not sure if SBF has gotten a new computer, I've lost track of all these stories. :) I must say Scrabbler, your stories about your friend definitely provide an enlightening view of how the "other half" lives.
  12. Maenad

    Poll:Are you posting more or less here?

    Much less, but I'm not sure if/when that will change. I retired in March, so between the "don't feel like talking about planning anymore" and "what's my retirement going to look like?" I haven't been active on my previous online haunts. Which I think is too bad for this site in particular, since...
  13. Maenad

    WHO urges public avoid routine dental

    I went in last week, they had similar protections others have mentioned - limited chairs in the waiting area, requests not to come in early, etc. I found out when I got there that my long-time hygienist had retired rather than come back after the spring lockdown, so I had someone new. My dentist...
  14. Maenad

    Class of 2020

    I've gotten so distracted with futzing around in retirement I forgot to post an update! :laugh: We did indeed retire on March 13th. My last real day was the 12th, and I just called in to my exit interview on the morning of the 13th. After I'd handed in my laptop and was making my last rounds, I...
  15. Maenad

    A nice video on FIRE couple adjusting to this market

    That is a good one. I like the emphasis on FI rather than RE, how it gives people options, etc. There was very little "present an 'extreme' story to get attention and eyeballs" going on. The couple was nicely "boring", just like most of us! ;D
  16. Maenad

    This Is How Terribly Short Your Life Is

    I'm glad they didn't jump into the "follow your dream and the money will follow" b.s. that so many carpe diem videos propose. The message was more of a "be aware of the cost and benefit of your choices, that making yourself miserable today and solely living for tomorrow has a very high price". I...
  17. Maenad

    Poll: Stay the course or Sell it All. May 2020

    I can't believe no one responded to this. ;D I need to look up some old Dana Carvey stuff. And yeah, staying the course. If I didn't sell in 2008-9, I'm not going to now. My AA is where it needs to be for long-term growth and where I can stomach it for times like this.
  18. Maenad

    Has anyone here caught the Virus, or know anyone who has?

    My dad's got it, he's been under the weather and we thought it may have been medication interactions/side effects since he recently changed some, and his doc wanted him tested. My brother works closely with him (they're in landscaping and rarely come close to other people), so he went and got...
  19. Maenad

    Messy estate - advice needed

    My sympathy to you, your brother's children, and his exes. (I've known a couple of people whose exes died suddenly and unexpectedly - it often leads to some complicated grief.) I echo the advice to stay away from this one. And if you're on civil terms with your brother's exes, please remind...
  20. Maenad

    Class of 2020

    Yeah, while I don't think my manager would drag her feet, I know there's a considerable risk that it could take them longer than anticipated to find someone, or the req could be frozen for business reasons. I've seen it happen many times during my career! Last date has been entered into The...
  21. Maenad

    Did I just do it?

    Congrats! :dance: Enjoy how good it feels - you deserve it!
  22. Maenad

    Class of 2020

    I just gave notice Friday, last day is March 13. My manager asked me to stay on until they get my backfill in, but I realized that would be bad for my mental health, so I need to say no. I'm SO ready, but also a little freaked out. I started planning ER with my first "real job", and after 22...
  23. Maenad

    Curious Minds Want to know... Are Super ER Really Retired?

    DH and I are retiring in 3 weeks, I'm 45 and he's 44. We're both engineers, final combined salary/bonus $275k-$300k annually, MCOL area. And we likely would have stopped earlier if we hadn't dropped ~$350K on a house remodel 15 years ago. No kids, which helps stabilize predictions, and our...
  24. Maenad

    Corona Virus not that fatal - only used as a Cover up for a more deadly Bio-weapon?

    Umm... at the risk of being whooshed, did the OP not really catch that this was from r/nosleep? That's a subreddit for people to write scary fiction. This is no more an article than something posted in The Onion. That aside, the story is well-written, but there are a few missteps and it really...
  25. Maenad

    What was your happiest moment today?

    I put in my notice today. ;D My coworkers are awesome, though, so I'm part :dance: and part :frown: But it's been 20 years in the making, so I'm very proud of us, and thankful.
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