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  1. FinancialDave

    Need advice on being away for 6 months

    This is some of the best advice I've read about water problems. The issue is many leaks cannot be detected with leak detectors - such as a stuck open drain stopper inside the toilet tank. This can happen if your only defense to the toilet issue is to have someone come by once a week and flush...
  2. FinancialDave

    Please,please help with transition to Vanguard brokerage questions

    1. If you sign up for electronic delivery of statements and paperwork there will generally be no fees. If you had to fees before to receive your dividends or IRA money that should not change. No tax implications to make the transition however hopefully you realize there are tax implications in...
  3. FinancialDave

    Comparing TurboTax Deluxe and H&R Block Deluxe

    I'm not sure you have explored the REAL feature of comparing the previous years data with HRB. From what I see TT does not compare all entered data, but does compare some other calculations that HRB does not. At top of HRB main screen click on REPORTS tab, then click on compare to last years...
  4. FinancialDave

    Got a call from my FA, good news or bad?

    Are your total retirement funds down by 12% YTD or just your one account as you mention (or is that basically one in the same). Mine is down maybe 5.5% and the Total Stock Market index is down maybe 7.5% at this time, so 12% is a pretty aggressive allocation for someone that seems to be...
  5. FinancialDave

    Safer ROTH alternative for market downturn?

    Just to be clear, as far as your spendable income goes it doesn't make one bit of difference whether you put your growth in the Roth or the fixed income, IF your tax rate into the Roth is the same as your tax-rate out in retirement. In most cases, your tax rate is less in retirement which...
  6. FinancialDave

    Got a call from my FA, good news or bad?

    I have been with Vanguard for over 10 years but have not known them to be what might be called "creative" in the advisor area. That is not a bad thing, but it is usually nothing more than one of their Target Date Funds in disguise (which is not bad and of course could be described as...
  7. FinancialDave

    Got a call from my FA, good news or bad?

    I agree. Investing your money with a bank is usually incredibly expensive. My personal favorite is still Vanguard, but others will do. Get an easy to understand book like Rob Berger's new "Retire Before Mom & Dad" and read it through a couple of times. It will be the best time and money you...
  8. FinancialDave


    I have done volunteer tax work for AARP / Taxaide for 7 years now. It takes about 40 hours of prep each year and then 15 hours a week during the tax season.
  9. FinancialDave

    Have you tried to advise friend on investing?

    That's a classic! :facepalm:
  10. FinancialDave

    Have you tried to advise friend on investing?

    It's a delicate subject giving financial advice to friends (or family.) I usually advise against it. The first thing I ask myself is -- did this person ask me for advice or did I just think they needed my advice, for whatever reason. If they directly ask me for advice I would probably tread...
  11. FinancialDave

    Annuities - Opinions Yay or Nay?

    In the first place annuities don't preserve your wealth they transfer it all to the insurance company with some future promise from them. If you buy a strict immediate annuity with no survivorship clause it is all gone when you die. In the second place you have not really given us enough...
  12. FinancialDave

    Annuities - Opinions Yay or Nay?

    How does APR relate to a 15 year period certain cash flow? The IRR on that investment which you can easily do with excel XIRR formula puts the result at just shy of 3% (2.98%) with an 8.12% payout for a 60 year old in WA, which makes much more sense than a 1.58% number. Insurance company...
  13. FinancialDave

    Annuities - Opinions Yay or Nay?

    Not so striking if you put this chart together with the losses suffered from 2007-2009, where portfolio #5 not only keeps you in the market but has about twice the return. In the end S&P500 is within about 10% of the Portfolio #5, but I doubt many had such a 100% equity portfolio and stayed...
  14. FinancialDave

    Dividends and CG's

    It sounds like you have both a taxable account and a tax deferred account (IRA / 401k). If you have a taxable account, depending on the size you do need to worry about how much income in the form of dividends and capital gains it throws off. Because you don't want to be getting "taxed" and not...
  15. FinancialDave

    Extreme budget cuts

    My question has to be since the government lowered the withholding calculation at the start of last year, what is everyone doing with the extra few dollars in their paycheck, or pension? Reviewed about 40 tax returns so far this year and haven't really seen anyone having to pay more. Pretty...
  16. FinancialDave

    Avoid SOR risk? I think not! "SOR" = Sequence of Returns

    You are exactly correct, which year you might have started your retirement in the last 100 years certainly does make a difference and the variance from the best 40 years to the worst 40 years is generally in the millions of dollars so it DOES have everything to do with the SEQUENCE of returns...
  17. FinancialDave

    What would you do with an extra $1 million?

    +1 on the fact there is probably no way you are going to be in 15% tax bracket. Also, if you like the income of real estate, keeping a similar asset allocation would mean putting a "sizeable" portion into a REIT index fund like VNQ. If you don't need the income, then increasing a taxable...
  18. FinancialDave

    Blow Bag for Rain Drain Pipe

    Just one thought before you cover it up -- take a level and make sure all sections of the pipe are at least going "downhill." The better the slope you get the better the water will take the debris out of the pipe.
  19. FinancialDave

    Roth Conversions to Next Highest Bracket?

    I don't know the reason for showing effective tax rates on this table as conversions are ONLY measured on a MARGINAL basis. The marginal tax rate can cover more than one tax bracket if you are doing a large conversion. When you compare the front end taxes (contributions or conversions) to the...
  20. FinancialDave

    Roth Conversions to Next Highest Bracket?

    This is as you alude to a complex question involving crossing a number of tax brackets in retirement. I did just such an article recently showing that for the average size of $1 million in tax advantaged accounts it is mostly going to be Traditional withdrawals in the 12% and lower brackets and...
  21. FinancialDave

    Capital expenditures vs. safe WR

    As always, if your expenses are less than your income that is a good thing. I am however hearing conflicting information here - unless of course the excess money going into the "sinking fund" for 2019 is counted as an expense. As I said elsewhere, withdrawals are withdrawals no matter where...
  22. FinancialDave

    Capital expenditures vs. safe WR

    As others have said you have to count it all. I track all withdrawals in one column and monthly totals in the other, at year end I just divide the total withdrawals by the Jan. 1 starting value and that is how much you "drained" from your account for the year. At 8-9% that won't last forever...
  23. FinancialDave

    I vote to call it a Bear Market!

    I agree
  24. FinancialDave

    Pay off house?

    What I didn't see anyone ask is what are you doing with the $1000 per month now? Is it all going toward the mortgage? IMHO you should never have a paid off rental with a mortgage on your primary UNLESS you are ok moving into the rental. This is how many were "out in the street" in 2009-2010...
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