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  1. J

    AT&T (T) stock price spiral

    Is there any hope for T stock ? It's spiraling down and don't know what to do with it.
  2. J

    Possible Forced Retirement. Step 1, Need Assistance in 401k Rollover

    Hi Everyone. My entire department was outsourced two years ago at a company I was at for about 25 years (only job I had out of college). During the past two years, I have taken some much needed time off (been working since elementary school?), taken care of several elderly family members...
  3. J

    Shield Annuity Product?

    We are thinking of putting some monies into this annuity product which caps gains at set certain rates in return for protection up to certain levels, and performance is pegged to one of three indexes such as the S&P500 (chosen by me). Funds are locked in for 3 or 6 year periods . WIthdrawals are...
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