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  1. D

    Consulting regrets….

    Been retired for about 2 years now. Last year I took a part time consulting role that lasted about 5 months. I really enjoyed it and it paid very well. Fast forward this year and in a moment of insanity, I agreed to two pt consulting jobs that will last to October. Repeat of last year’s project...
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    JIF Peanut Butter Recall 5/20/22 for Salmonella

    I bought a package at Costco a month or two ago. I took the pack back to Costco today and they gave me a refund, no receipt required.
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    Plug is Pulled

    Congratulations - it’s a big step. I retired last year at 54. As excited as I was - and prepared - I still re-run my numbers pretty regularly. Sounds ridiculous but that nagging voice in my head that worries about running out of money has only just quieted down. I’ve learned that, for me...
  4. D

    Fidelity Retirement Analysis Tool

    Thanks - I saw that. My question is whether “total expenses” in the results table includes the estimated taxes. I would have expected fidelity to break out the dollar amount of estimated taxes so you could back that out to see your estimated disposable taxes. I ran a couple of scenarios to try...
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    Fidelity Retirement Analysis Tool

    I am still trying to understand whether “expenses” in the results table includes or excludes taxes. The methodology documentation provided by Fidelity doesn’t address it explicitly (or I couldn’t find it).
  6. D

    Poll: FIRE funds to cover monthly costs come from?

    Deferred comp and inherited annuities for the first five years. Then expecting a combination of variable annuity and securities/dividends. DH could opt for pension but I think he will take the lump sum option.
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    Lower Back Spinal Fusion Update, Six Days Post Op.

    DH is looking at spinal fusion. Multiple neuro surgeons confirmed that it’s just a matter of when for him. Can anyone give advice on whether you prepped for surgery and recovery - losing weight, building muscle, etc beforehand, I’m concerned he will have a hard time with recovery carrying ~30...
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    Getting thru the last 6 months....

    I have to ask: what happened when you told them about er?
  9. D

    Getting thru the last 6 months....

    Brilliant - you hit the nail on the head: change my attitude. I work on it daily;)
  10. D

    Getting thru the last 6 months....

    DH and I are dual income, no kids. We have been blessed with high incomes, steady careers with Fortune 50 companies and willingness and ability to live well below our means for decades. That has put us in a position to retire early - DH is 57 and I am 53. We have gone thru the numbers with our...
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