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  1. Sandy

    Why move when you can stop making payments and continue living in your home?

    This has always been the way it works. Over 20 years ago, a co-worker was getting divorced. she moved into an apt and was paying rent. Her ex stayed in the house, but neither was paying the mortgage. He was waiting on the foreclosure process and would leave when he had to. In the mean time...
  2. Sandy

    Lower cost of living areas

    Have you visited Tallahassee? Shopping is not great, generally chains, but there are more boutiques coming in, though I never go. It is relatively inexpensive compared to your area, especially housing. There is a civic center that has a broadway series of 8 shows each year, as well...
  3. Sandy

    Multifocal contact lenses: the presbyopian cure?

    Don't fear surgery. I had congenital cataracts along with some astigmatism. Was told repeatedly that surgery to remove the catatracts was not an option, since these types of cataracts are placed differently in the eye. Corrected vision was never better than 20/60, while uncorrected was 20/80...
  4. Sandy

    How much do you spend on physical fitness?

    $500 per year for a gym membership for me and 2 sets of shoes each year about $160. DH just walks, but I need the intensity and variety of step classes, rowing machines,and gliders for aerobics as well as lots of different weight machines. Doesn't include kid's activities.
  5. Sandy

    Children: You did or did not have them poll?

    Wanted one kid, had twins. I think I will keep both. They are now 11.
  6. Sandy

    Homeowners Losing Equity Lines

    Had twins in daycare and preschool - it was about $1000/month as i recall about 10 years ago (pick age 2). Went through a couple of tough spots. First, when DH was unemployed, while we had a mortgage, alimony, and preschool - together equal to about 3 mortages. We didn't take the kids out of...
  7. Sandy

    Cheap prepaid cell phone deal

    Thanks. We have t-mobile and will check this out. We use about $100/year.
  8. Sandy

    Roth 403(b), Roth IRA and 'earned income'

    Just talked iwth my brother who is a CPA. If your wife only earns $20k and puts all of it into a 403b she can't put any $$ into a roth. If she earns $30k and puts $20K into a 403b, then she can put $5k into a roth and you can put $5k into a spousal roth. The key here is taxable earnings...
  9. Sandy

    Find out if you can live to 100 here!

    96 here because I haven't had blood work for cholesterol and diabetes in a while. Said I could also add more for the same reasons as Alan - live near family, cut my 2 cups of coffee and take aspirin every day. Living near family, especially parents, would definately decrease my longevity...
  10. Sandy

    One of the more humorous Phishing expedictions

    Pretty funny when you know what it is, but I suspect there are bunches of staff at Fidelity running around like crazy and who are not amused.
  11. Sandy

    One of the good things about ER!!!

    Go home and rest. (from someone who took SL this week)
  12. Sandy

    How do you decide on ER vs buying/spending?

    Priorities change over time at different ages and stages of life. Kids, elderly parents, spouse, divorce, j*b situations, etc all influence that tipping point between spend and save. Early on, my push was to pay off school debt, then save for a home down payment, then the kids came along-...
  13. Sandy

    I'm 10% Retired as of Today

    Congratulations Rich. Just keep chipping away. Enjoy the family and the extra time. Be sure to take it.
  14. Sandy

    Do you have a dishwasher?

    Four people. Cook 98+% of meals and snacks at home. Pack 4 lunches (and my breakfast) using plastic containers which need to be washed (rather than baggies). You bet we have a dishwasher!
  15. Sandy

    HELOC as Emergency Fund

    Thanks CFB! DH showed me that article. I read it sad said that CR needs to stick with evaluating toasters. I didn't have the time, inclination, energy or whatever to respond. But it certainly wasn't useful.
  16. Sandy

    What do you like, shorter or longer mortgage and why?

    When I refinanced 5 years ago, took the 30 year. Many neighbors who were refinancing at the same time took the 15 year option. The 30 year plan, while a tad higher rate, gives us flexibility. On average, I send in an extra 200-300 each month, greatly shortening the time of the loan...
  17. Sandy

    Can you measure LBYM by peoples trash?

    Like others, we have a large (90 gal?) can but we only put in 2 kitchen garbage size bags and 1 bag with cat litter each week for four of us (and pets). Even when I spend a week cleaning out "junk" or at holidays we don't fill it. But, we also recycle aggressively - food into the compost...
  18. Sandy

    OK. So I broke down and bought a house in Florida?

    Nice area. Real estate will bounce back, especially for this type of desireable setting. But keep in mind, from what you say, it is not just about the money. You missed having a home. Lets you be more settled, lets you change it to the way you like, etc. Not all decisions, even some of the...
  19. Sandy

    Thrift Store Spree

    Definately shop at goodwill. It was hard to find clothes for me, until I realized they put my size in the children's section. Kids clothes are great. Recent great find: we were furnishing the kids' play room. Since it is one of the bedrroms, we wanted smaller scale furniture. We found a...
  20. Sandy

    HELOC as Emergency Fund

    What I have heard happening is that banks are adjusting the HELOC loan amount based on reduced market value of the home. So, if you had a $150,000 HELOC on a home that is now only worth $120,000, the bank can reduce the HELOC to 80% of the lower value. So, whether your plan poses a problem...
  21. Sandy

    Paranoid Health Insurance Question

    I believe there is a 2 year waiting period between being determined disabled and being eligible for Medicare. So you can collect medicare early - but there is a big gap there. the execptions are end stage renal disease, amyotropic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gerhig's disease) and one...
  22. Sandy

    Its me

    history - shares an IP with other spammers.
  23. Sandy

    Job Burnout? what did you do to change it?

    if you still like sales in general, consider transfering your sales expertise to another industry/company. I would also suggest getting a degree. The local community college, while maybe not quite as flexible as online programs, is a good, relatively inexpensive way to start. They may also...
  24. Sandy

    Rent versus Buy

    As a legislative employee I need to complete an annual financial disclosure. I have to report investments that are either over $2,500 or over a percentage of my networth. Since my networth gives me a higher threshold to avoid sharing my personal info, it's a really good number to know/estimate.
  25. Sandy

    Millionaire Mommy Next Door

    Twaddle, Some people jump right in and expect to be welcomed and their views accepted without taking the time to get to know the culture and the people. Then they are surprised when they are not welcomed with open arms. Somehow the anonymous nature of the internet tells them this is ok...
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