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  1. lem1955


    Am I late to learning about this custodial bank offering good rates on CD's, or maybe I'm adding something new to the forum! That would be a first.
  2. lem1955

    Callable Bonds & CDs being called

    I didn't really understand the risk of fixed income securities being called when I invested and now have a stack of lots of callable securities. Two have been called so far. Do you avoid callable securities when interest rates are falling?
  3. lem1955

    Fortunate One w/new concerns

    I'm a fortunate daughter. My father (last of my parents) died in January and left me about $800,000. My portfolio is now in a range and configuration that has me needing to look more carefully at IRMAA, NIIT, SS taxation, etc. The rules are confusing and prioritizing between them is causing me...
  4. lem1955

    Help with formula please

    I made a spreadsheet with all the CD's and Bonds in my portfolio. Columns include Quantity, Net amount I paid (including commission fees, and accrued interest), coupon, Settlement Date and Maturity Date. What is the formula to calculate my average rate of return if I hold each to maturity?
  5. lem1955

    Appointing Successor Trustees

    We have four grown children and three young adult grandchildren. There are currently squabbles (okay, more serious than squabbles) between the two oldest children who are also the two most capable of being executors and trustees of our estate. We don't want to force them to work together or put...
  6. lem1955

    FI since 2015, still winding down employment

    Before I was FI, I found reports from others who had already achieved that goal both informational and inspiring. I figure it is time for me to share my story. I left my high paying job in 2011 at 56, despite having taken the big hit in my 401k in the Great Recession of 2008-9. I took a 32 hour...
  7. lem1955

    Fair price for executing an estate

    My last remaining parent has died. My sister and I are the only beneficiaries of their estate. My father was very well organized so most everything is in a trust. My sister declined to be an executor, so I am the executor. The lawyer says I am entitled to payment for the work involved. What is...
  8. lem1955

    Transferring an Inherited Brokerage Account

    I have recently inherited a brokerage account consisting largely of individual stocks, and a few mutual funds valued at ~ $300,000. It is currently held at Wells Fargo Advisors. I intend to transfer it to Vanguard. Is it better to liquidate the funds and transfer cash, or transfer the assets...
  9. lem1955

    Changing Spouse's SS to Spousal Benefit

    I am 67 and 7 months old. My spouse is 77 and 1 month old. She took SS at 64 before we were able to marry. Her benefit would be larger as a spousal benefit than it is under her own record. I am considering applying for my SS next year probably at age 68. How do we go about changing her benefit...
  10. lem1955

    Life Lock?

    Is anybody using identity protection service? Life Lock? Credit bureau locks? I have frozen credit bureau services for free but haven't yet subscribed to a service. A friend of mine just had her identity stolen. (She is a public figure, so she was probably targeted.)
  11. lem1955

    Should we take a placeholder CCRC home?

    My spouse is 76. I am 67. We do not have long term care insurance. We have decided to move to a CCRC but not immediately. We have been thinking 2025 or 2026. Our estate planner is encouraging us to take a smaller placeholder unit at the CCRC in order to secure the long-term care benefits sooner...
  12. lem1955

    Interest on iBonds

    When does interest on iBonds begin to show up on TreasuryDirect? I bought a $10K iBond 11/10/2021 and so far it still shows the bond is $10K.
  13. lem1955

    CCRC fees paid with tIRA Assets

    I had been planning to use HSA savings to pay at least the first year's fees for moving to a CCRC. But I've recently learned that 30 - 40% of the fees is a deductible expense if paid from a tIRA. I have a lot more in that account than I do in my HSA. So it seems I should use the HSA funds for...
  14. lem1955

    Fighting w/Chase Bank over JetBlue credits

    I have open ticket credits (4 passengers on a single itinerary) with JetBlue that have to be redeemed through Chase Bank Travel Rewards, (because the original itinerary was purchased that way.) Chase tells me (6 times with different reps including a supervisor) that SJU (San Juan Puerto Rico) is...
  15. lem1955


    My DW and I went to visit a CCRC a couple of weeks ago. It will be tough to leave our spacious home for an apartment or cottage less than half the size. Harder still will be disposing of so many accumulated possessions. However it's already becoming more than we want to deal with to maintain our...
  16. lem1955

    Medicare Advantage disadvantage

    Why do news articles and other comparisons of Medicare Advantage to Medigap Plans focus on the limitations of networks for Advantage plans rather than the large deductibles? Sure, the Advantage plans have lower premiums but the deductibles can be very costly.
  17. lem1955

    IRMAA charge on one spouse?

    Everything I have read says that if you file MFJ and exceed $176,000 income, both spouses have to pay the IRMAA surcharge. This year I am paying the IRMAA surcharge but my spouse is not. Are we just lucky or did Medicare/SS make a mistake to our benefit?
  18. lem1955

    Lucky with SRR

    I retired (for the first time) at the end of Dec 2015. About 7 months later I received a job offer I didn't refuse. It was a small commitment (about 20-30 hours a month) and didn't pay a lot (at that time just under $2K/month). My portfolio was almost entirely in 401(k) converted to tIRA funds...
  19. lem1955

    Enough - How much is that?

    When I was much younger, probably in my early thirties, I had a conversation that has stayed with me over time. My friend asked if I could imagine having "enough" money. And I said, absolutely, I could. She said she thought no one felt as though they had enough, that there was always more to be...
  20. lem1955

    Retirement #2

    My profile says I retired at 60 at the end of 2015. But that's not exactly right. Retirement was my intention and I had 4 or 5 months without any paid work until I got recruited for a very part time consulting position with a non-profit I had admired for a long time. The ED agreed to all my...
  21. lem1955

    Value Lean Needed?

    I just listened to a Zoom session by the manager of a Community Foundation's portfolio. Again he stressed the over-valuation of a few stocks, specifically, Apple, Amazon and Tesla. He also showed a graph of the Euphoria-Panic index which showed Euphoria higher than ever before, which suggests a...
  22. lem1955

    Tax Refund vs Apply to this Year?

    I've just received K-1's for a partnership and have almost finalized my 2020 tax return. I still haven't fine-tuned my tax estimating process and it looks like I am due $6,000 in Federal and State income taxes. Rather than file for a refund, and waiting how many months??, I am thinking seriously...
  23. lem1955

    Small Venture Capital position

    I just made a small investment in a venture capital portfolio that invests in local companies with growth potential. I am doing it out of a desire to support companies I know making products and delivering services I believe in, but also hope to make a reasonable return. When I use Search...
  24. lem1955

    Unintended Consequences - IRMAA

    Some mistakes I can share on any social media site so friends can learn from mine. This one results in sharing too much about my own income so I won't share on Facebook. But perhaps you can learn from mine. In 2019 I needed to take about $95,000 from my Trad IRA to pay expenses in addition to...
  25. lem1955

    The Mental Part of Weight Loss

    I am female, 65, 5'1" if I stand real tall. I was in very good health pre-Covid, 140#, some back pain and arthritis but nothing debilitating. But all of my clothes fit tight and I didn't like the way I felt in those clothes or looked. I've also had a history of pogo stick dieting/weight gain...
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