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  1. Milton

    “Outdoor” dining

    Indoor dining is now generally accepted as a prime source of Covid-19 transmission, so has been banned where I live. Outdoor dining is relatively safe and remains legal. However, with winter on the way and temperatures falling, it is less and less comfortable; so many restaurants are reacting...
  2. Milton

    Stop Tipping

    It's for suckers. I confess, I previously tipped as high as 10%; but after reading this article, no more. :banghead:
  3. Milton

    The World Owes Me a Living

    "My Arts Degree Hasn't Made My Fortune" Gosh, what a sense of entitlement. Call me reactionary, but I found this attitude questionable.
  4. Milton

    Ashamed of being "early retired"?

    Don't be! According to The Guardian, we are just "middle-class people using rising property prices and a buoyant stock market to become a new leisured aristocracy". "Can anyone retire in their 30s? Meet the people who say yes". I liked the following analogy:
  5. Milton


    A recent article provides reasons for ending the practice tipping in restaurants, which the author persuasively argues is dysfunctional ("It’s no longer clear that tipping is producing the benefits that motivate the system"). The article links to a blog entry, Observations from a Tipless...
  6. Milton

    Tipping Fatigue

    Worth reading: "Hotels' tip the housekeeper campaign draws ire from a public suffering tipping fatigue". I have difficulty understanding the hotel's position: Given its acknowledgement that the room rates it charges are already sufficient to allow Marriott to pay its staff decent wages - which...
  7. Milton

    Dinghy cruising

    A few years back, on the thread, we had a brief discussion on how big a boat has to be. Englishman Roger Barnes has recently published The Dinghy Cruising Companion: Tales and Advice from Sailing a Small Open Boat (2014). It's...
  8. Milton

    Ten money tips for people entering the work force

    Nothing really new here, but a decent summary nonetheless: "Ten money tips for people entering the work force".
  9. Milton

    Lucy Kellaway article

    Lucy's latest column may be of some interest: When a longer working life is good for us all. I must say that she failed to convince me that postponing early retirement is desirable. I have always been resistant to the imposition of "structure", and have no particular need for "status"...
  10. Milton

    Spendthrift Mom

    Well, looks like this fellow's mother has a [-]bizarre[/-] interesting rationale for spending everything: Love & Money - Personally, I'm not sure that things are as bad as he believes. In the first place, the inheritance will presumably be some time in coming, and perhaps his...
  11. Milton

    Dividends: a bad corporate strategy?

    I just came across this 2007 blog comment on a Harvard Business Review article: Harvard’s Breakthrough Idea: Don’t Pay Dividends! ::: Capital Flow Watch. Unfortunately, I can't access the original HBR article (not without paying a $6.50 fee, anyway). But reportedly it advocated the...
  12. Milton

    Ignorance is Bliss?

    Extracted from Straight-Talk-Express: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance: Of course, the problem with the above analogy is that while the vast majority of auto mechanics have considerably more knowledge and experience about vehicle maintenance than does the average car owner/driver...
  13. Milton

    "America's Money"

    "Everyday folks tell their stories about hard economic times": America's Money: In their own words - Michael Landis: A second job to pay the bills (1) - I don't mean to be judgmental, but many of these people seem to be blaming their circumstances on everyone but themselves. And...
  14. Milton

    America Saves Week

    A new initiative to promote the savings habit: America Saves Week. Funny to see this juxtaposed against the [-]spend 'til you drop incentive[/-] Economic Stimulus Act rebate. Of interest, the Canadian government has just announced a new tax-free savings plan...
  15. Milton

    Economic Outpatient Care

    Oh, those wacky boomers! An article from today's Globe & Mail: Financed by the Bank of Ma and Pa.
  16. Milton

    "Push Presents"

    Just when you thought consumerism couldn't get any worse, now the jewellry marketing types have come up with another play on the wedding ring: the 'push present', a 'reward' for women who procreate. (1) (2)...
  17. Milton

    Involuntary ER

    Here's an article that may hit home for some: Unwanted: early retirement Extract:
  18. Milton

    People Don't Know How to Work

    Another bizarre article from Ben Stein: Perceived problem: some of his "friends" have little or no visible means of supporting themselves, and are therefore lazy (Q.E.D.). His solution: forced labour camps, where shiftless young people...
  19. Milton

    Ratio of total income to net worth

    The first step in the Your Money or Your Life plan suggests that you "make peace with your past" by tallying up every cent (okay, dollar) you’ve ever brought in. You are then told to calculate and contrast your net worth. The idea is to ask yourself "where did all that money go?" ... which may...
  20. Milton

    Retirement's racial divide: Blacks less prepared

    Obviously it is full of generalizations, but this article is thought-provoking: Retirement's racial divide: Blacks less prepared - Personal Finance - I certainly agree with this extract:
  21. Milton

    Scraping by on $150,000 a year

    Yet another article on high income wage-slaves: Scraping by on $150,000 a year - MSN Money
  22. Milton

    Inflation and retirement

    In an article entitled "Will Your Retirement Fund Lose Steam? [], the author correctly makes the point that inflation gradually but significantly erodes the purchasing power...
  23. Milton

    The 437 Best Things Ever Said About Retirement

    Here is a link to an "E-book" in PDF format, by Ernie Zelinski (author of The Joy of Not Working and The Lazy Person's Guide to Success): There are some interesting quotations (some in favour of early...
  24. Milton

    Retirement and Marriage

    "Although there are lots of adjustments to be made, the divorce rate among retired couples is only in the single digits. In fact, 60% of couples report that there is (ultimately) an improvement in their marriage after retirement." Retirement And Marriage -
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