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  1. R

    Estate Tax Proposal

    Chairman of Senate Budget Committee is proposing this: It would reduce the estate tax exemption down to $3.5 million.
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    Global Cooling

    Some inconvenient happenings. Power Line: Endless Winter, Part 2
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    HDL Raising Statins?

    Anyone know which statins work good to raise HDL cholesterol by say 8 or 10% and lower LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol by say 10 or 15%? Seems I always come in about 10% over "limits" on total and LDL, and about 8% under on HDL. Unless I live like a monk for a couple months before I get...
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    Take SS at 62--Reapply at 70 for Larger Benefit

    Forbes article on taking Social Security early. Then cancelling and reapplying at age 70 for higher benefit. Interview and discussion of ramifications with Kotlikoff. SS says it is entirely legal, and they have provided form 521 to do it with. Trade In Your...
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    Virtual Colonoscopy

    Anyone had one? Just had a routine physical and my new doctor was on me its time for sigmoido or colonoscopy. I asked him about virtual colonoscopies which I had recently read about. He said, in my area at least, they are still in experiemntal and evaluation stage. One would have to be in a...
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    Free Financial Advice--Kiplingers Jan 25

    Kiplingers Magazine sponsoring a free session with NAPFA finacial planners on January 25. See below: Jump-Start Your Retirement Plan - Free Financial Advice on January 25th Kiplinger is running a campaign to help people jump-start their retirement plan by offering two days of free...
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    Music Appreciation Online Courses?

    Anyone have any knowledge and/or links to online college music appreciation courses? Maybe something where one can get accompanying books/materials. Also any books on music appreciation? Of course, being here in the ER forum, *only* free online courses are considered! ;D
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    US Medicine and Global Outsourcing

    Food for thought and discussion: Medical tourism has been gaining some attention. Technology is allowing remote diagnosis. Some insurers (Regence BCBS affiliates) provide worldwide coverage. Will the US healthcare system be increasingly pressured to be more "consumer oriented and...
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    Saturnian Global Warming

    Many of public remain skeptical of arguments. Top Global Warming Advocate: Jupiter & Saturn Closer To Sun Than Earth
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    Solar Systemic Warming?

    Scientists from MIT, U Hawaii, Cornell, and Lowell Observatory discuss global warming on Pluto. Note it has warmed 2 degrees celsius over last 14 years despite Pluto moving farther from sun. Pluto is undergoing global warming, researchers find - MIT News Office
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    Martian Global Warming

    The little green men on Mars are to blame clains El Ghoreo, martian politician. Excerpt from National Geographic article: "........Mars, too, appears to be enjoying more mild and balmy temperatures. In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon...
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    Three Cups of Tea

    Pondering the unrest in Pakistan and Afghanistan nowdays, I ran across mention of a book by a mountain climber who was befriended by some Pakistanis. He followed up later on a promise he made and founded a school. He (Mortenson) told his tale later in a book Three Cups of Tea. Haven't read...
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    Top 25 Places for Retirement Jobs

    ROBERT POWELL Top 25 places for retirement jobs ... BOSTON (MarketWatch) -- Most people don't get to have their cake and eat it too. Case in point: we know the best employers for workers over age 50. And we also know the best places to which Americans can retire. But where in America are the...
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    You Know You're Getting Old When........

    as in my case, you don't know which is receding faster---your hairline or your gumline. O0
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    Travelling Funds--How to in Germany?

    Got a kid going to participate in foreign exchange program this summer. He is going to stay with a host family in Germany. We have not yet set up a checking or saving account for him, and of course he has no credit card. Just wondering, in Germany, good ways (read that "safe" ways) for him...
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    Life Insurance with LTC Features?

    Read somewhere about life insurance where one can get LTC benefits. Not sure if the Life part transmorgified into LTC at some point or on request or what. Recently dropped a life insurance policy due to sufficient assets to protect family. Been thinking about spending those saverd premium...
  17. R

    Inheritance Tax Should be Abolished

    The inheritance tax is set to go to $-0- in 2010. For one year. But then in 2011 it comes back, with rate of 55% on taxable estates, under current law. Why should families who spent lifetimes earning, sweating, slaving, saving---and paying income taxes all along--have the government...
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    Who Invented the Internet

    Despite Algore's fictitious claims, see: Who invented the Internet?
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    Series EE Savings Bonds--Taxation

    Is there any way series EE savings bonds bought in 1986 can be cashed in "tax-fee" if the proceeds are used for higher ed expenses (or any other way for that matter)? These were bought before the time of the so-called "education savings bonds" (which i think started around 1990).
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    Travel in France---French Attitude?

    OK, the subject of a rumoroured French attitude "against" Americans has come around. Many years, decades ago, some travel articles spoke of something like an "anti-American" attitude by the French toward American travellers. What have recent french travellers experienced? Courtesy...
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    Ranking of Healthcare Systems Worldwide

    An article titled "Strong Medicine" in the December 2007 Univ Washington alum magazine included World Health Organization rankings of national health systems for 50 major countries. The article discussed the man whom the UW just hired (away from Harvard) who helped WHO devise the way to do the...
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    Considered Organ Donation?

    Willing organ donors who properly register their wishes can help save lives, and avoid some of the ethical problems arising from "organ harvesting" (see recent thread discussion). In the northwest US at least (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho)there is a non-profit organization that...
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    Anyone Hear This on Pension Lump Sums?

    Heard Ric Edelman on the radio mention because of the Pension Reform Act, starting 2008 some pensions will require retirees take monthly benefit, and the lump sum option would not longer be available. Edelman then went on to say he generally advised people to take lump sums, so if someone was...
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    Housing/Building Stocks

    They been pummelled. Lowes today projected 10% lower earnings. Lowes stock is on sale now at $22-$23. Time to start looking into strong companies in housing/building while the blood is starting to run?
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    Asset Allocation--Int'l Exposure via US Firms

    Just ran across some interesting stats about US companies I didn't realize. This info would affect asset allocation when one either does or does not want international equity exposure. The data was a list of US firms and how much of their revenues were derived from non-US sources. Such as...
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