10 Ways Your Smartphone Can (Help) Pay For Itself


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jan 21, 2008
It's very easy to find alternatives to any of these smartphone functions, but we find it is much quicker and easier with a smartphone. We're trying to talk ourselves into upgrading our two person plan at the moment (from $85/mo to $110-120/mo w much better phones), but there's really no justifying it... FWIW

  1. Price checks while shopping, is the deal in front of me really a good one?
  2. Virtual coupons, lots of apps and providers
  3. Text club special offers, some restaurants, stores, etc. will provide a discount on the spot (I got $5 off at Target while in the store by simply texting - yes I know they got my phone number)
  4. Find surcharge free ATMs
  5. Budgeting apps, I think some have mentioned MINT for example.
  6. Gas price apps (we've definitely saved money and driving using these, we rarely buy gas without scoping out prices)
  7. Replaces camera, video recorder, GPS, etc.
  8. Replaces landline (saved us $31/month)
  9. Replaces home internet (using the phone as a hotspot for your PC, probably only good for light internet use)
  10. Be more organized, lots of calendar/scheduling apps that make sure you don't forget something each day (appts, shopping/errands, etc.)
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