2019 Effective Federal income tax rate

Dash man

Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Mar 8, 2013
I was pleasantly surprised at my effective tax rate of 6.08% on my 2019 federal taxes. I had about $57k of dividends taxed at 0%. This is the lowest effective tax rate I can ever recall paying. We had enough deductions to itemize again this year, so that helped a lot.
Anyone else care to share?
6.82%.... but only $14k of qualified dividends and LTCG.... std deduction.

ETA: 12% marginal rate.
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I was pleasantly surprised at my effective tax rate of 6.08% on my 2019 federal taxes. I had about $57k of dividends taxed at 0%. This is the lowest effective tax rate I can ever recall paying. We had enough deductions to itemize again this year, so that helped a lot.
Anyone else care to share?
These are from TurboTax Hostory Report (which may be off as I've hear recently:
2015, 9.99 (15%)
2016, 12.53 (25%)
2017, 11.33 (25%)
2018, 11.19 (22%)
2019, 8.54 (22%)

Those five years sure were interesting...in 2019 my income dropped to part-time and that had an obvious effect.
25% state and Federal income tax - self employment tax on my part time consulting gig is a killer.

Add in property tax and sales tax and it is north of 30%. I'm sure OP means "effective INCOME tax rate" but that is hardly the whole taxation story.
20.13% effective Federal tax rate for 2019. Somebody has to pay the bill to keep the lights burning.
2.8% effective tax rate for Federal Income Tax. Unfortunately, I have a 42% effective tax rate for Property Tax.
25% state and Federal income tax - self employment tax on my part time consulting gig is a killer.

Add in property tax and sales tax and it is north of 30%. I'm sure OP means "effective INCOME tax rate" but that is hardly the whole taxation story.

Yes, I specified Federal tax, meaning Federal Income tax.
25% state and Federal income tax - self employment tax on my part time consulting gig is a killer.

Add in property tax and sales tax and it is north of 30%. I'm sure OP means "effective INCOME tax rate" but that is hardly the whole taxation story.

Self employment tax is an absolute killer. I Gross around $20K and net around $15K and have to pay over $2K on self employment tax. I can get Federal down to zero and State is only around $100 but self employment is a killer for lower income people.
17.5% effective federal, due to a one-off, sizable NIIT hit last year. I'm expecting a substantially lower rate for tax year 2020, probably closer to about 9%.
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