2am, black friday shopping....someone smack me!


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 29, 2005
why, oh why do i let my wife drag me out for this crap.

a few years back it made sense to stand around in the cold to save $300 on a TV. This year....she wanted to save $5 on dvds and $7 on a few shirts. Next thing you know, i'm down $600 bucks and dont need any of it!

I am not a very social person when it comes to crowds and chaos...and i can be very outspoken in certain situations where everyone else is shy. wellll....at old navy, which i despise anyhow, im in line waiting forever to save my $12 and some kid casually comes up behind me (the line wraps around an aisle at a 90 degree turn, and he's trying to squeeze in). but he doesnt have to balls to do it, so every time i shift my weight, or turn my head, he holds a pair of jeans up acting like he's deciding if he likes them and inches in. the lady in front of me takes a defensive stance and gets on her phone, quietly whispering about the a$$wipe trying to cut in line...other people i'd been in line with are whispering under their breath. then the kids friend comes and says "how'd you get so far up in line john?" I politely announce" He DIDNT. He's tring to weasel his way with this move..." (as i demonstrate the "im just looking at these pants and happen to be using them as a battering ram" move". he looks at me and says 'yeah, ive gotta use my moves today..this is crazy." i reply 'well try it somewhere else. and while youre at it, stop touching me. back up'. he says ' oh, all you had to do is say something' i say 'i just did'. then he sheepishly walks 50 ft to the back of the line. then the people around actually applaud!

an hour later while in line outside of target, aforementioned a$$wipe slips under a caution tape barrier and casually slips in line about 20 people in front of me while acting oblivious, using the ' im pretending to be on my cellphone and im distracted' move. everyone that sees him is talking amongst themselves, but does nothing. at this point, i was more than happy to go remind him that his newist 'dick-move' (not sure where i came up with that...but it sounded good on the spot) wasnt going to work. he again walked to the back of the line...this time about 500 feet!

now im exhausted, and aggravated. time for a nap. at least we saved $250. hahaha. and spent 600....not sure how that happened...
I did the Black Friday thing one time. Never again! I'll gladly pay extra to avoid that mess.
I haven't done Black Friday shopping since about 1974. DW gave it up about ten years later.
I really have to go grocery shopping today - I am out of food (Thanksgiving was at someone else's how so no leftovers). Target is in the same big shopping center as HEB. I sure hope I can find parking!!!

I have never done the early black Friday shopping but I have ventured out in the afternoon and by then it's pretty sane . I'm going refrigerator shopping . My fridge is starting to leak and freeze the food in the refrigerator . It's thirteen years old so it's probably time .
The only place you'll find me shopping today is right here, in front of my home computer. I can't stand crowds, and especially black friday shopping crowds.
No way would I go shopping today, certainly not the early a.m. variety. Just back from a walk with the mutt at the reservoir. Drove by Walmart and it looked like a mad house. I wouldn't go in there if the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders were there, performing nude. Well..........maybe I would, but you get my point.:blush:
I did the Black Friday thing once....you couldn't pay me to do it again!!!
Just shop throughout the year and save!
Last night on the 11PM local news, the TV camera showed people that were camping out at Best Buy overnight in order to get the "great deals" when the store opened. Then the news reporter mentioned that the station had checked and found the same "great deals" being offered online by Best Buy. Bummer!
why, oh why do i let my wife drag me out for this crap.

'cause you said "I do". :)

Never ever have shopped the black plague, neither does DW have any interest in that, mercifully, else I'd have call for divorce.:D

Console yourself with a favorite potent medicine, say Marie Brizzard, or perhaps some fine single malt.:LOL:
I looked at the newspaper ad yesterday and saw all kinds of good deals. However, these are for people who needed them, and I needed nothing.

The only thing I could think of buying is a Netbook PC for my wife to surf the Net (her 7-yr old laptop starts to act up, and it's hardware, not software). Saw several stores selling them for less than $200, but I am not going to fight the crowd for it. I suspect that, between now and Xmas, that price will become permanent, and I can pick one up at my leisure.
It's not fair!

I need "Cash for Efficient Motorhomes" which brings the price of diesel MHs down to that of the gas models. Where are my lawmakers when I need them to do something for me?
wow....sorry for that rambling post/complaint.....i was delerious. i'm okay now after a 4 hr nap!
Well, I got up at 0530 to try and get a new lappy from office depot online. Believe it or not I jump through all the hoops and actually score one for the good guys. Get my order confirmation by email - OH goody goody ------ and then a couple hours later I get the phone call -- OD made a mistake - NO lappy for online purchases only for the in store idiots. Thanks for nothing OD, which is exactly what they offered for there screw-up. I'd call it Bait & Switch with NO switches allowed...:nonono::mad:

:mad:Drat you office depot...:mad:
My wife went to Staplese to get some hard drives, phone and a digital picture frame. I slept in.
I didn't leave the house. The offers and deals came in e-mail this morning. I was planning to buy some good quality Alaskan salmon and Pacific shrimp from a place I bought from in the past. Lo and behold, they sent me a coupon for 15% off. So, I got my black Friday deal right here at my kitchen table, on good stuff I was going to get anyway.
I've never done the 'Black Friday' thing...and never will unless I'm dead and someone drags my corpse along with them. Ain't no way, no how, I'm getting involved in the rabid, feeding frenzy that goes on!! Huh-uh!!

I went for a nice peaceful breakfast at the local coffee shop, and visited with friends. My buddy said his wife (who works in electronics at SprawlMart) had just called and said that the computer they had on sale for 'black friday' were all gone in a heart beat...s'posed to have had 33 on hand, but they only had 3 (ooops)...and about 100 people in line for them. She said they told the people that they were all out, but many of them just kept standing in line hoping they'd bring more out. She said they told there are no more...period! But they continued to wait in line anyway....duhhh!

I needed to go to a store across the drive from SprawlMart, and there was traffic backed up all over the place....except for the rear access that goes to the SprawlMart loading docks. So I wheeled back that way....no traffic....all the way around the SprawlMart property, out the far truck parking exit, across the road at the dead end, into the strip-mall parking lot, and right up to the front door (no 'black friday' sales in the strip-mall). Did my business, and headed right out the main drive to the highway...no traffic outbound, only inbound.

I did the same thing near the big mall in the next town over...circled around the back way, right into the parking lot of the store I needed to get to. But I left the same way I came in....out and around the back....too many psychos randomly aiming vehicles in various and sundry directions...and a multi-car pile-up to boot!!!

The folks getting the best deals today are the CC companies.....kah-ching! :D
DW has been shopping online for years using free shipping promos. Not sure if we are saving any $$ ... but the convenience trumps.
Like some others, I haunt the cyber aisles during Thanksgiving weekend. Yesterday, the 15-inch digital frame I've been "following" on amazon.com suddenly dropped $60 from its price. Wasn't sure whether it would get even cheaper if I waited, so I grabbed it. Now, to pray that it a) arrives, and b) works! There were 60 customer reviews, mostly positive. But...the five negative reviews involved frames that failed to operate.

Even when we were buying toys, we didn't do the Black Friday thing. The whole scene was just too ugly for the few bucks that were saved. We still go shopping for clothing on the day after Christmas. Lots of good deals, and we often have the stores to ourselves in the early a.m. (unlike B.F.!)

Up @ 5:30 in Best Buy got the first and only front load washer (ours is near dead) later folks got a substitute model which may be good but I had not researched model. Orig price $1,200 got it for $600, got a Flip type (not brand) videocam, store had 10 & only 3 left when I got to them. Just what DW wants for pics of grandchildren. Then on to sports store for a half off diving top for DW. Fun day, lots of adventure, kind of reminded me of the Rose Parade.
My netbook which was I thought was a deal@$325 earlier this year was $177 at Fry's. DW bought a Cannon DSLR earlier this year which was much cheaper today.

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