5 Year FIRE Anniversary

ocean view

Full time employment: Posting here.
Feb 4, 2017
SF Bay Area
Today is my five year FIRE anniversary. Yahoo! Yes, April Fools Day was the day I thought most appropriate to walk out the door.

This current situation was never in our plan (the lockdown part), but we’ve learned a lot from you all and have our 3 yr stash of cash and are sticking to our buy and hold plan. I am, however, reluctant to login and see the actual damage. Maybe soon. Contingency plans b, c, and d may need to be activated, but not today. Today we will just be thankful that we are relatively young and healthy and have had 5 years of great retirement experiences together.

Thank you to all the members who share their wisdom daily (I can’t keep up with the new posts anymore). I’m certain we would be an emotional wreck without this forum.
Congrats, classmate! I turned in my letter 10/14/14, celebrating 5 years back in October! Your most important job now is to stay healthy.
I quit officially on April Fool's Day too. That was back in 1996
Congrats, classmate! I turned in my letter 10/14/14, celebrating 5 years back in October! Your most important job now is to stay healthy.

32 months for us.

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