59 Year Old: Decisions,Decisions

That's not how it works. 99 weeks max benefits ( in most states).

Most states have 26 weeks of unemployment benefits, with the Feds picking up the other 73 weeks. The extension that they're proposing will keep the additional 73 weeks of benefits in place for 13 more months.

So, If your friends have used 96 weeks of unemployment benefits, they've only got 3 more weeks.

I have friends that have been milking unemployment for a few years now. Looks to me like the Dems and Reps will make a deal and extend unemployment for another year. That will bring it to 3 years with no end in sight. Pretty good pension if you can get it.
Me too, that will always strike me as one of life's great ironies. When I got my first job after college making $1275/month, I couldn't figure out how I was going to spend it all after living on about $300/month in college. I can't say I am happier now...

so VERY true!
UPDATE: Well, I guess I am retired. As I said earlier I've been thinking of ER since last summer. I hated my place of employment. The boss and I didn't see eye to eye. There were a couple of projects I wanted to finish with success before leaving. I accomplished that, but in the end I was let go. I guess this was better than quiting, for I am now receiving unemployment.

But I'm still looking for a job. (I have to according to keep my unemployment payments, but I'd be looking anyway.)

I found health insurance for me and my family.. Cheaper than I calculated for. In fact, I keep doing retirement calculations for different scenarios. It all seems to work out. In fact this week I bought a travel trailer with no financing. Perhaps, I should consider myself semi-retired.
Looks to me like another case of "blessing in disguise".
Your bad boss saved you from the pre-ER uncertainties and unemployment will allow you to slowly glide into the retirement mood.
ENJOY your family, the trailer and your free time!

I am most happy for you!!!! ENJOY!
Welcome to the forum. I will be 59 in a few months and presently I am semi retired. I now only work 19 hours a week and have been cutting my hours for the past 5 years. Perhaps you can find something P/T if you are not ready for full retirement.
Good luck!
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