A Question for the Women on the Board

No, I have not ever watched it and do not plan on seeing it at the movies.
S&TC News Report

DW dragged me to S&TC Friday, she loved it, I thought it was....OK. I would have preferred Indiana Jones but it was her choice. Darn, & went to the opera on Sunday; when is it my turn?. At S&TC there were an amazing number of women there, and all dressed up like date night. Thought you would find this interesting, from the LA Times:

'Sex and the City' is No. 1 at box office - Los Angeles Times

I know the guys will be peeking at this (but you'll be disappointed when you hear that I am just asking a movie!).

What I want to know is: is anyone excited about/planning to see the film version of Sex and the City when it comes out at the end of the month? Am I truly the only female who doesn't consider this a major life event and isn't going to go (I'm not even going to rent it)?

I have a new friend who is 47 and suggested going to this as a "girl's night out" thing. I was floored because she talks about living below her means and being into spiritual things. She also doesn't like going to movies due to the expense and rudeness of the audience. But it seems like she is willing to deal with all that for this film....:rant:

What am I missing here? True, I've never watched the TV show, but from what I can gather, it's about four women who live in New York and spend a lot of time and energy on their appearance, especially with very expensive clothes. In 2008, is this really still of such interest? And I'm not even sure it's all that much about sex---I've heard the women may be with a lot of guys, but more in a quest to finally end up with "Mr. Right" than to fulfill their libido.

At least on this board, I would assume/hope there is someone who also doesn't need to see (and pay for the privilege) multiple product placements of expensive shoes....Am I right?
My wife bought a pair of Manolo Blahnik's and then said "why did I buy those?".. they went back the next day.

Aside from that, we watched through the tv series (borrowed the dvds from friends), but mostly out of morbid curiousity... no desire to go see this movie, but then she usually couldn't care less about going to the movie theater, so that probably at least has something to do with it. Will report back when it's available on Netflix.
Went to see it today with my mom. Is this an Oscar contender? No. Did we enjoy the movie? Very much. Of course, we did follow the series on TV so it was kind of like seeing old friends again. I don't think those who didn't get to know the characters from the series would enjoy this movie. Still, it was a pleasant distraction and not even that expensive since we got a matinee discount plus mom's senior citizen discount on her ticket. All in all, a fun mother-daughter afternoon out.
If my daughter was in town we would go and have Martinis afterward . We both followed the series . She was more an Aiden fan while I rooted for Mr. Big !
If my daughter was in town we would go and have Martinis afterward . We both followed the series . She was more an Aiden fan while I rooted for Mr. Big !

You two might also enjoy Cosmos - the drink made popular from the series and featured in the movie. Here's the recipe:

Things You’ll Need:
  • Vodka
  • Cranberry Juice
  • Grand Marnier
  • Lime Juice
  • Lime Wedges
Place 1 Cup Vodka, 1/2 Cup Cranberry Juice, 1/2 Cup Grand Marnier and 1/4 Cup Lime Juice into a cocktail shaker with ice.
Shake Well.
Strain into 4 chilled Cosmo Glasses.
Garnish with a lime wedge.


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Guys, I think women want to see the movie for the same reason women look at your "Playboy." For (straight) women it's looking at how the gal's makeup is applied, their hairstyles, the clothing. For men it's the...well, you know....
I'll probably go with my daughter. I know some reviewers commented favorably on the movie's emphasis on the importance of having and being friends. I can't fault that concept.
I asked a woman - age 22 - about it. She said she didn't like the HBO series because all it was about was women trying to get a man.
Guys, I think women want to see the movie for the same reason women look at your "Playboy." For (straight) women it's looking at how the gal's makeup is applied, their hairstyles, the clothing. For men it's the...well, you know....

So, should I be worried if it's her subscription :confused: :D

Actually, Playboy probably has some of the most artistic, least sexual (but quite sensual) photography of the lot... too bad the mrs let her subscription lapse.
I could care less about sex and the city. I've never had a desire to watch the TV show. I can't stand chick shows/flicks. :p This is the tomboy in me talking...

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