AARP worth it?

The problem with any organization which tries to lobby for a specific demographic, like seniors, is that today's political landscape won't allow it.

If "my" party proposes legislation which hurts (again, for example) seniors, and some organization lobbies against that specific legislation, "my" party brands that organization the enemy, and demands it's loyal members to disparage and boycott them.

So, an organization like AARP is faced with a dilemma. If they really stand up to any politician, they'll lose the support of the 40% of the population which belongs to that politician's party.

I don't have an answer. But I can tell you this: When some pundit or politician says something which gets you angry, or tells you to hate some organization or group, you are being manipulated.

Well said. Not partisan. Thank you.
Well said. Not partisan. Thank you.

Thank you. I never know if I'm coming across as partisan, which of course we all should avoid in a forum like this.

It's more accurate to say I'm "anti-partisan." I believe politicians should work for their constituents, not for their party. I'd rather support an independent whom I sometimes disagree with, than someone who only cares about making the fringes of their party happy for the next primary.

Sometimes when I speak out against partisan positions, people assume I'm an active member of the opposing party. Ironically, I've been accused of being on each side at different times. My goal is to make people on both sides think a bit more deeply about what they're being indoctrinated with.

I firmly believe we all agree on far more than we disagree on. That's why I don't like seeing the venom and vitriol that talking heads and social media stir up. Issues of the day, like life itself, are complex and nuanced. We need discussion and compromise, not sound bites and slogans.
things you hate? Like making sure ss lasts as long as we do, funding medicare, making sure medicare supplement companies stand by their obligations, fighting against scammers of vulnerable elderly americans, looking after older americans......

I cannot comprehend why people "hate" aarp. Seems very blinkered, philistine and short sighted to me.

Things you hate? Like Making sure SS lasts as long as we do, funding Medicare, making sure Medicare supplement companies stand by their obligations, fighting against scammers of vulnerable elderly Americans, Looking after Older Americans......

I cannot comprehend why people "Hate" AARP. Seems very blinkered, philistine and short sighted to me.
For most it is just an excuse, they simply do not like AARP.

I would like to know where it is published what they lobby for, other than things that benefit all seniors that is not just partisan propaganda.

I answered my own question here, I checked what they have lobbied for, most of which I, and I think most seniors would support. I could only find 2 that I was not 100% for. Not enough to stop supporting them. I am glad they do try to fight for their members.
Since we’re repeating ourselves over and over, you’re welcome to choose for yourself, I guess you don’t extend the same courtesy to others.

Those who’ve expressed their full support have conveniently avoided how much are you willing to see your kids and grandkids pay to maintain your senior benefits as is, that they probably won’t have? Or offer workable solutions instead of just letting AARP handle it. AARP has made it clear they’re not giving and inch.

You have the last word, tired topic with more than one defensible side…
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I would prefer SS benefits are increased and the taxation thresholds adjusted correctly for inflation since 1983 and reducing healthcare costs for seniors (Medicare is too expensive) rather than all those dollars going to free pre-K,
UBI (univeral basic income), expanded child tax credit, baby bonds, reparations, free college, student loan bailouts, government pensions, mandated paid family leave, free child care, and healthcare & housing for illegals. So, I'm glad to have AARP in my corner. I don't have the power alone to make a difference. You have to start with a strong position and compromise back from there. It sounds like I should join and show my support.
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I don’t like either one and don’t see the benefit of joining.
I don’t like either one and don’t see the benefit of joining.

We joined back when we were in our early 40s because of the great cruise discounts that were available at the time. Literally hundreds of dollars off the bottom line. We made use of that discount two or three times. Over the years, we've additionally received good discounts on car rentals (when the discounted rate was less than everyone else) and have used the AARP discount at Denny's many times over the years as well as a few other restaurants that gave discounts. also has better prices than others periodically depending on our travel plans. For about $10/year membership fee, we've saved more than enough to cover lifetime membership. Our membership expires in 2036.
I don’t like either one and don’t see the benefit of joining.

Have you ever joined either or both? If not, how do you know there is no benefit? IOW on what do you base your conclusion that neither is worth joining? :)
I wouldn't have known about this w/o AARP

AARP raised concerns last month about a 22-12 House Budget Committee vote to advance the creation of a fiscal debt commission. The commission would be charged with recommending legislation to reduce government deficits and the national debt. Advocates and some lawmakers worry this will allow Congress to fast-track cuts to Social Security and Medicare.
I wouldn't have known about this w/o AARP

It doesn't matter how hurtful any proposed legislation is for seniors. Those whose party proposed it will support it. To be honest I don't even know or care which party it was this time. The point is, people today would rather believe their party's propaganda outlets than an organization with a specific mission to help them.

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