Another new test to detect Alzheimer’s Diesase


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Jan 31, 2008
Another new test announced, with promising results. Alzheimer’s Test Detects Disease Decade Ahead of Onset - Bloomberg
A new blood test for Alzheimer’s appears to detect the disease as many as 10 years before clinical diagnosis is possible -- far sooner than other tests in development.
These levels were so consistent that the team could predict whether a blood sample came from an Alzheimer’s patient, healthy individual, or a diabetic -- with no errors. This was true even for samples from Alzheimer’s patients taken 10 years before they were diagnosed.
Given our age demographics it is no surprise to see so much focus on Alzheimer's Disease.
I'll be interested if it gets past the testing stage. Both my parents suffered from dementia so naturally, I'm just a little concerned.
My mom died from Alzheimer's. It was horrible, but I'd like to know to prepare if I was going to get it.

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This is another angle on Alzheimer's. I particularly like the comments section.
Pioneering Doctor Working to Reverse Alzheimer's Offers Ways to Help Avoid the Disease | Alternet

1. Eliminate or greatly reduce simple carbohydrates and processed foods from your diet, including sugar, grains and other starches, since they can stir up inflammation in the brain.
2. Add probiotics to your diet
3. Take 5,000 IUs of Vitamin D3 daily.
4. Take a good multivitamin daily.
5. Take Vitamin B6 daily.
6. Take Vitamin B12 daily.
7. Take CoQ10 daily.
8. Add fish oil to your diet.
9. Take coconut oil daily.
10. Exercise rigorously, 30 to 45 minutes, 5 days a week
11. Sleep 8 hours a night.
12. Fast for a minimum 3 hours between dinner and going to bed.
13. Fast a minimum 12 hours between dinner and breakfast
14. Take turmeric daily. Consider taking Ashwagandha and Bacopa monniera daily.
15. If you eat meat, make it chicken, non-farmed fish, and occasional grass-fed beef.
16. Floss your teeth at least twice daily.
17. Meditate daily: adequate sleep and exercise improve blood flow to the brain and instigate neuron generation.
18. Hormone replacement therapy is indicated for women who have a hormonal imbalance that may be affecting brain function.
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This is another angle on Alzheimer's. I particularly like the comments section.
Pioneering Doctor Working to Reverse Alzheimer's Offers Ways to Help Avoid the Disease | Alternet

1. Eliminate or greatly reduce simple carbohydrates and processed foods from your diet, including sugar, grains and other starches, since they can stir up inflammation in the brain.
2. Add probiotics to your diet
3. Take 5,000 IUs of Vitamin D3 daily.
4. Take a good multivitamin daily.
5. Take Vitamin B6 daily.
6. Take Vitamin B12 daily.
7. Take CoQ10 daily.
8. Add fish oil to your diet.
9. Take coconut oil daily.
10. Exercise rigorously, 30 to 45 minutes, 5 days a week
11. Sleep 8 hours a night.
12. Fast for a minimum 3 hours between dinner and going to bed.
13. Fast a minimum 12 hours between dinner and breakfast
14. Take turmeric daily. Consider taking Ashwagandha and Bacopa monniera daily.
15. If you eat meat, make it chicken, non-farmed fish, and occasional grass-fed beef.
16. Floss your teeth at least twice daily.
17. Meditate daily: adequate sleep and exercise improve blood flow to the brain and instigate neuron generation.
18. Hormone replacement therapy is indicated for women who have a hormonal imbalance that may be affecting brain function.

I think I would rather get Alzheimers. Too many rules and not enough fun in this prescription.

At least that regimen answers the question "What will you do all day?" because you won't have time for anything else.
The what to eat and do advice seems pretty standard for 2014. It is pretty close to the old "Younger Next Year" books.

More interesting to me is the idea expressed elsewhere that serious fasting may cause one's body to breakdown old decrepit proteins, molecules, and even cells sooner, so that when a fast is broken, new ones are made to replace them. This sort of reads like rejuvenation to me. I like it and so did Ponce de Leon.
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Wow, I'm not sure I would want to know.

First, if I found I wasn't destined to have Alzheimers', still I might get some other sort of dementia and that would be a tremendous sucker punch to my planning.

Second, part of being alive is that you never really know what to expect. Honestly I didn't want to know if my baby was a girl or boy beforehand for that reason. Likewise, I wouldn't really want to know I was getting Alzheimers (although that is a much less joyous surprise!). If I knew that would happen in ten years, it could color my perceptions now and detract from my quality of life for the time between now and the onset of Alzheimer's.

As for the eating regime, that's analogous to hanging garlic over the doorway IMO. It might keep [-]the vampire[/-] Alzheimer's away. Or, it might not. :nonono:
Wow, I'm not sure I would want to know.
A real tough situation, no easy answer. Good thing it is hypothetical. Diagnosing AD is already very difficult, predicting future onset is little more than an exercise in statistics.

A healthful diet and regular exercise is a good idea. It may not prevent dementia but it will help us as we age. Folks with specific concerns about dementia should probably focus more on considering the options and maybe even preparing a contingency plan.
Wow, I'm not sure I would want to know.

One of my fears is getting Alzheimers/dementia and no one even notices... :nonono:

The other day I was cutting a few pieces of wood. Measured and marked the board, put the pencil in my mouth, and cut the board. Then, wanted to measure and mark the second piece, and could not find the pencil... I did find it after checking all my pockets and the places on the saw I might put it...
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One of my fears is getting Alzheimers/dementia and no one even notices... :nonono:

The other day I was cutting a few pieces of wood. Measured and marked the board, put the pencil in my mouth, and cut the board. Then, wanted to measure and mark the second piece, and could not find the pencil... I did find it after checking all my pockets and the places on the saw I might put it...

And I thought I was the only one who did things like that.

It does not inspire confidence does it?
I already do 70.6% of those, and I'm at lower risk for alzheimers according to 23andme (12 of 17...18 does not apply). That presumes equal weighting, but I have a feeling the hard ones, like exercise, count more than dropping a turmeric every day.
My mom had Alzheimer's. Of course I read anything I see about how to avoid getting Alzheimer's. My mom did almost all the right things and she still got it. My dad did mostly wrong things and didn't get it. He lived to 94 with a very good mind. Sometimes I think it's all a crapshoot.

Sent from my iPad using Early Retirement Forum
1. Eliminate or greatly reduce simple carbohydrates and processed foods from your diet, including sugar, grains and other starches, since they can stir up inflammation in the brain.
2. Add probiotics to your diet
3. Take 5,000 IUs of Vitamin D3 daily.
4. Take a good multivitamin daily.
5. Take Vitamin B6 daily.
6. Take Vitamin B12 daily.
7. Take CoQ10 daily.
8. Add fish oil to your diet.
9. Take coconut oil daily.
10. Exercise rigorously, 30 to 45 minutes, 5 days a week
11. Sleep 8 hours a night.
12. Fast for a minimum 3 hours between dinner and going to bed.
13. Fast a minimum 12 hours between dinner and breakfast
14. Take turmeric daily. Consider taking Ashwagandha and Bacopa monniera daily.
15. If you eat meat, make it chicken, non-farmed fish, and occasional grass-fed beef.
16. Floss your teeth at least twice daily.
17. Meditate daily: adequate sleep and exercise improve blood flow to the brain and instigate neuron generation.
18. Hormone replacement therapy is indicated for women who have a hormonal imbalance that may be affecting brain function.
Uh oh!


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This is another angle on Alzheimer's. I particularly like the comments section.
Pioneering Doctor Working to Reverse Alzheimer's Offers Ways to Help Avoid the Disease | Alternet

1. Eliminate or greatly reduce simple carbohydrates and processed foods from your diet, including sugar, grains and other starches, since they can stir up inflammation in the brain.
2. Add probiotics to your diet
3. Take 5,000 IUs of Vitamin D3 daily.
4. Take a good multivitamin daily.
5. Take Vitamin B6 daily.
6. Take Vitamin B12 daily.
7. Take CoQ10 daily.
8. Add fish oil to your diet.
9. Take coconut oil daily.
10. Exercise rigorously, 30 to 45 minutes, 5 days a week
11. Sleep 8 hours a night.
12. Fast for a minimum 3 hours between dinner and going to bed.
13. Fast a minimum 12 hours between dinner and breakfast
14. Take turmeric daily. Consider taking Ashwagandha and Bacopa monniera daily.
15. If you eat meat, make it chicken, non-farmed fish, and occasional grass-fed beef.
16. Floss your teeth at least twice daily.
17. Meditate daily: adequate sleep and exercise improve blood flow to the brain and instigate neuron generation.
18. Hormone replacement therapy is indicated for women who have a hormonal imbalance that may be affecting brain function.

Seems people are always selling something. The supplement industry is one of the biggest scams going. Many of them are likely harmful.
Some new hope

A possible breakthrough drug, that has already been tested for safety, but was used for stroke. Potential to stop or reverse plaque build up.

Stroke drug could cure Alzheimer's disease believe scientists | Health | Life & Style | Daily Express

There is currently no effective drug to prevent or halt the memory-destroying condition, which affects 500,000 people in the UK alone.

But scientists believe edaravone could help eliminate Alzheimer’s build up of amyloid plaques in the brain. In tests on mice, researchers said it was able to “prevent and treat” the disease by “rescuing the cognitive deficits”.

Edaravone is marketed in Japan to treat acute ischemic stroke patients presenting within 24 hours of attack though it is not licensed in Europe or the US for any condition.

And another drug, aducanumab, being developed by Biogen... announced recently:
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Seems people are always selling something. The supplement industry is one of the biggest scams going. Many of them are likely harmful.

If anything, he is giving away information that most likely would lead to improved health for anyone that tries his "prescription". None of the named supplements are scams or harmful.
Be wary of such click getting, attention grabbing headlines with regard to new studies. Reading "Wrong: Why Experts Keep Failing Us — and How to Know When Not to Trust Them" by Daniel Freedman will open your eyes to the accuracy of such studies/information in all fields. From Time Magazine's review:

To read the factoids David Freedman rattles off in his book Wrong is terrifying. He begins by writing that about two-thirds of the findings published in the top medical journals are refuted within a few years. It gets worse. As much as 90% of physicians' medical knowledge has been found to be substantially or completely wrong. In fact, there is a 1 in 12 chance that a doctor's diagnosis will be so wrong that it causes the patient significant harm. And it's not just medicine. Economists have found that all studies published in economics journals are likely to be wrong. Professionally prepared tax returns are more likely to contain significant errors than self-prepared returns. Half of all newspaper articles contain at least one factual error. [Emphasis Added]
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