Any men here experienced a hydrocele?


Recycles dryer sheets
Jan 13, 2009
Have what appears to be a hydrocele above the right testicle. As the name implies it is fluid filling one side of the scrotum and causing swelling on that side. It can occur on both sides also. Caused by injury, infection and a host of other causes. I do work out with dumb bells and injury is a possibility. It affects infants and roughly 1 percent of adult men. Tested negative for UTI and STD's are not a possibility for me. Have an ultrasound scheduled for later in the month but in the interim am curious if anyone here has personal experience they would be willing to share. In infants they resolve on their own and sometimes in adult men they can resolve on their own but most often need surgical intervention to drain. Would be interested in any instance where it has diminished on its own or anyone who either had it surgically removed or aspirated using syringe? Of all the bizarre things that can happen!
Sounds unpleasant.

It reminds me when a teenager being in the showers at the YMCA, and seeing some fellow there with a super large bag. Could have been something similar.
I didn't ask him about it.
I have seen 2 different ones. 1st was during surgical rotations. Was a simple fairly quick operation and he seemed to recover quite rapidly, went home that day.
The 2nd one was from an infection, and the young man was septic from avoiding treatment. It hurt me just seeing it... They emergently aspirated it in the ER, and he spent several days in the hospital getting IV antibiotics. I'm assuming you seen your Dr with the ultrasound pending. If long as you don't notice rapid growth or signs of infection give your Doc a call. Good luck with it...

And..... "Of all the bizarre things that can happen!"
With 36 years working EMS?ER... I could tell your some stories.
Yes, took surgery to remove. Not a big deal, well actually it was a "big" deal... :LOL:

I will see can I DM you so as to spare the Forum members my description in Oil Patch / Layman's terms....:2funny:

ETA - DM sent.....
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Really appreciating the replies, making me fell better already! All Pm's are welcome. I realize it might be disturbing/delicate to some folks but my intention is only to gain insight from a very frightening development. Super appreciative to those chiming in and might help someone down the road!
For awhile I had three testicles due to a spermatocele. An ultrasound determined that is what it was but I eventually had it removed after the novelty wore off. Pretty easy surgery I guess...I was fast asleep.
For awhile I had three testicles due to a spermatocele. An ultrasound determined that is what it was but I eventually had it removed after the novelty wore off. Pretty easy surgery I guess...I was fast asleep.

I had the same. Basically felt like a third testicle. Super simple fast surgery. Pain free afterwards to the extent I remember.
Son born with one.We watched and waited ultil 4,then had it fixed. He is 43 now
no problems.
Since we are on the topic, I had a cousin who had the opposite problem. Got an infection or something in 1 ball, so it swelled up very large, making it look like OP's type of swollen issue.

The solution was to remove the 1 ball (non-medical term), which I guess is why the ultrasound test is used, to determine which way to go. :eek:
Although a Hydrocele is possible in women it is mostly a male issue because the testicles in a fetus start forming behind the kidneys and eventually begin their journey downward and passing thru an opening designed to allow sufficient space for them to descend to the scrotum. That is why this condition occurs mostly in a male infant, since the opening has not yet closed allowing fluid to find a pathway down and collect in the scrotum bag. Apparently in some adult men it always remains a point of weakness that can be reopened usually by injury or trauma.
Had hydrocele/spermatocele on both sides, verified by ultrasound to eliminate possibility of something more serious. Developed gradually over a period of years, unknown origin, no injury, no infection, etc. Finally had the larger one removed due to size (we're talking grapefruit size on one side and orange on the other, could not find testicles for self exam, but urologist could discern during exam). That was about 10 years ago. Due to size of incision needed, recovery was longer/more difficult than average, per urologist. I took two weeks off work until I could tolerate underwear and pants, spent those two weeks in loose pajamas. Significant swelling and discomfort, many dissolvable stitches. They can redevelop. On the side where one was removed, there is a small lump now that is smaller than the testicle, developed shortly after surgery and never went away, but hasn't grown (doc said maybe scar tissue, but not sure, not concerned). The other side has grown some over the past decade, but still not as big as the one that was removed. Urologist has suggested it is of a size that he would remove it if I choose. Given my first experience, I have avoided it.

Having it removed when smaller would be preferable for recovery, but when smaller it may not be deemed necessary. Tough call. You have my sympathy. :)
Had hydrocele/spermatocele on both sides, verified by ultrasound to eliminate possibility of something more serious. Developed gradually over a period of years, unknown origin, no injury, no infection, etc. Finally had the larger one removed due to size (we're talking grapefruit size on one side and orange on the other, could not find testicles for self exam, but urologist could discern during exam). That was about 10 years ago. Due to size of incision needed, recovery was longer/more difficult than average, per urologist. I took two weeks off work until I could tolerate underwear and pants, spent those two weeks in loose pajamas. Significant swelling and discomfort, many dissolvable stitches. They can redevelop. On the side where one was removed, there is a small lump now that is smaller than the testicle, developed shortly after surgery and never went away, but hasn't grown (doc said maybe scar tissue, but not sure, not concerned). The other side has grown some over the past decade, but still not as big as the one that was removed. Urologist has suggested it is of a size that he would remove it if I choose. Given my first experience, I have avoided it.

Having it removed when smaller would be preferable for recovery, but when smaller it may not be deemed necessary. Tough call. You have my sympathy. :)

My urologist suggested getting rid of it before it got bigger and I got older [emoji16]
Decided to do an image search on this condition.

Wow! These things can get huge.

Best of luck, OP. Does not look comfortable.
My urologist suggested getting rid of it before it got bigger and I got older [emoji16]

Based on my experience, I agree. Mine progressed so slowly over an extended time, that I didn't appreciate how big it was getting. And since there was no pressing medical need, I took the attitude of "leave well enough alone". By the time I saw a urologist I was past the point of getting it removed when it was small. I was having discomfort from having the proverbial 10 lbs in a 5 lb bag, (which normally only has 1 lb, so to speak, with plenty of room left over). I figured I would share in the hopes that someone else might learn from my experience. :)
1) couple pairs of Speedo type undershorts a couple sizes too small, helps short term

2) get an aspiration done asap. Cures 50% easy

3) aspiration with chemical cocktail injection, I forget the details, has higher success rate.

4) removal is final option.
updating on results of the ultrasound. To recap my GP thought it was probably a hydrocele or inguinal hernia since my swelling is on the right inguinal canal extending into the scrotum. First and foremost the findings suggest the testicles are normal with no focal intratesticular masses. Big sigh of relief, whoosh!

The findings were negative for inguinal hernia which is a whole different animal since they require surgery and there are many decisions to consider regarding mesh vs. no mesh as well as laparoscopic vs. a direct incision. On a side note in my research I discovered that some poorer countries actually have taken to using mesh window screening to repair hernias. Really makes you appreciate our sometimes lacking medical system in the states.

Onto the findings: I have three epidydimal cysts, two of which are over the size normally recommended for surgery, which is over 10mm. My biggest being 94x33x56 mm. They seem to occur in about 30-40 percent of men as they get older. The general consensus is to leave them alone unless they are causing discomfort which they are. The only difference between a spermatocele and a cyst is the type of fluid which is encapsulated, a cyst is basically water and a spermatocele contains water and sperm. These are easier to operate on than a hydrocele which involves the testicle sheathing.

The swelling originated for no apparent reason and it's obvious these cyst have been there for some time. It's possible they can reduce in size as fluid gets reabsorbed. Best in home treatment is a sitz bath to help absorb some of the fluid and heat to encourage blood flow.

My next step is to consult with a urologist and explore treatment options. One such treatment is percutaneous sclerotherapy in which they get drained and inject a chemical that basically shrivels them up, similar to varicose vein treatments. After that surgery to remove them is next. My hope is to manage the condition until November at which time I will be on Medicare. The good news is that unlike an inguinal hernia which could become strangulated and kill you these pose no such danger and in fact have been know to sometimes burst on their own. Lots of things to consider but of all the possible things it could have been, this one is probably the most manageable and operable. I will update after the urologist consult.
I had my hydrocele removed about a decade ago. No big deal, except that my (now-former) urologist forgot to sew everything up, & I had to go back under anesthesia while he finished the job. He sent me a bill, & I had my lawyer send it back, with a short note about malpractice, & a bill for $250K....
Just reading this stuff gives me the shivers. Now dealing with a case of ringworm I got from an alley cat that liked me and sat on my lap a lot purring...

But no weird "sackness", just a little discoloration.

But that's enough to keep my wife far away from the area. No more alley cats.
Saw the title of the thread and went "Is this about what I think it is?" :( :(
updating on results of the ultrasound. To recap my GP thought it was probably a hydrocele or inguinal hernia since my swelling is on the right inguinal canal extending into the scrotum. First and foremost the findings suggest the testicles are normal with no focal intratesticular masses. Big sigh of relief, whoosh!

The findings were negative for inguinal hernia which is a whole different animal since they require surgery and there are many decisions to consider regarding mesh vs. no mesh as well as laparoscopic vs. a direct incision. On a side note in my research I discovered that some poorer countries actually have taken to using mesh window screening to repair hernias. Really makes you appreciate our sometimes lacking medical system in the states.

Onto the findings: I have three epidydimal cysts, two of which are over the size normally recommended for surgery, which is over 10mm. My biggest being 94x33x56 mm. They seem to occur in about 30-40 percent of men as they get older. The general consensus is to leave them alone unless they are causing discomfort which they are. The only difference between a spermatocele and a cyst is the type of fluid which is encapsulated, a cyst is basically water and a spermatocele contains water and sperm. These are easier to operate on than a hydrocele which involves the testicle sheathing.

The swelling originated for no apparent reason and it's obvious these cyst have been there for some time. It's possible they can reduce in size as fluid gets reabsorbed. Best in home treatment is a sitz bath to help absorb some of the fluid and heat to encourage blood flow.

My next step is to consult with a urologist and explore treatment options. One such treatment is percutaneous sclerotherapy in which they get drained and inject a chemical that basically shrivels them up, similar to varicose vein treatments. After that surgery to remove them is next. My hope is to manage the condition until November at which time I will be on Medicare. The good news is that unlike an inguinal hernia which could become strangulated and kill you these pose no such danger and in fact have been know to sometimes burst on their own. Lots of things to consider but of all the possible things it could have been, this one is probably the most manageable and operable. I will update after the urologist consult.

I’ve had the inguinal hernia surgery, appendectomy, and this surgery in the last five or six years. Definitely this one is by far the easiest. Good luck.
I have an 'epididymal cyst' due to a blockage (partial?) of one of my epidymi (some tube that connects to the testicle). My urologist said not to worry about it. He said he could do surgery if I wanted it, but said it might make it worse. SO I just left it alone. I have been living with it for about 8 years now, and it hasn't gotten any bigger. Size of a small orange, I guess, on top of the testicle. I don't even notice it. The uro ordered an ultrasound, just to confirm his diagnosis. I had a pretty female nurse for the ultrasound. Kind of embarrassing, but I guess I would prefer a female to a male, lol. I worried in silence for months before I saw my urologist.
John, I have to ask, does yours get a bit larger in the evening and does the constant heaviness ever go away. Any suggestions for management as I am exploring support garments. The traditional Jock strap is just too tight and begins to hurt and be uncomfortable wearing all day long. I have tried icing and it helps but my goodness the indignity of it all! Heat seems to relieve the mild discomfort , OTC meds?? How long before you learned to live with the new appendage, It's playing psychological on me as I am more guarded about workouts and even simple driving is different. I guess I'm having a difficult time grasping that leaving it alone is an option but it sure sounds like you have come to terms with the discomfort involved.
I have been living with it for about 8 years now, and it hasn't gotten any bigger. Size of a small orange, I guess, on top of the testicle. I don't even notice it.

I'm just waiting for someone in this thread to mention castration as a potential treatment. :LOL:

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