Any New Years resolutions?

The only plan for me is to buy a second radio transmitter for R/C airplanes and teach DW's grandnieces, my cousin's grandson, and maybe the kid next door to fly airplanes. The kid next door will be handy to practice teaching techniques with (assuming parental approval of course). DW has already given her blessing to this endeavor.

However, I feel duty bound to warn the respective parents that this can be an expensive undertaking in the long term since it can lead to a lifelong interest in and enthusiasm for all things aviation related, and that ain't cheap. More than one professional pilot got his/her start playing with toy airplanes.
.........However, I feel duty bound to warn the respective parents that this can be an expensive undertaking in the long term since it can lead to a lifelong interest in and enthusiasm for all things aviation related, and that ain't cheap. More than one professional pilot got his/her start playing with toy airplanes.
On the bright side, at least you didn't introduce them to horses. That's a path to financial ruin. :D
Consider the final move of disposing of the TV all together. Last year I pulled the plug on cable and took a two month no-watching hiatus. I never really went back to it and found I did not miss it. Why does it just continue to take up space?

Continue with my striving to develop spiritually, physically, intellectually, and emotionally each day by doing something in each area, even if very small.

Continue with home improvement plans. I'm rehabbing windows and making progress: hope to do 6 more this year.

Don't sweat the small stuff. Don't have too many expectations of people; just accept whatever comes and assume most people are trying to do their best.
I will, once again, swear off refined sugar. For the past few years, I usually do pretty well for several months then slowly slip back to that sweet white devil. The thing is I can feel the harmful inflammation in my joints when I eat sugar products. And once I start in, I crave more and more. Similar to cigarettes or narcotics I would imagine.

Yup...sugar is super addictive, super terrible for you..but oh so good. Same with simple carbs...nasty stuff but dang its good.
Darn, I'm just now reading this thread. Guess I need to wait until December 31st "again" to make a new years resolution.
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* Cut back on drinking ... especially wine.
* exercise more and lose some weight
* read at least 12 books. Last year I started but only hit 8 books
* save more, pay off small debt
* reduce casual spending
* hike more ... want to complete the 48 4000-ftr Mtns in NH

* make progress on wood strip kayak I am making
I'm gonna blow more dough than I did this year!

actually i have a number of trips this year so I'll be spending a bit more than usual so I do have a resolution to watch my spending every where else.

and I want to learn how to play the guitar.
I am determined to rid house of any item not used in the past year. regardless of:
  • How much I love it
  • How useful it might be in the future
  • My belief that it's too nice or expensive to part with
  • I have one but two (or three) is better just in case I ever need it

I had the same resolution last year as well... :blush:
I will finish all my projects I started and never finished, or thought about starting last year (2018). I just need to make a list of them soon. ;)
To get through the last remaining years of w*rk, my husband says I need to find a way to be good to myself every day. Might sound strange, but I realized today a great way to do that is resolve not to read w*rk emails at home at night.

It’s an awful, addictive habit that has ruined many a good night’s sleep. I hope I can do it.
Travel more. And true to my resolution, I have already booked two trips - one for Jamaica, another to East Coast (DC, New York).

Just got back from DC. Good times, everyone from NY/Jersey were headed south to get away from the ball drop lol. Traffic was INSANE!
I resolved to be less on social media.

Guess that didn't last long as here I am typing away :angel:.
Yes, I had two but I've already abandon both them. Oh, well, maybe next year.
Exercise more
Eat less (and better)

I've been retired for 5 months, and am starting to feel a little "at loose ends". I'm exploring some volunteer opportunities. One involves financial coaching for people with limited incomes, and the other is getting my dog trained to be a therapy dog. I kind of like the latter, because I think I just show up with him, and he does all the w*rk. ;)
I don't make resolutions either, but normally have a few goals in mind regardless of the time of year. Current goals:

- I used to be in great shape but let it slide over the last several months. I'm now back into a solid workout routine and am also coaching my girlfriend who wants to get more fit.

- Continue purging, but now with the expectation that my girlfriend will eventually move in so a lot more has to go.

- Spend more time practicing bass. I surprised myself this year by accepting a last minute fill-in spot on a gig and I had to learn 20 songs in 2 days. I did and played well at the gig. This led to a few one off jams and other gigs with some very solid musicians and I want to become a better player.
3 for me:

1. Do a Sober January. I don't know that I've gone 30 days without a drink since I was 18.
2. Have a family game night once per week. I travel a lot for work and combined with DD's sports its tough to find time together. This year we make it happen.
3. Have 2 dates with DW per month. We go out quite a bit, but always with others. I want to ensure that we get just time for the 2 of us, as well.
I have a few:
- Get back to my WW goal weight. I got off track about 6 months after ER and have been slowly gaining since.
- To support my weight loss goal, DH & I are doing “Dry January.” I can’t recall ever going a month with no alcohol in my adulthood but I’m sure it will help with weight loss. May continue beyond January but even 31 days felt like a big commitment to us, since we love wine a and most of our friends do too.
- Improve fitness by working out 5-6 days/week. I had a foot injury last year that is still painful so my previous 3-5 mile walks have been off the table for months. Signed up for Pilates and am also starting biking and swimming regularly. Plus I’m going to yet another podiatrist next week to try to resolve my foot issue.
- Reduce volunteer commitments to only really meaningful ones. I’ve allowed myself to get roped into some Board work I don’t really enjoy.
- Be more compassionate and less judgmental, especially with my alcoholic sister.

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