Are You Kinda Famous Or Know Someone Who Is

...... about 5 years ago, when I lived in Sand Canyon Ca- a few miles from where I live now - my next door neighbor was 'Steady Eddie' Murray, the former Oriole and Dodger player. He was so low key that I didn't even know who he was until a friend of mine, a huge LA Dodger's fan, saw him taking the trash out one day. My friend got so excited that he nearly tackled him! Turned out he was a terrific guy (and he had a beautiful wife, I HAD noticed her!) Anyway, the next day my friend ran to the local sporting goods store and purchased a dozen or so baseballs that Eddie was gracious enough to autograph for us. :)

BTW, living in Los Angeles I see alot of celebrities. I am very cool about it and hardly say a thing to them. But I have a few is a little one....

I ran into Nicholas Cage in Sherman Oaks Ca about a year and half ago. He was in a 'powder blue' convertible Rolls Royce -a POWDER freakin' BLUE Rolls Royce CONVERTIBLE! a 300K car! anyway, there he was, waiting at the red light right next to my wife and I. He was in the right lane we were in the left. we were at the corner of Woodman and the 101 fwy heading south on woodman. As we pulled up next to him, my gorgeous wife rolled the window down and said "Hey Nick! does that thing run as smooth as it looks?" and batted her eyelashes at him....... He had his right hand on the wheel. turned, cocked his head to his left, lowered his aviator shades and, ever the cool cat, paused for a pregnant few seconds, and said in his best Nick Caqe 'movie' voice, " Ihtsa very nishe car". then he flipped his glasses back over his eyes as the light turned green and ...bye bye baby, as he peeled off into the distance! We laughed about it for weeks aftewards. He was soooo very very cooooool......My wife says I do a fair imitation of him...."ihtsa very nishe car"
I just got a letter from Who's Who asking me to complete a questionaire updating my biographical information for their new Global Directory of Who's Who. I get these requests for one of their publications every other year or so. Recently, they send me electronic versions of the requests too. Since I never buy any of these publications, I have no idea whether my information shows up in the books. I've always suspected that they publish names of people who ask them how to buy the books.

Since I'm not famous and can't imagine why anyone would use a Who's Who publication to learn about me, I assume that these mailings go out to a lot of people. So does anyone else get these requests? :confused:
sgeeeee said:
I just got a letter from Who's Who [...]
So does anyone else get these requests? :confused:

I have gotten them a couple of times, and I'm not the least bit famous, not even in my own mind.

I can't imagine who would ever refer to Who's Who for any serious purpose.
sgeeeee said:
So does anyone else get these requests?

I've always assumed it was a scam. The fact that I started getting requests around age 12 was a tip off. They must figure that people will buy the book to see their name in print.
I never see famous people :/

Though I swear I seen the croc hunter crazy guy at the airport one time. Either that or his damn twin. Does he have two little children?
Oh! And I hung out with Ton Loc and his "posse" in the airport in Seattle once, he was doing a New Year's gig in Spokane (this was only a few years ago, past his peak popularity). I'll always remember his final words as he walked to the McDonalds down the hall, "Ima get me some a dem cheeseburgers." :LOL:

The whole group was very gracious and polite, not your typical rapper image.
Laurence said:
"Ima get me some a dem cheeseburgers."

I'll take "lame things celebs said to me" to block.

We knew the producer of Hollywood Squares, so I got to meet Charlie Weaver (famous only for sitting in a square, I think). He handed me the dead rose from his desk and said, "Plant this, kid, and you'll grow the biggest nothin' you ever saw."

Not the funniest thing I've ever heard, but I'm sure I'll never forget it.
sgeeeee said:
I just got a letter from Who's Who asking me to complete a questionaire updating my biographical information for their new Global Directory of Who's Who.  I get these requests for one of their publications every other year or so.  Recently, they send me electronic versions of the requests too.  Since I never buy any of these publications, I have no idea whether my information shows up in the books.  I've always suspected that they publish names of people who ask them how to buy the books. 

Since I'm not famous and can't imagine why anyone would use a Who's Who publication to learn about me, I assume that these mailings go out to a lot of people.   So does anyone else get these requests?   :confused:


I asked a legitimate reference librarian about this.  She said that (1) there are a number of Who's Whos published by different outfits, (2) most of them are ripoffs, and (3) one publisher in particular is considered to offer a legitimate reference book (the library had several year's worth in its collection).  I think the publisher is Marquis, or something like that.

As I gather from reading your posts, you are indeed famous in a highbrow sort of way.  Multiple journal papers, an IEEE press book, PhD, and so forth.  This makes you an object of curiosity for  people who are interested in intellectual products and productivity.

The Marquis questionaire goes out to people who publish, hold a lot of patents, graduate university with a PhD or Phi Beta Kappa, and so forth (as well as numerous other groups, probably).  If you don't buy the book, they will nevertheless publish your data for a while, but seem inclined to drop you after one or two editions.
HFWR said:
I'm listed in the "Who the f***?" guide...  :p

I'm depressed - not famous, don't know anybody famous, and as far as I know - nobody famous in the family tree.

Did see a punter(name?) during the Pro Bowl when the Superdome(NO) first opened win a new car by hitting the overhead scoreboard.

Another cup of coffee - and I'll buck up.

heh heh heh heh heh
I do not mean to brag but...I receive numerous emails from the brother in law of the Nigerian finance minister, the head of the Nigerian banking commission, and the director of cultural enrichment for the country of Nigeria and his deputy director. I was referred to them by the Swiss Banking Association, with their highest rating.

I'm so obscure - even the Nigerian's won't talk to me. I could see it when I had my old webtv - but now I are high class with a good used Pentium III Thinkpad.

Perhaps another upgrade to Dell or Walmart will put me in the upper crust - at least with the Nigerian's.

heh heh heh heh heh heh heh - coffee's starting to work!!
unclemick2 said:
I'm depressed - not famous, don't know anybody famous, and as far as I know - nobody famous in the family tree.

You are not missing much 8)
bpp said:
... I'm not the least bit famous, not even in my own mind.

You might want to ask R_i_T for a professional opinion, but I think I see the insidious symptoms of low self-esteem. I recommend you increase your daily intake of beer, conveniently available in vending machines where you live and work. ;)
sgeeeee said:
Since I'm not famous and can't imagine why anyone would use a Who's Who publication to learn about me, I assume that these mailings go out to a lot of people. So does anyone else get these requests? :confused:

Yeah, according to the various Who's Who books, I've been the best doctor in the galaxy for the past 32 years. Coincidentally, so have all my colleagues. I guess we just attract one another.

For just $64.99 you can get a leather bound edition (discount since you are listed). What a deal.
I used to get the who's who invites all the time too. They stopped inviting me. :( Maybe now I really am a nobody? :D
astromeria said:
I used to think "nm" meant never mind, but it doesn't seem to here--can someone give me a clue?

"nm" does stand for "never mind". If a poster changes his or her mind and decides that s/he didn't want to post after all, s/he will sometimes delete the original post and replace it with "nm". As in "never mind, nothing to see here".
Rich_in_Tampa said:
For just $64.99 you can get a leather bound edition (discount since you are listed). What a deal.
My husband learned that his patent applications were successful by receviing offers for framed certificates...with Real Gold Leaf! he passed.
jeff2006 said:
. . .As I gather from reading your posts, you are indeed famous in a highbrow sort of way.  Multiple journal papers, an IEEE press book, PhD, and so forth.  This makes you an object of curiosity for  people who are interested in intellectual products and productivity. . .
The kind of fame I get from being an electrical engineer means that if I walk into the right room at the International Microwave Symposium, 50 people recognize me. :) I'll try not to let it go to my head. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
sgeeeee said:
The kind of fame I get from being an electrical engineer means that if I walk into the right room at the International Microwave Symposium, 50 people recognize me.
Yeah, but only if you're carrying coffee, doughnuts, & beer...

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