As the big day approaches apprehension? Irrational exuberance of awesomeness? Indiff

Wipe hard drive?
Ever use your corporate PC for personal business? Wipe that hard drive clean before you return it. Megacorp had me actually drill a series of holes in the hard drive before I returned it.
I saved all my plaques and awards but have been tossing them now when I come across them. Not very meaningful after a few years. Should have tossed them instead of cluttering up the house.
Everything I took home in my "going away" box has been discarded except for a few pens and pencils. Those old awards and plaques were the first to go in the trash.

I did keep the issued FRC coveralls as they are good to wear when working on the car or any other possibly messy project such as painting. I did tear off my sewn on company logo and in it's spot had DW sew on an American flag.
I'm retiring the end of the summer, and told my boss last month. Just announcing it made me feel better. I'm finding it wonderfully liberating to not have to prepare 2019 performance goals, learn new software that's being rolled out, not being asked to serve on long term planning groups, etc. I'm not dreading getting up on Mondays nearly as much, but Sunday nights are still not restful.

Good luck to you, and do keep us posted. Just knowing the end is within sight has to be a relief.
Would have to be in person

I am intrigued that so many can resign by email or similar. I will have to talk to my boss. But it is a small company.
I am intrigued that so many can resign by email or similar. I will have to talk to my boss. But it is a small company.

Megacorp only asks that we fill out the web page.

But the right thing to do is give the boss a head's up first, which is what I'll do.
Everything I took home in my "going away" box has been discarded except for a few pens and pencils. ..........
Same here. All I kept was the ten boxes of staples, 4 boxes of copy paper, a box of 150 pencils, approx 200 pens and a lifetime supply of transparency blanks. :LOL:
I announced my intent to retire in February (for a planned 01 June retirement). DH and I announced on the same day (we work at the same megacorp). We both like and respect our management and coworkers and our secret was getting harder and harder to keep; for example, I was in danger of laughing out loud and saying "I don't care" in any meeting about any kind of goofy megacorp BS.
The timing could not be better big undone project hanging over my head, so any hand off is not going to be big deal.
Since then I've been gleefully counting down the days (45 days left; 31-May is my last day).
I will miss the people I work with...I know that after I leave there will be many that I will never see again, especially since later in the year we plan to move so Florida. It will be strange leaving the building for the last time; I've begun to think about it everyday when I leave. I don't want to cry, dammit.
We're going to be very busy the remainder of the year...a long trip to Florida to check out our kitchen remodel and new floor, working on selling our house here, weddings for both our children in the fall and hopefully moving to Florida before winter. I'm ready to get started now and it seems like slow torture to have to wait 45 more days!

Have fun!
... and hopefully moving to Florida before winter. I'm ready to get started now and it seems like slow torture to have to wait 45 more days!

Have fun!

It is going to be fun. You should be here just in time for hurricane season to welcome you to Florida. :D

Megacorp only asks that we fill out the web page.

But the right thing to do is give the boss a head's up first, which is what I'll do.
This is the same at my Megacorp. I gave my boss a heads up that it was coming last August just before a business trip just in case he wanted to send someone else. Filling out the commencement form on the megacorp webpage --- really the whole process --- was much easier than I expected.

My last day is May 31st and the time is now dragging. I am doing what I can to help junior staff be ready to take the reigns and go even further than I would take my projects, and coaching them up on how to leverage that into promotion$$$.

Now, I am mainly just available and waiting for these next 29 working days to go by. All apprehension is gone, now boredom is setting in. I am beginning to understand why many people with maxed out vacation days take the last few weeks off instead of cashing out those hours. 🙄
Congrats to all you above who are about to make your departure! :dance::dance::dance:

I decided to retire one night while at work, filled out the retirement notification, sent it in to HR, and told my boss in the morning. There was no major final planning or anything like that. I had to give 30 days notice and have not been back to that facility since my last day. Everyone knew I was retiring, but thought it would be a year later, including me. My last day was the end of June and I was in Colorado with my moving van on July 4. For me I think it worked out best without all the final anticipation.
At MegaMotors, they were walking people out with no notice, so I took home everything I thought I'd definitely want on the QT, but once I got a package, I coasted and kept a minimum of stuff. Incidentally, I recently tossed all those things I thought I'd definitely want.


Too funny! I have 2 boxes I brought home from my office almost 18 months ago. Both are under my home office desk, still taped up and unopened. Probably can toss them.
I had a smile on my face all the time. I created a new acronym called a “PRD”. A Practice Retirement Day was taken one or twice a week the last couple of months.
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