Autumn 2021 update on our situation


Moderator Emeritus
Jan 11, 2007
New Orleans
Thank you so much for all the caring inquiries about our hurricane/pandemic situation! In my 53 years of life I never felt I was so precipitiously near death for a variety of overly dramatic reasons. Don't want to elaborate due to our very reasonable COVID posting response policies which I haven't sufficiently studied yet.

But, as an overall summary wanted to say the Frank (my boyfriend, my sweet, my hero, love of my life and probably far beyond) somehow managed to drove me safely back home last night, over 2400 miles in just one day from where I had ended up in the midwest, on the verge of Death's Door in my non-professional opinion.

Frank has been caring for me like a champ. Right now he is getting me some good Louisiana food. We agree that my job for this week is to do as little as possible other than to rest and recover in my recliner and see my doctor as seems wise.

NEVER have been so happy to be home. Thanks for all the caring messages and e-mails.
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Wonderful to hear you are on the mend. How scary it must have been. I will keep you and Frank in my thoughts. Hopefully the wonderful Louisiana food will help you get better both physically and emotionally.

Thank goodness Frank was there for you. [emoji3059]
Wonderful to hear you are on the mend. How scary it must have been. I will keep you and Frank in my thoughts. Hopefully the wonderful Louisiana food will help you get better both physically and emotionally.

Thank goodness Frank was there for you. [emoji3059]

Well, at least your Stephen-Kingish-sounding ordeal had one good outcome - you are back to being 53 again!

(Never would I mention such a silly thing, except that I'm so glad you are back with us. :flowers:)

Thank you so much for all the caring inquiries about our hurricane/pandemic situation! In my 53 years of life I never felt I was so precipitiously near death for a variety of overly dramatic reasons. Don't want to elaborate due to our very reasonable COVID posting response policies which I haven't sufficiently studied yet.

But, as an overall summary wanted to say the Frank (my boyfriend, my sweet, my hero, love of my life and probably far beyond) somehow managed to drove me safely back home last night, over 2400 miles in just one day from where I had ended up in the midwest, on the verge of Death's Door in my non-professional opinion.

Frank has been caring for me like a champ. Right now he is getting me some good Louisiana food. We agree that my job for this week is to do as little as possible other than to rest and recover in my recliner and see my doctor as seems wise.

NEVER have been so happy to be home. Thanks for all the caring messages and e-mails.
So happy you’re home, safe and sound! Rest up and best wishes for a speedy recovery!!!
Great to hear W2R.
Rest up and get back to normal, so we can all read your posts again.
Excellent news! Tell Frank that we too appreciate his support of your care and safe return.
So glad to hear you're back, W2R! :dance:

Thank Frank and rest up.

Looking forward to you soon being back to posting regularly and frequently!

Glad you are home and doing better. Take care.
Great to hear you’re on the mend and home again. Is it fair to assume that your house is in pretty good shape? good and relieved to hear from you. :flowers: There is no place like home.
Add me to the list of being so, SO happy to hear from you!!! I hope you are able to relax some and get back to normal sooner than later.
Thank goodness for home and people who love us.

Since your post of the 13th a lot of us here had our hearts in our throats worrying that this was why you were in the hospital. Thank god for modern medicine.

I'm sure you have quite the story to tell if and when you feel like sharing more.

Feel better soon.
Thanks for the update, glad all is going as good as possible.
W2R so glad you are back home and recovering, I was worried. But how the heck did you end up 2400 miles from home? I thought you were in Memphis TN! Bet you have quite the story to tell.
Great that you're on the mend, and you're now home!
Thank you for sharing the good news.
W2R so glad you are back home and recovering, I was worried. But how the heck did you end up 2400 miles from home? I thought you were in Memphis TN! Bet you have quite the story to tell.

I think that's a typo. It's more like 400 miles!
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