Basal III Endgame.


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 18, 2002
Read an article last week in the Economist about Basal III and the proposed regulations for raising capital requirements for banks by 16% and the possible fallout. Anyone else following this and have any thoughts, good or bad as well as ways to play this from an investment standpoint?

Link below is a short article about what some are calling the Basal III endgame.
This has been on "alternative news sites" for almost a year.
Suddenly. In the last 24 hours. The news is full of stories walking it back: "U.S. regulators are expected to significantly reduce the extra capital banks must hold under a proposed rule that has drawn aggressive pushback from Wall Street, said eight industry executives in regular contact with the agencies and regulatory officials."
I doubt it will be the endgame. The one thing we can always count on is banks finding new ways to get into trouble and needing a bailout. This Basil accord is designed to help with that by raising capital requirements.

IMHO it doesn’t go nearly far enough.
... The one thing we can always count on is banks finding new ways to get into trouble and needing a bailout. ...

Google "synthetic risk transfer"... the "new" mechanism for banks to keep doing what they're doing while spinning of the risk to others.
I thought this thread was going to be about someone dying of skin cancer.
I pay zero attention to this kind of stuff. I have no control over what is happening and the information is not actionable.
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