Best Day Ever?

God has been good to me. I personally believe that for me, no good days come without Him. That said, my best day is the one when I met my wife. The first day was so much fun that we ended up seeing each other for the next 78 days straight.
Got engaged after 3 months and married 3 months after that. Almost 21 years ago now :)
She is the greatest gift I've been given.
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Could have been one of my days as a freshman in college. Out of the horror of high school and into the great unlimited possibilities.
I was about 23 and I had been working as assistant manager of the local pool for a couple of summers. I had a full time job, and doing both got to be too much, so I " retired". The staff threw me a surprise retirement party. I ate too much, drank too much and was surrounded by friends and I was truly surprised. It was great.
We bought a puppy for my birthday about 14 years ago. It was my first pet. I never experienced having a pet as a child. She was an adorable cocker spaniel. I knew nothing about dog obedience so I took her to puppy kindergarden. Each week I would show up and try to teach her new tricks, but she just couldn't follow any of them. The other dogs were all learning quickly and my puppy was just flopping around sniffing everything and lying on her back waiting to be scratched.

My instructor told me not to worry about it. She said some dogs just can't be trained, but she will be a great addition to the family. On graduation we had to bring the pups for a final exam with everyone watching. I was so embarrassed I didn't even want to show up, but I figured what the heck, I might as well.

I don't know what got into her that day, but the for the first time in the entire class, she listened to every command and executed flawlessly. I thought I brought the wrong dog. But the final shining moment was when they announced the top dogs - third place, then second place...and then OMG, they called my puppy's name out as being the top dog in the class, and she was awarded this giant gold trophy. I was stunned. I remember high fiving everyone the entire day, and just waving my arms above my head in victory.

She died about two years ago now, but I will never forget her shining fifteen minutes of glory.
Ready - that is one of the sweetest stories I've ever heard.
Ready - that is one of the sweetest stories I've ever heard.

I think she was absorbing it all and secretly practicing before strutting her stuff for you in a big SURPRISE! :LOL:
Best day ever? My wedding day.

Worst day ever? Every day since.

- "City Slickers"
I was in a religious cult in 1975. On a whim, left Boston and hitchhiked to Goldsboro, NC. (Stationed at Seymour Johnson AFB and released earlier that year.)

It was around 9PM, starting to get dark and was walking down the main street in Goldsboro. All of a sudden someone called my name and it was my best friend. I thought he was in Thailand and he was the last person I thought I'd see. He had gotten an early discharge, grew a beard and was loving life in Goldsboro.

He had bought an old van and we just hung out listening to ZZ Top, southern rock bands, smoking doobies and reminiscing.

God, I loved my friend. I became estranged from him just this year. I think I'll give him a call tonight.

When I got home from work today, there was a handwritten note on my door. My long lost (decades) best friend from junior high to college years found me somehow and stopped by on his way to somewhere. He found me through internet. We caught up over the phone. What a day!
Lots of very good days but I think the best one was the day I married DW. Nothing fancy about the wedding but she's the best thing that ever happened to me.
A couple weeks ago my five year old declared "best day ever" because we had spent the afternoon hanging around with the neighbors and trying to fly a kite. I felt awfully good about that.

I can't pinpoint my best day ever (leaving aside the birth of my two children, the wedding was great, but too crazy to qualify).
Best day ever-Christmas 1977, my sister, brother & I still living at home in our early 20's. Dad had retired in 1974, and had mostly recovered from a major heart attack in 1975. He had been raised in California, and had not returned since he got back from WWII, met and married our Mom in NYC. He still had 2 sisters there he'd hadn't seen in over almost 30 years. We grew up hearing how much he loved his life in California, but after meeting our Mom he never regretted not being able to afford to return. So that Christmas my siblings and I pooled our money and paid for tickets and cash & new luggage for them to go to California for 2 months. Seeing the look on my fathers face when he opened that card and realized he was going will last me for the rest of my life. He left the room, and I realized it was the first time in my life I had actually seen my father cry. It was absolutely the right gift at the right time for the best parents anyone could have asked for.

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