Blogging: "It's good for you!"


Moderator Emeritus
Dec 11, 2002
Blogging--It's Good for You: Scientific American

Blogging may make you heal faster:
But besides serving as a stress-coping mechanism, expressive writing produces many physiological benefits. Research shows that it improves memory and sleep, boosts immune cell activity and reduces viral load in AIDS patients, and even speeds healing after surgery. A study in the February issue of the Oncologist reports that cancer patients who engaged in expressive writing just before treatment felt markedly better, mentally and physically, as compared with patients who did not.

Or maybe it's just a pressure-relief valve for disease symptoms:
Flaherty, who studies conditions such as hypergraphia (an uncontrollable urge to write) and writer’s block, also looks to disease models to explain the drive behind this mode of communication. For example, people with mania often talk too much. “We believe something in the brain’s limbic system is boosting their desire to communicate,” Flaherty explains... “You know that drives are involved [in blogging] because a lot of people do it compulsively.” Also, blogging might trigger dopamine release, similar to stimulants like music, running and looking at art.
Does reading blogging count? Reading forums? :) Wasting time on the internet?
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